're funny. They ran up on a ****ing KID, not some crazed crackhead. The pig's job is not to go into a situation guns blazing, especially not these patrol *******. This isn't ****ing Iraq where you just shoot anyone carrying anything other than a stick and not give two ****s.
yea, 50ft would be good...who cares if they're out of range, they can still yell and they're not supposed to be instigating a gunfight anyways, if it comes down to it that's what they're trained for. It's two grown trained men vs a kid and it would quickly be apparent his gun isn't real. Even if it is, that's what they signed up for. It's similar to the risk we take of cagers running us over...I wish I could chase down and beat the **** out of everyone who almost killed me and not get arrested for it.
They have no offence or defence?? They have a ****ing car which they could use for cover or to drive up and close in. When a rider gets hits it's a 2 ton weapon, when it comes to using it as cover or an actual weapon you guys call them defenceless and say its ****ing Hollywood...
You must be a cop or a real dick the guys here talking **** to me for stepping up and stopping an *** whooping of a defenceless poor bastard with a shovel and plumbing pipe.
Really? Pigs? F***ing this and f***ing that?

From the several articles I've read, the police who arrived at the scene were
not told that the gun was probably a replica, so they operated on the assumption that it was real and it was a threat. The orange cap on the end of the barrel had been removed, so to all appearances it was an actual working firearm. Perhaps you're privy to information the rest of us are not. And 12 or 22, a gun is a dangerous thing. There have been enough well publicized cases of children shooting people to take it seriously.
You see the lethality of a car striking a motorcycle as proof it provides protection from gun shots? I don't see it myself but by all means, crouch down behind a car door and have a friend fire a .45 at you from 50 feet. I'd be interested in the results.
I'm not a cop, nor do I have any connection to police. I'm quite possibly a dick but that's for others to decide. Not sure how my opinion of a news story equates to being a "dick rider" but no doubt you have some sound logic behind that.
I wasn't there, so just like everyone else here, yourself included, it's largely conjecture based on second and third hand reports. It's very sad that the boy died, it's possible it could have unfolded differently, and it's almost certain nobody feels worse than the cop who shot him. But I can also see, as tragic as the whole thing is, why it happened the way it did.