Paris under attack

There are plenty of news sources citing information, including IS statements confirming them sending thousands of their people in the refugee stream, but that won't prevent the bleeding hearts from coming up with a reason to doubt those statements. Bottom line is that when arguing against emotions, no amount of facts will suffice.
well said if thats the case can you tell me why a self proclaimed protector of ISLAM/MUSLIMS have not attacked ISRAEL??? or even said a single word against ISRAEL.. heck they went as far as to call
HAMAS the ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.. enemies of islam... please do explain with your facts how ISIS is not ISRAEL's *****.

1) Syria is overrun by terrorists. Huge chunks of it are controlled by the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda). They'll continue being terrorists until our oligarchs decide it's time for them to become our friends
2) Some of those terrorists joined the stream of refugees and economic migrants. Of course, they may have left something at the border :cool:

3) Some of those newly beardless folk participated in Paris attacks

Guess what happens if you are Syrian in an ISIS overrun area and you don't have a beard if you are male!
Guess what happens if you are Syrian in an ISIS overrun area and you don't have a beard if you are male!
ISIS declares you to be GAY and beheads you.. sells your organs to israel on the black market.. ohh wait they already do that with the antique etc.
Yes, it's all a government conspiracy, same with the reptilians and the fake Moon landing :cool: The original plan was to push 25,000 refugees, by the end of the year, come Hell or high water.. That didn't pan out.. In any case, I'm real curious as to how they'll screen those refugees.. Call up the ISIS headquarters in Raqqa and ask if buddyboy is a normal Syrian or one of their sleeper agents?

Considering it took the French quite a while to actually find bits of the suicide bomber to identify him I am also surprised that the passport survived as it did. In fact, so are many Syrians as they have now advertised their passports as being fireproof, explosion proof and bullet proof using photoshop.
There are plenty of news sources citing information, including IS statements confirming them sending thousands of their people in the refugee stream, but that won't prevent the bleeding hearts from coming up with a reason to doubt those statements. Bottom line is that when arguing against emotions, no amount of facts will suffice.

I'm not arguing using emotions. Of course when someone presents an opinion different from yours you need to degrade them as emotional which is ridiculous if you want a serious conversation.What your actually saying is that your opinions based on facts are more correct than other peoples opinions based on facts. This again is opinion not fact.

ISIS has many statements confirming their plans to radicalize citizen's already in countries. Their web and social media presence is well documented. It is what separates ISIS from Al Qaeda and has made them very effective. ISIS has also stated that they will take claim to any terrorist action despite having little to do with it in order to appear more powerful. One of their main objectives as stated by them is to make it US vs Them with no grey zone. They want people to fear refugees and hate all muslims. These things are known but of course it doesn't fit your view point of an ISIS sleeper cell invasion. That is fine you can have your opinion again it doesn't make mine which is also based on ISIS statements wrong.

Refugees leaving Syria hurts ISIS. The world being inclusive to all religions and people from various backgrounds is the antithesis of the ISIS agenda. Fostering fear with possibly false statements about refugees being terrorists isn't a stretch here. The Paris attacks and convenient passport were designed to make people fear refugees. The timing is specific to the world moving to accept Syrians into their societies to live in tolerance which is what ISIS doesn't want.

Everything in this thread is opinion. You have yours and I have mine. Your belief in your being right does not make it a fact.
I'm not arguing using emotions. Of course when someone presents an opinion different from yours you need to degrade them as emotional which is ridiculous if you want a serious conversation.What your actually saying is that your opinions based on facts are more correct than other peoples opinions based on facts. This again is opinion not fact.

ISIS has many statements confirming their plans to radicalize citizen's already in countries. Their web and social media presence is well documented. It is what separates ISIS from Al Qaeda and has made them very effective. ISIS has also stated that they will take claim to any terrorist action despite having little to do with it in order to appear more powerful. One of their main objectives as stated by them is to make it US vs Them with no grey zone. They want people to fear refugees and hate all muslims. These things are known but of course it doesn't fit your view point of an ISIS sleeper cell invasion. That is fine you can have your opinion again it doesn't make mine which is also based on ISIS statements wrong.

