but a shot in the leg would teach em.
and if you cant shoot a non-threatening slow moving person 15 feet away maybe try air soft and spray and pray
Lol.. Did you read anything I posted over there? I'll try to point out A FEW ways your tactical assessment is wrong:
1) Hitting a big relatively stationary target is a lot easier than tracking a smaller-sized moving target
2) Human torso is in line of a natural sight picture. The cop would have to move the gun quite a bit to aim for the leg, which takes time
3) If the attacker is only 15' away, he can cover a lot of distance in that time - enough to endanger the cop
4) When a person is in a potentially life-threatening situation, their aim goes to ****. Training ensures it's less ******, but it's still ****
5) Unlike what you see in the movies, the attacker frequently doesn't drop after getting hit by a single bullet. I know a cop who pumped 9rds of 9mm center-mass into an armed home invasion suspect - then they waited for the ambulance to come (2hrs)... The suspect died on the way to the hospital (this occurred in sub-Saharan Africa)