Clayton Rivet death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

On a non-speculation note:

Who do we write a very ****** off email to? May get a few other friends to do the same.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

VERY well said.

Unfortunately, assigning blame without the facts seems to be the default setting for many. Let me give a prime example of this/ MANY on this forum were quick to defend the riders in the NY video where the one rider was run over by the land rover.

THEN the FACTS came out and those same people who were calling for the SUV driver to be charged, were either deafeningly silent or saw what actually happened and were then condemning to riders.

We are all riders, and we, (because we do it), like to think riders are always cautious, and can do almost no wrong, so we jump to defend the rider before ANY of the facts are known

Was the rider right?? I have NO idea. Was the cop right? I have NO clue. I am willing to give both parties the benefit of the doubt. The ONLY thing I am certain of.... a young rider is dead and that is tragic, very tragic.

"We" as in the posters on this board, are not going to ensure anything by speculation, misinterpretation and amateur analysis. "We" as a society owe it to the rider to find out what happened and then take appropriate steps.
The number of posts here, just the number of expressed opinions that all point to the officer being at fault because somebody died is really disheartening. I'm sure my feelings mean SFA to most of you but it's a sad commentary on society, or it's a black eye for what some like to tout as a brotherhood, fraternity or community of riders. Blaming cops for sticking together as you condemn one of them and blindly support a rider when you have no idea what happened? How is that different?

Everybody has a bad cop story. Everyone can find a video of one making a mistake, acting like a jerk, or doing something dangerous. That's because there are people that make mistakes in every job. There are jerks in every profession. That doesn't mean the entire profession is all jerks. It's one thing to speculate and analyze and try to find more information. It's human nature and we need answers. It's another thing to lay blame where it may not be justified. Let's get to the truth. In the meantime, there's no reason to condemn someone else that was out trying to do their job, and could just as easily have been killed or seriously injured.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

油井緋色;2190400 said:
On a non-speculation note:

Who do we write a very ****** off email to? May get a few other friends to do the same.

I will assume your referring to the cop being at fault, (which IS actual;y speculation). But I guess you can write the SIU, (no sense writing the police chief as he has no jurisdiction over the matter anymore). I guess you could write the police complaints commission, the provincial attorney general. BUT they will all say the ONLY agency with jurisdiction is the SIU.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Point is there's no justification for pulling out in front of anyone like that. I don't care what excuse they come up with. What if his throttle stuck? What if it was a ferrari? Or a rig. Would he have done the same? No. The cop killed someone regardless of his actions it's not an acceptable way to conduct oneself as an officer of the law. If it were reversed and the cop was killed they'd be calling for the riders head. The system here is substantially flawed and I know several cops personally who agree his actions were unwarranted. But hey let's wait for the biased review about how it's the dangerous riders fault blah blah blah while Mr policeman walks.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Ok there is a factor that no one has yet brought up. The riders skid marks were in the left lane the cruiser was hit on the drivers REAR door, (JUST behind the door post). So this Brian would account somewhat for the amount of damage compared to say the Civic in the Quebec crash.

The cruiser simply is not a long enough vehicle to completely block both lanes of the roadway. That is a fact. It was late at night the officer "likely" had his emergency lights activated. The rider may have suffered from target fixation and simply could not, (nor am I suggesting he would have riden around the cruiser), again as I have said a few times folks this isn't Hollywood where the stunt rider squeezes at 100 mph between a car and a building in a 3' wide

If the rider was fixated on the light bar, (which is almost directly above the impact zone of the cruiser). that would explain, why he didn't hit further to the front or rear of the cruiser, in an attempt to avoid a collision. This happens all the time and was always a major concern whenever you pull a vehicle over at night. A driver becomes fixated on your light bar, and runs smack into the rear of the cruiser. So it is entirely plausible that this also occurred in this case as well.

