lane splitting and cagers honking

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exactly my point champ...the semi colon in 150 between a) and b) is an "or" which means in a multiLINE situation you are entitled to pass to the right of another vehicle without requiring the vehicle to the left to be indicating a left turn. Again I stress it is a multi-LINE situation not LANE. Meaning a wide enough lane sufficient for 2 vehicles is a situation where by one can legally pass to the right irrespective of signal inidication of the leftmost vehicle. This allows for filtering to the right of a vehicle, space permitting for a smaller motorcycle vehicle (which is classed as a vehicle).

A motorcycle is not a "line of vehicles."
The court's comments in Bunda did refer to passing a line of stopped traffic to the right.

The Bunda case refers to a single lane and single LINE also where Bunda could not assert all cars had their left turn signals on. Filtering in a multiLANE situation negates this as you do not need to insure all leftmost vehicles have their turn signals on. In the case where it is a a single LANE one must be pretty sure they can defend it was also a multiLINE situation, i.e. the lane was wide enough for 2 vehicles. By Bunda weaving his mirrors (while he was next to a curb) he proved it was too tight of a single LANE to be viewed as multiLINE. Hence his pass was illegal. Again 172 was over kill.
So you're choosing to ignore the statement "(b) is made on a highway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles in each direction"?

Yes, it has been discussed ad nauseum, and yet you still fail to admit to the obvious, as upheld by case law.

2 lines of vehicles going one way, 2 lines of vehicles going the other way. This is the situation where passing to the right and not requiring the left most vehicles of either direction to be indicating respect left turns is legal. This is not even a multiLANE situation. There is a distinction. It is referring to single LANE roads which are of sufficient widths to permit multiLINE situations in either direction without requiring either vehicle to "turn out to the left or right".

Once again I am asking you to cite a law that makes filtering in stopped red light traffic in a multi LANE situation at a jogger's pace. So far 150 and 154 and 172 do not apply.
The Bunda case refers to a single lane and single LINE also where Bunda could not assert all cars had their left turn signals on. Filtering in a multiLANE situation negates this as you do not need to insure all leftmost vehicles have their turn signals on. In the case where it is a a single LANE one must be pretty sure they can defend it was also a multiLINE situation, i.e. the lane was wide enough for 2 vehicles. By Bunda weaving his mirrors (while he was next to a curb) he proved it was too tight of a single LANE to be viewed as multiLINE. Hence his pass was illegal. Again 172 was over kill.

I don't disagree that 172 is overkill, in virtually any and all situations, but you are arguing legality. This shows the illegality. In every case you cite, there is law to put the lie to your statement. When that occurs, you change your argument to another situation.

It's unlawful to lane split or filter. You can be charged and convicted of it, under a variety of different theories. This has been tested, in court, innumerable times. To claim otherwise, is to be patently, absolutely, incontrovertibly wrong.
I don't disagree that 172 is overkill, in virtually any and all situations, but you are arguing legality. This shows the illegality. In every case you cite, there is law to put the lie to your statement. When that occurs, you change your argument to another situation.

It's unlawful to lane split or filter. You can be charged and convicted of it, under a variety of different theories. This has been tested, in court, innumerable times. To claim otherwise, is to be patently, absolutely, incontrovertibly wrong.

Again Rob....lane splitting is different and distinct from filtering. And I am not suggesting even "filtering" in all varient forms is legal either. "filtering" is also defined at even low speeds. However there is an HTA law wich covers passing an approaching vehicle within 30 m of a pedestrian cross walk which would make any passing of a moving vehicle within 30m of a pedestrian cross illegal, thus making even "filtering" in this case illegal.

What I am specifically asking to be proven illegal is and again (filtering by STOPPED traffic at a RED light in a MULTILANE situation at a speed of 12 to 14 KPH (jogging pace..idle speed with fingers over the brakes)) In this instance none of the laws you cited apply and application of 172 would be an abuse which I am frankly suprised so many forum users here advocate and persistently use as fear mongering.

BTW I have been consistant with my example throughout. I have not suggested lane splitting or filtering at speed or in a single LINE situation is legal. I have maintained the example above throughout as a challenge to prove is EXPLICITLY illegal. What I have described is also a form of "filtering".
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Again Rob....lane splitting is different and distinct from filtering. And I am not suggesting even "filtering" in all varient forms is legal either. "filtering" is also defined at even low speeds. However there is an HTA law wich covers passing an approaching vehicle within 30 m of a pedestrian cross walk which would make any passing of a moving vehicle within 30m of a pedestrian cross illegal, thus making even "filtering" in this case illegal.

What I am specifically asking to be proven illegal is and again (filtering by STOPPED traffic at a RED light in a MULTILANE situation at a speed of 12 to 14 KPH (jogging pace..idle speed with fingers over the brakes)) In this instance none of the laws you cited apply and application of 172 would be an abuse which I am frankly suprised so many forum users here advocate and persistently use as fear mongering.

BTW I have been consistant with my example throughout. I have not suggested lane splitting or filtering at speed or in a single LINE situation is legal. I have maintained the example above throughout as a challenge to prove is EXPLICITLY illegal. What I have described is also a form of "filtering".

