Man the 172 crowd is out again.
If you're gonna split, try to keep it to no more than a jogger's pace. Even a fender bender at that speed wont send anyone flying. That's about 1st gear idle speed, so you can hover with 2 fingers over the brakes also. A lot of people will argue it's illegal or that 172 will be thrown at you and that's possible, especially if it is deemed unsafe. The perception of safety is a key point here not only for cops, but for as you can see some conservative rider types who are eager to blame you for all biking's ills.
Also suprising cars provokes the most honks. If you come by slow and reserved you will find, like me, the honks are once a fortnight at most. Most people are also resigned to gridlock in Toronto so don't mind that you budded and jetted off the line, they know it made no difference to their situation. But the burbs are just now experiencing rage inducing gridlock and the thought of moving to the burbs to get home to their 2500 sq ft house in over an hour when it used to take 30 minutes not more that 10 years ago is a little too much for them to handle. They don't stop to consider the trade off you made for agility and speed, they only see that you're getting home before them! Cops are harder on filtering in the burbs too, Peel is a hub of cops who think their tougher attitude keeps crime low compared to Toronto. Kind of like the philosphy "if I encircle the house with salt no elephants will get in". For this reason they crack down hard on just minor things as filtering or 2 day expired licence stickers. It keeps the drug gangs out.
Just as smart and logical as epx1...U guys should be riding