Yes Paul I was a cop and my statement stands. The cruiser can't on it's own completely block both lanes of a roadway the cruiser simply isn't long enough I said a skilled rider riding at a reasonable speed should have been able to elude the cruiser and the chase would have begun. This is why, (back when we did road blocks we used THREE cruisers to completely block a road), BUT we also left approx a car length between, (side to side), the cruisers as an "escape route"

All I am saying is let's hear what the reconstructionists have to say about the collision and the various factors and events that lead to the tragedy.

Are you for real? No doubt you were a cop. I own an ex police crown vic and it can very easily cover at least 1 and a half lanes at that spot. The pics I posted are facing west, Clayton was heading east. I don't know how man times I have to explain this. There is a concrete barrier on one side and a deep gravel ditch on the other side, or a metal safety barrier about 20' before the impact. There was nowhere to swerve. From the damage and the marks at the crash site the only 2 possibilities are the ones I described earlier in this thread. Clayton did not get target fixation and he wasn't trying any stunts. He may have been speeding but he was an experienced rider that was always cautious of staying in his ability.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I will assume your referring to the cop being at fault, (which IS actual;y speculation). But I guess you can write the SIU, (no sense writing the police chief as he has no jurisdiction over the matter anymore). I guess you could write the police complaints commission, the provincial attorney general. BUT they will all say the ONLY agency with jurisdiction is the SIU.

imo, every rider at the funeral should write to every outlet we have.

SIU should have results by now and post them and the public should be able to call ******** if it's not believable. The longer we give 'em, the more of a chance the heat on this situation will fall and be forgotten (this is how the media normally works, anyone rmb Edward Snowden?)

If found at fault, the officer should just get fired. End of story. People in businesses get fired for accidently injecting SQL into databases that results in the removal of large chunks of data yet when you work for the police, you can make a big massive mistake and get suspended with pay or continue working with pay!
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Whether the cop did this intentionally or purely by accident by having a brain fart and doing a U-turn in front of a high reving motorcycle(He had to at least heard him coming). Either way this officers actions cost someone their life. He should never be a cop again because his ability to be able to make proper decisions is not there. And he should be at the very least charged with some sort of manslaughter charge if not a full out murder charge.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Something a friend of mine wanted to add that might explain a little more is that this is a 4 lane road that is under construction and is divided down to 2 lanes by this concrete barrier I keep mentioning. The concrete barrier ends just before the impact and then there is large construction pylons that continue for another few car lengths. So there was 2 lanes of space that the cruiser could have been sitting there hiding doing radar or whatever, but he must have heard him or got him on radar and pulled out in front of him. Will get pics to show the scene better. The only other option would be if the cruiser was heading east in front of Clayton, got him on radar and when Clayton tried to pass on the left side the cop pulled left in front of him in the oncoming lane.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Ohhh ... that explains a few things. I gather that the concrete divider was between what would normally be the two eastbound lanes, and the two westbound lanes, the two lanes that would normally be the eastbound lanes were not in use, and the pylons were separating the two normally-westbound lanes into one lane eastbound and one westbound? (Obviously, Google Streetview does not show this scenario - I checked)

If that is the case, it seems likely that the cop had been stopped in the unused (blocked off) eastbound lanes doing radar or whatever, and drove across the road to block off the bike's path, and then the car would have been long enough to pretty much block any chance of steering around it. IMO this is completely inexcusable if all that is at stake is a speeding ticket ...
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Ohhh ... that explains a few things. I gather that the concrete divider was between what would normally be the two eastbound lanes, and the two westbound lanes, the two lanes that would normally be the eastbound lanes were not in use, and the pylons were separating the two normally-westbound lanes into one lane eastbound and one westbound? (Obviously, Google Streetview does not show this scenario - I checked)

If that is the case, it seems likely that the cop had been stopped in the unused (blocked off) eastbound lanes doing radar or whatever, and drove across the road to block off the bike's path, and then the car would have been long enough to pretty much block any chance of steering around it. IMO this is completely inexcusable if all that is at stake is a speeding ticket ...

