Paris under attack

So it is big business rounding up civilians and putting them in cages and drowning them in pools, cutting of their heads, packing them in cars and firing an RPG at it? If 100,000's had the will to fight a few thousand it wouldn't be a war zone.

Did you even read what I wrote? It would have been easier for the Syrians to fight back if their entire infrastructure wasn't 'bombed to the stoneage' It would have been much easier for the population if the U.S. wasn't arming and supporting all of the people doing the acts you listed. Your blaming the victims of this violence. If someone starts your house on fire is it your fault it burns to the ground?
Did you even read what I wrote? It would have been easier for the Syrians to fight back if their entire infrastructure wasn't 'bombed to the stoneage' It would have been much easier for the population if the U.S. wasn't arming and supporting all of the people doing the acts you listed. Your blaming the victims of this violence. If someone starts your house on fire is it your fault it burns to the ground?

There are people fighting, that's why it's a warzone and that's why there's resistance. However there's a lot of people who don't fancy throwing rocks at heavily armed and barbaric insurgents and they have rightly decided to move away to safety. I get the feeling there's some people here who would much rather have seen a slaughter than see people flee to safety which is pretty sick in my mind. I'm guessing you didn't really understand what was going on when Palestinians fled Israel in the 60's or what happened between Tsutsis and Hutus in Africa. This is ethnic and tribal cleansing. If you think Syrians are leaving their homes for ***** and giggles and that economic factors are their main motivation then you've really not been watching what's been going on.
Libs have changed their target for Syrian refugees from 25k to 10k as a means of doing it properly and safely. Which is the most responsible thing to do I don't think they foresaw the Paris attacks during the campaign.
Libs have changed their target for Syrian refugees from 25k to 10k as a means of doing it properly and safely. Which is the most responsible thing to do I don't think they foresaw the Paris attacks during the campaign.

The target is still 25K. 10K by end of year, and another 15K by end of February.
Libs have changed their target for Syrian refugees from 25k to 10k as a means of doing it properly and safely. Which is the most responsible thing to do I don't think they foresaw the Paris attacks during the campaign.

I think it's a logical approach. Quell the post-Paris panic - test run of 10k in 5 weeks, then 15k in 2 months.
I think it's a logical approach. Quell the post-Paris panic - test run of 10k in 5 weeks, then 15k in 2 months.

We could still do better. Work with the existing Canadian-Syrian population here to help expedite getting their family members here. Win-win as we help unite more families and this helps alleviate some of the burden on the European countries who are swamped right now. Perhaps this would be a way to get some of the single males who nobody seems to want. If they had relations here this would help to find a place for these displaced men to go. There still needs to be oversight of course but taking in refugees and immigrants is something Canada does well at.

Seems ridiculous that even our watered down plan will still match what the U.S. is talking about doing and they have 10 times our population.
I'm totally against this. A lot of people here have been radicalised we don't want to give them ammunition. They are going to say this happened because the west and non-muslims interfered in Syria etc...

Find the refugees who had a horrible life there being oppressed as lower class etc... Bring them here, educate them and give them a good job. Sell them on the dream of being a Canadian. If we are going to bring them here, let's do it right. Let's house, educate and feed them. We don't need anymore people on the streets or committing crime.

We could still do better. Work with the existing Canadian-Syrian population here to help expedite getting their family members here. Win-win as we help unite more families and this helps alleviate some of the burden on the European countries who are swamped right now. Perhaps this would be a way to get some of the single males who nobody seems to want. If they had relations here this would help to find a place for these displaced men to go. There still needs to be oversight of course but taking in refugees and immigrants is something Canada does well at.

Seems ridiculous that even our watered down plan will still match what the U.S. is talking about doing and they have 10 times our population.
I'm totally against this. A lot of people here have been radicalised we don't want to give them ammunition. They are going to say this happened because the west and non-muslims interfered in Syria etc...

Find the refugees who had a horrible life there being oppressed as lower class etc... Bring them here, educate them and give them a good job. Sell them on the dream of being a Canadian. If we are going to bring them here, let's do it right. Let's house, educate and feed them. We don't need anymore people on the streets or committing crime.

