What is the deal with cagers honking at me when I am lane splitting at a red light so I can bud my way to the front.. when the light turns green i am the first one out of the gate hitting 50-60km in a matter of split seconds, so I'm budding for a purpose. Not every cager honks at me, but usually happens couple times a week. Heck, I even have cagers sometimes making way for me whenever I am budding to the front. When I am honked at, I never bother looking back, or through my mirror at the driver because I couldn't give a crap -- but was just curious if any cagers themselves have a theory. Ill admit it, I do take advantage on budding to the front of the line. Lets face it, I get to my desinations x10 faster... yes I even lane split at normal riding speeds and high way speeds. I am not a bad rider though, at least I wouldn't consider myself to be.
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