Exactly, but there was 4 or 5 pylons after the end of the concrete barrier. There was nothing separating the single lanes.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Are you for real? No doubt you were a cop. I own an ex police crown vic and it can very easily cover at least 1 and a half lanes at that spot. The pics I posted are facing west, Clayton was heading east. I don't know how man times I have to explain this. There is a concrete barrier on one side and a deep gravel ditch on the other side, or a metal safety barrier about 20' before the impact. There was nowhere to swerve. From the damage and the marks at the crash site the only 2 possibilities are the ones I described earlier in this thread. Clayton did not get target fixation and he wasn't trying any stunts. He may have been speeding but he was an experienced rider that was always cautious of staying in his ability.

Riding like that in a lane-reduced construction area? I'm not defending the cop; it is too early to know what he did, but is everyone seriously that surprised that these decisions end like this? He obviously was not cautious of staying within his ability. You're not doing anyone any favors by ignoring that.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Speeding through construction zones is a big no no folks. Fines double and you don't get much sympathy going to court.

It has been mentioned in previous posts, would the cop's actions been the same if the vehicle was a tractor trailer or cage of sorts?
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run, but the police move was unwarranted and placed the public in needless danger.

If this is ok, what next? shooting riders?

We need to stop this business of running over a simple traffic infraction. When you run and take your life in your hands, police expect that you're running because you've done something with potentially life altering consequences for getting caught. Don't give them a reason.

*EDIT* This is a blanket statement, based on many previous incidents, and not meant to specifically apply to this situation.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

We need to stop this business of running over a simple traffic infraction. When you run and take your life in your hands, police expect that you're running because you've done something with potentially life altering consequences for getting caught. Don't give them a reason.

A simple traffic infraction has led to HTA 172 charges, a big deal for many. The legislation is very open ended and then there is the guilty until proven innocent aspect. You see it all the time here even. In some banter with TPS traffic guys I know, they find running so rampant now with 172 that they don't bat an eye at it. Certainly they don't think the guy is running for some major reason. Other than the draconian 172.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Ya know, the rider was likely speeding. I'd almost be willing to bet on it. It's a 50 zone. I think most would be speeding through there, especially at night with no workers present. Regardless, the officer made the wrong choice. Now he is going to have to live with the guilt of taking someone's life due to his own actions. He will also soon face the law. I'm looking forward to him facing our criminal justice system. Also looking forward to the expected civil case I would be expecting the family to file after conviction.

Speculation again, but I also doubt the cruiser would have pulled out in front of a cage or tractor trailer!

And I've just about heard enough of the officer not being able to judge the speed. A prosecutor and judge would quickly dismiss such a defense. If the rider was clearly speeding, based on radar or visual cues...... ALL THE MORE REASON NOT TO PULL OUT IN FRONT OF HIM!!!
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Yes, he was a hooligan and he likely tried to run, but the police move was unwarranted and placed the public in needless danger.

If this is ok, what next? shooting riders?

100% this

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Regardless, the officer made the wrong choice. Now he is going to have to live with the guilt of taking someone's life due to his own actions.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. That you would think so is encouraging tho.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. That you would think so is encouraging tho.

Refardless of whatever story he comes out with,knowing full well Clay won't be able to tell his, the officer is still a human being. Unless he suffers from mental illness, he must feel some remorse.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Unless he suffers from mental illness, he must feel some remorse.

That would be nice.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

A simple traffic infraction has led to HTA 172 charges, a big deal for many. The legislation is very open ended and then there is the guilty until proven innocent aspect. You see it all the time here even. In some banter with TPS traffic guys I know, they find running so rampant now with 172 that they don't bat an eye at it. Certainly they don't think the guy is running for some major reason. Other than the draconian 172.

Yes, I understand that some people are running because of the consequences of HTA 172. The fact remains that you're risking your life over a traffic infraction.
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