Paris under attack

Not all Muslims are terrorists, however all terrorists to date have been Muslims.
You know what you can have that one.. but you have missed a bigger commonality.. all terrorist groups have links to one secret entity or another..

Terror groups in pakistan have links to indian RAW..
Terror groups in india have links to pakistani ISI.

Terror groups in the balkans have links to NATO.
Terror groups in Iran have links to israeli MOSSAD
While what israel claims as terror groups have links to iran..

Essentially all terror groups are nothing but proxies created and maintained for indirect warfare..
In all fairness I think Shahfaisal has been posting good stuff in this thread. Despite my past vocal disagreements with him I think he's doing really well in this discussion.

You beat me to it. I wasn't a fan in the past, but times change.
You know what you can have that one.. but you have missed a bigger commonality.. all terrorist groups have links to one secret entity or another..

Terror groups in pakistan have links to indian RAW..
Terror groups in india have links to pakistani ISI.

Terror groups in the balkans have links to NATO.
Terror groups in Iran have links to israeli MOSSAD
While what israel claims as terror groups have links to iran..

Essentially all terror groups are nothing but proxies created and maintained for indirect warfare..
Exception in my view Would be hamas and hezbullah .. simply because were/are legitimatly defending against an aggressor.... dont forget israel started off as a terror group as well remember the infamous king david hotel.

Especially hamas since it does nothing against anyone but the occupation.

Neither group acts on religious doctrine... both were created in the absence of a strong military.. both have popular support... both have shown considerable restraint when provoked...

Other than these two in my view all other groups especially those claiming islamic doctrine are terror groups.

The best example of ISIS being islamic is that they pray in all sorts of different directions... everyone know muslims have to pray towards makkah.

What kind of a islamic state doesnt even know which direction to pray in?? Especially considering most are no further than an 8 hr drive from makkah not like us here on the other side of the bloody planet.
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[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]After its battle in Dabiq, Cerantonio said, the caliphate will expand and sack Istanbul. Some believe it will then cover the entire Earth, but Cerantonio suggested its tide may never reach beyond the Bosporus. An anti-Messiah, known in Muslim apocalyptic literature as Dajjal, will come from the Khorasan region of eastern Iran and kill a vast number of the caliphate’s fighters, until just 5,000 remain, cornered in Jerusalem. Just as Dajjal prepares to finish them off, Jesus—the second-most-revered prophet in Islam—will return to Earth, spear Dajjal, and lead the Muslims to victory.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]here's some gibberish they preach [/FONT]
seems all your posts are defending one after another. not one shows the sign of remorse for the victims and family.
You should see his post after those children were all kidnapped. He blamed the parents of the children as much as the kidnappers! Mind you Shahfaisal probably considers himself a moderate. See if that helps you sleep more soundly tonight.
my question to you is, why in your opinion do you think the rest of the world has not banned together to wipe this threat of the face of the earth?

You can't destroy an ideology by proving it to be true. Going to war with ISIS is what they want. They want foreign invaders as it serves their narrative. The anti Muslim rhetoric or racists and xenophobes are just fuelling people to join ISIS. In order to kill the ideology you have to show how false it is and instead people are rushing to support what ISIS is saying.

The U.S. has armed ISIS soldiers many times while playing political games in other sovereign nations and the U.S. has systematically supporting removing anyone in the region with enough power or desire to do anything about ISIS. One at a time the U.S. has cleared the field of other power brokers.
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Re Shahfaisal and what the Qur'an says.

Just a wild guess on my part but the original Qur'an probably wasn't written in English and what you posted was a translation.

Similarly the Bible is a collection of books that were written in different languages and translated.

The problem is in the translations. In some cases the translator modifies the original meaning to suit his / her personal agenda. In others the meaning is guessed. In some cases things are lost in translation because not all words have equals in all languages.

English word meanings also change. "Thou shalt not kill" is often used to fight capital punishment but the usage is wrong.

When the King James Bible was translated the word "Kill" meant murder. The term "Slay" was used where there was no criminal intent.

Since almost every major religion has branches or sects the translations are all obviously somewhat loose.

Food for thought:

It is my understanding that Muslims are not allowed to borrow money. Think about how that would affect western economics.
English word meanings also change. "Thou shalt not kill" is often used to fight capital punishment but the usage is wrong.

When the King James Bible was translated the word "Kill" meant murder. The term "Slay" was used where there was no criminal intent.

I have family that used to be in the U.S. Military and this passage and translation was stressed to them that it was ok to kill as long as it is justified. Trying to relieve any religious misgivings of taking a life.
Re Shahfaisal and what the Qur'an says.

Just a wild guess on my part but the original Qur'an probably wasn't written in English and what you posted was a translation.

Similarly the Bible is a collection of books that were written in different languages and translated.

The problem is in the translations. In some cases the translator modifies the original meaning to suit his / her personal agenda. In others the meaning is guessed. In some cases things are lost in translation because not all words have equals in all languages.