Refugees leaving Syria hurts ISIS. The world being inclusive to all religions and people from various backgrounds is the antithesis of the ISIS agenda. Fostering fear with possibly false statements about refugees being terrorists isn't a stretch here. The Paris attacks and convenient passport were designed to make people fear refugees. The timing is specific to the world moving to accept Syrians into their societies to live in tolerance which is what ISIS doesn't want.

Everything in this thread is opinion. You have yours and I have mine. Your belief in your being right does not make it a fact.

Let me just think about the kind of individuals who will be most susceptible to future radicalization.... then lets invite 25,000 of em over. ;)
Let me just think about the kind of individuals who will be most susceptible to future radicalization.... then lets invite 25,000 of em over. ;)

But 99% + of those people are trying to escape from fundamental idiots. Syria had a pretty progressive society as I said before. The population doesn't want fundamentalism as a majority but that doesn't sit well with people who have an agenda based on skin colour.
Let me just think about the kind of individuals who will be most susceptible to future radicalization.... then lets invite 25,000 of em over. ;)

Leaving children to fester in camps with no hope will make more radicals its just common sense. Bringing them to Canada and exposing them to a society of tolerance of others and our values of inclusion will make a positive impact.

Why are you so scared of women and children? Are you saying all Syrians are terrorists? These refugees will undergo the most rigorous screening of any immigrant to Canada. People fought the Irish coming saying the same garbage about being problem people. Same rhetoric was used against the Jews. They were concerned their foreign culture would take over and control. We as Canadians have taken in the Vietnamese boat people who were fleeing a terror based regime just as Syrians are and have become an important part of our country despite those who didn't want 'foreigners'.

If your worried about future radicalization then helping out those fleeing the radicals will gain you allies. Western powers have destroyed more of Syrian than any Syrian has destroyed of Western powers.
The families of two suspected jihadists, who were killed in the French police counter-terrorist operations following the Paris attacks in November, have sued France for murder, saying that their relatives were killed wrongfully.
Murder complaints were recently filed by the family of the Hasna Aitboulahcen, a cousin of the alleged Paris attacks mastermind, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, and by the father of Tarek Belgacem, who tried assaulting a police station with a knife on the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, The Local reported.
Aitboulahcen was killed on November 18, five days after the Paris attack, when the police stormed an apartment in Saint-Denis where she was hiding together with Abaaoud and another terrorist, Chakib Akrouh.
© Source: YouTube Hasna Aitboulahcen © Green Apple French investigators believe that the 26-year-old woman was the one who found and rented the safe house for the jihadists.
However, her family disagrees with the official version of the events, claiming that Aitboulahcen was helping the terrorists against her will.
“I consider that Hasna Aitboulahcen is a victim,” Fabien Ndoumou, the family's lawyer, said. “She was under pressure from her cousin, who threatened her family and the families of her friends.”
The lawyer also said that the woman’s body still remained at the forensic institute in the capital, and demanded a burial permit, explaining that “this goes against Muslim rites.”
According to AFP, the family filed a complaint against persons unknown for terrorism and murder on January 13th with a Paris anti-terrorist judge, Christophe Teissier.
A similar “voluntary homicide” suit came from the father of Belgacem, who was gunned down by the officers on January 7. The police said that they opened fire at the man after he approached them with a meat cleaver and ignored their warnings.
According to authorities he was also wearing a fake suicide west and had a note on him pledging allegiance to Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL) terror group, which claimed responsibility for killing 130 people in Paris on November 13.
The father Taoufik Belgacem claimed that his son wasn’t a jihadist, describing him as “normal, like all young people, a good person.” He said that the police officers “could have fired at him without killing him.”
The attacker’s cousin, Ahmed Belgacem, also supposed that the note, which linked Tarek Belgacem to IS, could have been planted on him to “hide a police error.”
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