Do it in front of a cop. Get charged. Test your theory in court, as to the 'difference.' With respect to HTA 172, there is no numeric speed statement as to what is "safe."
Sorry........I am still stuck on your earlier quote of you thinking of "riding on the street as a game". Sorry but after 35 years on the road I still consider it a responsibility.

Good will need it.
What is the deal with cagers honking at me when I am lane splitting at a red light so I can bud my way to the front.. when the light turns green i am the first one out of the gate hitting 50-60km in a matter of split seconds, so I'm budding for a purpose. Not every cager honks at me, but usually happens couple times a week. Heck, I even have cagers sometimes making way for me whenever I am budding to the front. When I am honked at, I never bother looking back, or through my mirror at the driver because I couldn't give a crap -- but was just curious if any cagers themselves have a theory. Ill admit it, I do take advantage on budding to the front of the line. Lets face it, I get to my desinations x10 faster... yes I even lane split at normal riding speeds and high way speeds. I am not a bad rider though, at least I wouldn't consider myself to be.
If you don't give a crap then why make a thread about it?
I hate the lane splitters (or filtering if thats what you call it) that pass between two lanes, had one dude do this on DVP while I was on my bike this summer while we were doing 5-10 km in slow moving traffice he comes out of nowhere right between 2 lanes doing something like 30-40 km...freaked me out l felt like slugging him one.

Using the far right lane like the bicyclist do is fine especially downtown I believe, but going between 2 lanes well your asking for it...and sooner or later your gonna get it, and you deserve it then.

I could have just been in those mood of swerving with-in my own lanes as I do when traffic is moving sooo slow and you don't expect anyone just buzzing by...could have caused a mess, hell if you really need to get somewhere fast use a shoulder...your lane splitting might as well use the emergency lanes, your gonna get a ticket if you pass the cops on the highway between lanes anyway by using the EM lanes at least your not putting anyone else in harms way. Ya I know using the emergency lane for your entire journey may seem like a idiotic and kinda unethical move but your not any wiser or ethical going between lanes---and no this not a game your playing real lives and real consequences are at stake.

The type of people who think the road & vehicles are a game are the ones who cause real damage, your counterparts in cages are the idiots and drunk drivers who kill innocent people, they take someones mother, father, brother or sister away forever. Try telling the victim's family it's just a game when that person never walks through the door of their homes again.

Don't mistake stupidity with bravery....
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great suggestions from everyone...

but in regards to drivers honking at OP when he buds in front of the line, all i can say is so what, they're just ****** off at u not waiting in line, just dont bother with it, ride away safely!
This thread is a joke.

Why try to justify yourselves? Just f'ing ride the way you want to cuz do you really care what anyone else thinks? I'm guessing that's a 'no'.
its just another chance for ppl to ***** at each other, lol
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Filtering and splitting are clearly illegal. To debate what you'll be charged with is interesting but doesn't change the fact that if a cop takes exception to you filtering or splitting (which they probably will unless they're busy with something else or more likely just don't want to bother) you will be ticketed, at best.

You can choose to ignore the law but don't be surprised if you get people upset with you. Hell, I get people upset with me when I pass them legally. When people get upset with you, you can either choose to ignore them or not. My only suggestion about this is that you be aware and prepared for road rage.
Every 'against' post in this thread is a 'honk'.
Every 'against' post in this thread is a 'honk'.

LOL. Well, mine isn't a "honk". I try not to care too much what others are doing on the road so long as they don't get too close to me. Some bike filtering by isn't going to get me to honk. Some moron spitting in my lane at any speed at all may cause a stronger, emotional, irrational response. I apply the same rules whether on my bike or in my car; if you're in my lane while I'm moving I'm not going to be happy.
I must say, I'm one of the riders that will block you from proceeding forward. I won't cut you off at the last minute, but I won't let you pass - you'll see far ahead that I'm not letting you past. The panniers on my bike make it wide enough for me to get a good block and I diligently check my mirrors for ensure I am safe from behind.

I've done it before to protect my lane, and I'd happily do it again. I won't let a car pass me in my own lane, and I won't let a bike either - both are equal under the HTA.

Lane splitting and/or filtering are fine in areas where it is legal and/or socially acceptable. Here in Toronto, it is neither. All you do is make the rest of us look bad, and give the insurance companies more ammunition to raise our rates.

If it's too hot, too slow or too rainy, stay home ya twatwaffle or take the car. Please respect the rules of the road and respect your fellow rider.
Is this thread a joke or is the o.p. just trying to start a war? Are you serious? Why are people honking at you for not following the rules of the road? You think because you think you're doing fine so the rules should not apply? This is a joke right?

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
LOL. Well, mine isn't a "honk". I try not to care too much what others are doing on the road so long as they don't get too close to me. Some bike filtering by isn't going to get me to honk. Some moron spitting in my lane at any speed at all may cause a stronger, emotional, irrational response. I apply the same rules whether on my bike or in my car; if you're in my lane while I'm moving I'm not going to be happy.

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