I am responsible for any accident I cause because of doing something that is illegal in this Province.

I am responsible for any accident I cause because of doing something that is illegal in this Province.
like...this: [video=youtube;ImwwVLGfn5g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImwwVLGfn5g[/video]
And this is what I have to move back to come January. Great.
i am responsible
Is it ok to 'split' the lane between cars parked on the most right and the lane immediately left of it?
Just to clear things up for myself. Is it ok to 'split' the lane between cars parked on the most right and the lane immediately left of it? I do that quite a lot in the city with caution (i understand there is a chance that a driver may still be in his seat and before you know it opens the door into you), i know cars will often do this if they feel they can squeeze through just before making a turn at a light.
Would a cop ticket me if he saw?
Everyone seems to think that they are a good driver, or at least not a bad driver.
I honk when someone does something stupid, wrong or dangerous. Twice if it's stupid and wrong. Three if it's stupid, wrong and dangerous.
I'm hoping that people that I honk at start wondering about it and say "hey I'm not driving responsibly, I'd better straighten up my act!"
If people are honking at you, then you should start wondering...
You can say that now but I highly doubt that would be the case in the moment.
And the fact that if a car suddenly changed lanes, you would be at fault for the accident.
That's where you are wrong. Exact scenario took place with a friend of mine where a camry suddenly changed lanes and he tried to swerve but hit his left fairing on his rear bumper. Camry dude was at fault and insurance gave the rider $5k to fix his left fairing. So no, OP wouldn't be at fault for that kind of move from another vehicle.
Your story doesn't really make sense.... So your friend was illegally lane splitting and rear ended a car and the driver was at fault for making a legal lane change and your buddy was given $5,000 for a $500 fairing?
If people are honking at you, then you should start wondering...
Oh, my bad. He wasn't lane splitting. But he was given $5k for a $500 fairing. I didn't believe him as well until he showed me the cheque from statefarm. Statefarm had actually offered him to buy the bike off him for $6k or take $5k to fix it. I know that sounds damn stupid but very true.
State Farm wouldn't have given him a $5,000 cheque unless the damages were more than that.
Maybe there was alot more damage that he just didn't fix and bought a chinese set of fairings for $500? But insurance adjusters aren't stupid.
Would you get mad if you were in your cage and another vehicle passed you on the shoulder and cut in front of you?