It could be a case of pick the most extreme bill you think you could get away, with so after all the amendments something may stick.
She'll have to drag that bill uphill all the way, in both directions.
I'd be willing to bet she get's shot first.
It could be a case of pick the most extreme bill you think you could get away, with so after all the amendments something may stick.
She'll have to drag that bill uphill all the way, in both directions.
I'd be willing to bet she get's shot first.
Even if they ban them do you really think all those guns will dissapear.
The only way it might work is if the goverment offered to buy the illegal weapons like they did in Australia.
It was successfull in Austrailia.
Jersey gun turn in. Get a $20 bank card for rifles, get a $250 bank card for pistols.
Turning in rifles for $20 lol...probably all broken.
Jersey gun turn in. Get a $20 bank card for rifles, get a $250 bank card for pistols.
They turn in everything that isn't on her list.
USA, cough up a Trillion for the black ones.
Should be easy in your time of prosperity.
No difference for a majority of people out there, especially those living outside of metropolitan areas. 911 response at best is a few minutes (if you're lucky)... at worst? Half hour? An hour?
If you're in imminent danger and need the police, a few minutes might as well be a few hours. You either want to be prepared to defend yourself, or you don't. Like I said before, no different from having a fire extinguisher you'll probably never use. Keeping a firearm locked up in a safe in your closet is cheap insurance.