Re Shahfaisal and what the Qur'an says.
Just a wild guess on my part but the original Qur'an probably wasn't written in English and what you posted was a translation.
Similarly the Bible is a collection of books that were written in different languages and translated.
The problem is in the translations. In some cases the translator modifies the original meaning to suit his / her personal agenda. In others the meaning is guessed. In some cases things are lost in translation because not all words have equals in all languages.
English word meanings also change. "Thou shalt not kill" is often used to fight capital punishment but the usage is wrong.
When the King James Bible was translated the word "Kill" meant murder. The term "Slay" was used where there was no criminal intent.
Since almost every major religion has branches or sects the translations are all obviously somewhat loose.
Food for thought:
It is my understanding that Muslims are not allowed to borrow money. Think about how that would affect western economics.
First of all, the Quaran isn't old at all, it's one of "Satans" best counterfeit pieces of work.
To correctly read the Bible you need to learn Aramaic Hebrew, since it was translated into current hebrew, greek, latin, then english a few times, badly i might add. The 1611 version is more accurate if you can read it.
As far the "Thou shalt not kill" comment, also incorrect, it's "thou shalt not murder". Just as we have different words for "kill" "slay" "murder" "die" "sacrifice" , so do jews.
I have family that used to be in the U.S. Military and this passage and translation was stressed to them that it was ok to kill as long as it is justified. Trying to relieve any religious misgivings of taking a life.
Now this my friend is a sensitive subject, ask yourself this.
Who told those soldiers to go kill other men they don't know, on foreign land, for reasons they also don't know, God or some man (king / queen / general) they were taking orders from? Think about that. No disrespect intended, many veterans have different views as they get older and wiser.
Now let's expose this fake religion, in fact let's hear from an insider, an ex muslim, Hamas leaders son no less, he was smart enough to break free from the satanic ritual abuse.
Shahfaisal does certainly have a few things spot on, like USA created, funded, armed and uses as their dirty rag, all the "terrorist" organizations, they just keep changing the names to keep us in fear. guessing who the current boogeyman is.
ISIS is not only the recent name, also stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Another snake in the grass.
What everyone is failing to see here is the big picture, but it will soon become clear.
I could go on but since this is about Paris, carry on.
R.I.P. Innocent sacrificial victims.