You and I are actually on the same page. People coming here cannot end up in some sort of Middle Eastern ghetto in Toronto. They need to have infrastructure, ESL, food, education, and whatever supports they need. If we just go crazy and bring people in with no plan or proper supports then we will end up with some of the radicals like France has. Hopeless youth turn to crime, gang, and amazingly enough radical Islam (which I did not see coming years ago). I suspect part of the reason that the Liberals had to "break" their election promise is that they realized that bringing in 25000 in one go would overwhelm our system and we could not look after these people properly. By spreading it out a bit we can bring them in properly and give them the resources they need.

If we do this poorly then some might end up radicalized and that would be the worst thing that could happen.
I wonder if it's possible to offer jobs locally to some of the refugees. I wouldn't mind employing a few of them as long as they are willing to assimilate. It's not a great paying job, but it's a stepping stone to help integrate them.

You and I are actually on the same page. People coming here cannot end up in some sort of Middle Eastern ghetto in Toronto. They need to have infrastructure, ESL, food, education, and whatever supports they need. If we just go crazy and bring people in with no plan or proper supports then we will end up with some of the radicals like France has. Hopeless youth turn to crime, gang, and amazingly enough radical Islam (which I did not see coming years ago). I suspect part of the reason that the Liberals had to "break" their election promise is that they realized that bringing in 25000 in one go would overwhelm our system and we could not look after these people properly. By spreading it out a bit we can bring them in properly and give them the resources they need.

If we do this poorly then some might end up radicalized and that would be the worst thing that could happen.
I wonder if it's possible to offer jobs locally to some of the refugees. I wouldn't mind employing a few of them as long as they are willing to assimilate. It's not a great paying job, but it's a stepping stone to help integrate them.

That is the Canadian spirit that we are known for. They need opportunities; not permanently closed doors. One has to wonder what will happen for the 10000 Syrian refugees that find their way to the U.S. Places like Seattle would be a soft place to land but if some end up in the bible belt then they will be in for a world of rejection, Xenophobia, and frankly, a crappy existence. Too many Americans seem to forget that their families were immigrants at one time. I met a lot of Americans on my cruise who wanted nothing to do with any refugees at all; let alone ones from the Middle East. However, I met others who wanted to lend a helping hand and felt that the U.S. should help settle some of these Syrian refugees.
Don't forget the two different sects of islam seem to hate each other and want each other dead. Kinda like the Protestants and Catholics did for a while.

They certainly still do in Ireland.
Screening 10,000 people in 5 weeks lol... what a joke
Screening 10,000 people in 5 weeks lol... what a joke
IIRC they have about 500 employees going over to do the screening. That's about 20 refugees per employee. Over the course of 5 weeks isn't bad at all - they could pull off 1 refugee per day if they wanted to
Screening 10,000 people in 5 weeks lol... what a joke

That seems like a lot on the surface but how many refugees and immigrants do we bring into Canada in a year?

This is a cursory glance:

"In 2014, 260,404 permanent immigrants landed in Canada, an increase of 0.5% compared to 259,023 one year earlier."

In this context 10000 refugees over a 5 week span does not seem so crazy. Also, Canada is very experienced at this. Since the Liberal Feds decided to scale back their election promise presumably this process has been discussed extensively and the details examined with a fine tooth comb.

Many could question how we can let others into our country when there is homelessness and other issues. I see a lot of homelessness in my job and the vast causality that I see for this is mental illness. Throwing money at mental illness is not going to fix this overnight. Canada has a lot to work to do on many issues and files but if we cannot bring in some of these refugees then we are no longer the Canada I grew up in and studied in University (I majored in History).
That seems like a lot on the surface but how many refugees and immigrants do we bring into Canada in a year?

This is a cursory glance:

"In 2014, 260,404 permanent immigrants landed in Canada, an increase of 0.5% compared to 259,023 one year earlier."

In this context 10000 refugees over a 5 week span does not seem so crazy. Also, Canada is very experienced at this. Since the Liberal Feds decided to scale back their election promise presumably this process has been discussed extensively and the details examined with a fine tooth comb.

Many could question how we can let others into our country when there is homelessness and other issues. I see a lot of homelessness in my job and the vast causality that I see for this is mental illness. Throwing money at mental illness is not going to fix this overnight. Canada has a lot to work to do on many issues and files but if we cannot bring in some of these refugees then we are no longer the Canada I grew up in and studied in University (I majored in History).

Our minimal birth rate is partly to blame for the need for immigration. We need immigrants to do the jobs we don't want, like raising our kids (Nannies) and taking care of our elderly (Nurse aides).
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