English word meanings also change. "Thou shalt not kill" is often used to fight capital punishment but the usage is wrong.

When the King James Bible was translated the word "Kill" meant murder. The term "Slay" was used where there was no criminal intent.

Since almost every major religion has branches or sects the translations are all obviously somewhat loose.

Food for thought:

It is my understanding that Muslims are not allowed to borrow money. Think about how that would affect western economics.

First of all, the Quaran isn't old at all, it's one of "Satans" best counterfeit pieces of work.

To correctly read the Bible you need to learn Aramaic Hebrew, since it was translated into current hebrew, greek, latin, then english a few times, badly i might add. The 1611 version is more accurate if you can read it.
As far the "Thou shalt not kill" comment, also incorrect, it's "thou shalt not murder". Just as we have different words for "kill" "slay" "murder" "die" "sacrifice" , so do jews.

I have family that used to be in the U.S. Military and this passage and translation was stressed to them that it was ok to kill as long as it is justified. Trying to relieve any religious misgivings of taking a life.

Now this my friend is a sensitive subject, ask yourself this.
Who told those soldiers to go kill other men they don't know, on foreign land, for reasons they also don't know, God or some man (king / queen / general) they were taking orders from? Think about that. No disrespect intended, many veterans have different views as they get older and wiser.

Now let's expose this fake religion, in fact let's hear from an insider, an ex muslim, Hamas leaders son no less, he was smart enough to break free from the satanic ritual abuse.

Shahfaisal does certainly have a few things spot on, like USA created, funded, armed and uses as their dirty rag, all the "terrorist" organizations, they just keep changing the names to keep us in fear. guessing who the current boogeyman is.
ISIS is not only the recent name, also stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Another snake in the grass.

What everyone is failing to see here is the big picture, but it will soon become clear.
I could go on but since this is about Paris, carry on.
R.I.P. Innocent sacrificial victims.

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I have family that used to be in the U.S. Military and this passage and translation was stressed to them that it was ok to kill as long as it is justified. Trying to relieve any religious misgivings of taking a life.

And... How does that family member(s) feel about their 'service' now?
Proud, regrets, etc...
To correctly read the Bible you need to learn Aramaic Hebrew, since it was translated into current hebrew, greek, latin, then english a few times, badly i might add. The 1611 version is more accurate if you can read it.
As far the "Thou shalt not kill" comment, also incorrect, it's "thou shalt not murder". Just as we have different words for "kill" "slay" "murder" "die" "sacrifice" , so do jews.

Who says it is more accurate?

That opinion could be based on the interpretations of individuals that could have their own reasons for tweaking intent.

How many people speak ancient Aramaic Hebrew today and where are the original documents? IIRC they don't exist and we rely on very old copies. Not something that one could build a legal case on.

I'm not against the Bible but I tweak it as well to my lifestyle.
And... How does that family member(s) feel about their 'service' now?
Proud, regrets, etc...

Proud of being a Marine. Acknowledges the pointlessness of most of it. My Brother fortunately went to Iraq with the with no illusions of being liberators or heroes like many of the indoctrinated 18yr olds he was in command of. It was a job. He had mentally prepared to be coming home in a bag which freed him to worry about others over self. He did what he had to in order to survive and did it at the highest level possible. He always says his biggest accomplishment in life is bringing all of the kids he was in charge of home to their parents, girlfriends and wives. Others were not so fortunate. He attended way too many funerals of friends with nothing to show for it. Sacrifice without a real purpose. Its all a mess. He will often comment on those who want to send kids to war have never been themselves and have no idea what they are subjecting a generation of youth too. The suicide rates of the soldiers and the lack of support when they come home is shocking.

If you haven't watched Generation Kill on HBO I highly suggest it. Very accurate portrayal of my Brothers experience. Real and honest about how messed up it all is an soldiers serving the goals of politicians and generals hungry for glory.
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Proud of being a Marine. Acknowledges the pointlessness of most of it. My Brother fortunately went to Iraq with the with no illusions of being liberators or heroes like many of the indoctrinated 18yr olds he was in command of. It was a job. He had mentally prepared to be coming home in a bag which freed him to worry about others over self. He did what he had to in order to survive and did it at the highest level possible. He always says his biggest accomplishment in life is bringing all of the kids he was in charge of home to their parents, girlfriends and wives. Others were not so fortunate. He attended way too many funerals of friends with nothing to show for it. Sacrifice without a real purpose. Its all a mess. He will often comment on those who want to send kids to war have never been themselves and have no idea what they are subjecting a generation of youth too. The suicide rates of the soldiers and the lack of support when they come home is shocking.

If you haven't watched Generation Kill on HBO I highly suggest it. Very accurate portrayal of my Brothers experience. Real and honest about how messed up it all is an soldiers serving the goals of politicians and generals hungry for glory.

No, sadly it's not...
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