Snobike Mike
Justin Time
No doubt. Our new "Obama" needs to get voted in again next time somehow..........
Justin Time
I'm assuming you want the refugees? If so can you tell me the following:
1. Who will pay for all of this
2. Where are you going to put them
3. How do you intend to screen them to ensure we aren't importing terrorists
4. When do we send them back
I'm assuming you want the refugees? If so can you tell me the following:
1. Who will pay for all of this
2. Where are you going to put them
3. How do you intend to screen them to ensure we aren't importing terrorists
4. When do we send them back
For all those so afraid of terrorists among the refugees let me ask you which is easier and more likely.
Get a fake passport and endure rigorous background and biometric checks by all levels of law enforcement to enter as a refugee? Even then because children and women are prioritized the terrorist even then might not even get a chance to be screened for selection.
Get a fake passport from one of the hundreds of countries that we have an agreement with and just fly through Pearson answering only a few minor questions?
1. Who will pay for all of this
2. Where are you going to put them
It's only $1.3B. Amounts to $37 per man/woman/child in Canada. We can afford it.
Over 6 years. Big frickin deal.
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$37 per Canadian over 6 years cost of this latest round is peanuts. One case of beer spread out over six years, oh the horror!
Yet there's no money for our own homeless/disenfranchised and veterans.
Yet there's no money for our own homeless/disenfranchised and veterans.
It doesn't need to be one or the other. .
Money wont fix the homeless issue if you give them money they will quickly dispose of it and end up where they started. Veterans are another issue and one that can and should be dealt with. Unfortunately the people who are brought in will do much better than many already here because they will work to make sure they end up in a better place. There is a reason landlords love refugees and immigrants, they always make the rent and don't trash the apartments. I do think we need a way to make people disperse more so we don't get cultural ghettos like we seem to have in Brampton.
Yet there's no money for our own homeless/disenfranchised and veterans.
Aren't the cultural ghetto's in Brampton made up of "immigrants"???
See below.I think Kanada should open its' arms to anybody and everybody who needs a comfortable place to land. I wouldn't want to be the one to deny anybody the good life. 25,000? Drop in the bucket. Are we going to tolerate discriminatory refugee practices? I haven't bought a case of beer in years, put me down for a bakers dozen flat bread bakers.
Over 6 years. Big frickin deal.
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