Paris under attack

I'm assuming you want the refugees? If so can you tell me the following:

1. Who will pay for all of this
2. Where are you going to put them
3. How do you intend to screen them to ensure we aren't importing terrorists
4. When do we send them back


1. The same people who paid for the last 30,000 Syrian refugees
2. CFBs at first. Doesn't matter after they're screened.
3. Same way we have screened the last 30,000 Syrian refugees.
4. They're not POWs. They don't get sent back.

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For all those so afraid of terrorists among the refugees let me ask you which is easier and more likely.

Get a fake passport and endure rigorous background and biometric checks by all levels of law enforcement to enter as a refugee? Even then because children and women are prioritized the terrorist even then might not even get a chance to be screened for selection.


Get a fake passport from one of the hundreds of countries that we have an agreement with and just fly through Pearson answering only a few minor questions?
I'm assuming you want the refugees? If so can you tell me the following:

1. Who will pay for all of this
2. Where are you going to put them
3. How do you intend to screen them to ensure we aren't importing terrorists
4. When do we send them back


Go back in this thread and read my previous post.
For all those so afraid of terrorists among the refugees let me ask you which is easier and more likely.

Get a fake passport and endure rigorous background and biometric checks by all levels of law enforcement to enter as a refugee? Even then because children and women are prioritized the terrorist even then might not even get a chance to be screened for selection.


Get a fake passport from one of the hundreds of countries that we have an agreement with and just fly through Pearson answering only a few minor questions?

Terrorists getting in via refugees may or may not be a problem, if not then can be used as legitimate red herring argument to keep massive flood of unemployable people beyond the vacuum of money sucking vortex barely funded by overburdened middle class.
Over 6 years. Big frickin deal.

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Canadians have been extraordinarily generous when it comes to refugees and the $37 per Canadian over 6 years cost of this latest round is peanuts. One case of beer spread out over six years, oh the horror!

When that mosque in Peterborough was recently torched by an arsonist, crowd-funding raised over $100K in three days. The average contribution was over $50 per person. Check out the names of the contributors at and see if you can guess the demographics of the majority of contributors.

Those contributions are a huge middle finger pointed right at those hate-mongering rednecks and bigots who would opportunistically use Paris to stoke hate against an entire religious demographic. Well done.
$37 per Canadian over 6 years cost of this latest round is peanuts. One case of beer spread out over six years, oh the horror!

Yet there's no money for our own homeless/disenfranchised and veterans.
Funny how some of those opening their arms indiscriminately to "refugees" from a foreign country also are those who wish to sanction law abiding citizens of their own country because of "scary guns".

I guess Justin figures by pulling out of the fight overseas against ISIS will save fuel on jets and boats and stuff because he's simply bringing them here.
Money wont fix the homeless issue if you give them money they will quickly dispose of it and end up where they started. Veterans are another issue and one that can and should be dealt with. Unfortunately the people who are brought in will do much better than many already here because they will work to make sure they end up in a better place. There is a reason landlords love refugees and immigrants, they always make the rent and don't trash the apartments. I do think we need a way to make people disperse more so we don't get cultural ghettos like we seem to have in Brampton.
Money wont fix the homeless issue if you give them money they will quickly dispose of it and end up where they started. Veterans are another issue and one that can and should be dealt with. Unfortunately the people who are brought in will do much better than many already here because they will work to make sure they end up in a better place. There is a reason landlords love refugees and immigrants, they always make the rent and don't trash the apartments. I do think we need a way to make people disperse more so we don't get cultural ghettos like we seem to have in Brampton.

Aren't the cultural ghetto's in Brampton made up of "immigrants"???
Yet there's no money for our own homeless/disenfranchised and veterans.


On top of issues like health care, education, training and jobs I want to know the integration plan. Are we going to have "Little Syrias" pop up in towns and cities across Ontario and Canada where these folks will congregate? Will these "areas" -- I won't use the 'g' word yet -- become enclaves where English is not spoken, where sharia law is practiced in basements, where women's rights are suppressed, where old-world feuds will fester and old scores will be settled? Will integration fail and poverty become the norm and will the young be targeted by gangs and radicalization? Will demands arise for land for new mosques?

We should look to Toronto's so-called "Little Mogadishu" as a precedence here.

The up-front security concerns are, of course, very valid. One of the attackers in Paris possessed the passport of a Syrian refugee. How, exactly, are security risks "vetted"? Is a one-hour visa-officer interview really vetting? Is every fighting age male and female's record going to be cross-checked with Syrian intelligence and law enforcement? Of course not, so how will it be done?

Maybe integration would be easier and smoother for all if, instead of bringing thousands of refugees into the cores of a few cities we settle a few families in each of the roughly 3400 cities, towns and villages all across the country.
I think Kanada should open its' arms to anybody and everybody who needs a comfortable place to land. I wouldn't want to be the one to deny anybody the good life. 25,000? Drop in the bucket. Are we going to tolerate discriminatory refugee practices? I haven't bought a case of beer in years, put me down for a bakers dozen flat bread bakers.
I think Kanada should open its' arms to anybody and everybody who needs a comfortable place to land. I wouldn't want to be the one to deny anybody the good life. 25,000? Drop in the bucket. Are we going to tolerate discriminatory refugee practices? I haven't bought a case of beer in years, put me down for a bakers dozen flat bread bakers.
See below.

Over 6 years. Big frickin deal.

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You regularly post sensible things, so I'm not going to lay into you, but pick up the phone and call your friends in Europe where these "refugees" are being assimilated with society and let me know how you feel.

Watch this video first before it's taken down.. Mainstream media won't show you this angle.

Islam has the deadliest weapon of all.. the ability to breed at 10x the pace of other societies. Say goodbye to the Europe you knew.

I spent sometime in Marsielle's last year which has a LARGE muslim population. It is grungy and felt like I was in the Middle East. I.e. Nothing European about it. That's coming from my first hand view and not google images

Liberalism is/will be the downfall of our civilization.

The suicide of Europe
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