Well-known member
they should've shot his right index finger
No way to pull the trigger! Genius!

they should've shot his right index finger
put one in the leg. forget tasers, and pepper spray.. just blast people in the legs.
i know everyone is saying centre mass,and yeah, thats the training.. but whenever i see cops on video shooting like the wild west it seems they blast a billion bullets but rarely hit a target.
in the instance i was referring to, dude was naked and walking.. im sure any cop could have plugged him in the thigh or something.
im not pro-cop by any means....lol
and i have not seen the tape.
if all logical attempts were made to the dude, and if the dude wasnt moving that aggresively, put one in the leg.
forget tasers, and pepper spray.. just blast people in the legs.
You're Conservative? I didn't knowCould this be another Ferguson??
Oh wait....
So they end up maimed for life, able to sue if they live and in all likelyhood slowly bleeding out from an arterial wound?
You're Conservative? I didn't know
yeah.. if i were a cop in that situation. a shot in the leg to put him down is justified.
In the last 3 months I've fired more rounds out of my pistol than a typical cop fires in his/her entire career (budgetary considerations). Even with that, I wouldn't feel confident enough to shoot a guy threatening my life in the leg (smaller, moving target, WAY outside the regular axis of fire). If ever put in such a situation, I'd go for the big target, which is center-mass. Once you reach the decision to fire your gun at someone, you fire to make them stop attacking you. You don't mess around with trick-shots.
i think in situations like tyhe one we were talking about, where the cop isnt really being threatened deadly force is a bit much,
but a shot in the leg would teach em.
and if you cant shoot a non-threatening slow moving person 15 feet away maybe try air soft and spray and pray
It doesn't matter that the cop isn't really being threatened, it only matters that he's feeling threatened. It's all about feelings these day. That being the case cop can blow the guys head clean off. Sadly, there is no emoticon for head blown clean off:banghead:
i was kinda trying to make the point that these cops are way too eager to shoot nowadays.. rather than assess each sitaution they power trip .
in a tru life threatening moment, blast away.
Hope this helps