lane splitting and cagers honking

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What is the deal with cagers honking at me when I am lane splitting at a red light so I can bud my way to the front.. when the light turns green i am the first one out of the gate hitting 50-60km in a matter of split seconds, so I'm budding for a purpose. Not every cager honks at me, but usually happens couple times a week. Heck, I even have cagers sometimes making way for me whenever I am budding to the front. When I am honked at, I never bother looking back, or through my mirror at the driver because I couldn't give a crap -- but was just curious if any cagers themselves have a theory. Ill admit it, I do take advantage on budding to the front of the line. Lets face it, I get to my desinations x10 faster... yes I even lane split at normal riding speeds and high way speeds. I am not a bad rider though, at least I wouldn't consider myself to be.
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Maybe they were giving you the "look out there's a cop ahead" honk? or the ever favourite "hey, nice bike! wish my wife let me have one!" honk.
yes I even lane split at normal riding speeds and high way speeds. I am not a bad rider though, at least I wouldn't consider myself to be.

Your my Hero.

Hope you have a good life insurance plan as there are way too many cagers that change lanes with no signals and bad drivers out there for me to lane split at speed.

Would you get mad if you were in your cage and another vehicle passed you on the shoulder and cut in front of you?
just dont let a cop see you. or u will likely get a ticket.

I have been unlucky at times to follow the rule I was taught in riding school; always try to look as far as you can <-- I have rolled past cops at slow speeds lane splitting (cops standing on corner controlling the street lights, or cops sitting in car) .. I was always expecting to be pulled over but nothing really ever happened -- guess the cops looked the other way, couldn't be bothered with their time.
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You can say that now but I highly doubt that would be the case in the moment.

And the fact that if a car suddenly changed lanes, you would be at fault for the accident.
You can say that now but I highly doubt that would be the case in the moment.

And the fact that if a car suddenly changed lanes, you would be at fault for the accident.

No I guess I'm one of the few who don't really care because I do, or should I say have done that at times to other drivers.

I like think I use good judgement whenever I change lanes/lane split; consider myself experienced in filtering/changing lanes (bike or car)
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No I guess I'm one of the few who don't really care because I do, or should I say have done that at times to other drivers.

I like think I use good judgement whenever I change lanes/lane split; consider myself experienced in filtering/changing lanes (bike or car)

sounds like it's only a matter of time then.
No I guess I'm one of the few who don't really care because I do, or should I say have done that at times to other drivers.

I like think I use good judgement whenever I change lanes/lane split; consider myself experienced in filtering/changing lanes (bike or car)

How long have you been riding on the street for?
sounds like it's only a matter of time then.

Going on my 4th season next year (knock on wood).. I like to think of riding on the street as a game, although I don't let confidence get the best of me for rider error.
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I get the occasional honk when filtering to the front at a light. One guy in a truck was just hopping mad and just kept honking even after I made a left turn ahead. They probably don't like that you're getting to your destination faster despite not affecting their travel time at all. They've got the minds of preschoolers; ignore them as you've done.

I don't lane split at speed here, though. It's beyond my acceptable risk to reward ratio.
Well I'll be looking for your thread on getting your bike 172'd.
These threads are the reason we need caboose around.
It is illegal but at a stop I don't see the imminent danger in it. I don't do it cuz I'm a wuss and don't want to get a ticket but I wouldn't honk at anyone as long as they don't touch my car.

Ps: DT bicyclist do it all the time.
Maybe they're honking because moves like these are the reason that responsible riders are paying crazy insurance premiums for their bikes?
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