YYZ Plane Crash

Wind shear could make it look no attempt to flare happened. Data will tell.

I've looked really close at the video (as close as the 15 pixels allows once you zoom in) and I don't see any indication of the elevators being in a position that would indicate they were trying to rapidly arrest the rate of descent. You'd expect to see them in the full up position in the case of imminent impact with the ground.

Ultimately, the CVR and FDR will tell the tale, as will the crew as they thankfully all survived.
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What a great interchange with two paramedics - one on the plane - one waiting for him
Paramedic Mike Nolan suddenly found himself on the front line of an aviation disaster when he went to Toronto’s Pearson International Airport to pick up his friend, only to find out that his Delta Air Lines plane had just crashed and flipped over on the runway.
Experienced pilot with slow motion explanation

Nope. Nice word salad, but i don't think that guy is an "experienced pilot". Until the investigation is complete, employed commercial pilots are not going to set up for a yt video in the middle of a terminal.
Nope. Nice word salad, but i don't think that guy is an "experienced pilot"

36 year experience American Airlines pilot, retired.

He doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk.

What he says has merit, but I think the wing strike was exacerbated by the hard landing. One of the interviews with the passengers said that the plane basically slammed into the runway, as was evident in the video. From there, it could have been a tire blowout or landing gear collapse that caused the wing strike which set the rest of the accident into motion, who knows - it's all way too early to speculate, and the guys that do like the above video are just doing it for YT clicks at this point.
He lost me at "the tail digs in".Umm no, it would shear off with little effect on the speed of the fuselage.
edit: what do i know. I finished high school.
was just thinking this ealier today, why don't we have the names of the pilots or any other pilot information?

much is being said about the heroics of the cabin crew, but nothing on the pilots.
Pics of the white male captain circulated days ago. Not sure about a name. NTSB does a much better job than TSB at releasing unbiased facts as soon as they are confirmed. TSB just says "It's complicated, wait for the report in a year".

The pilots unconfirmed names are circulating and can be found without too much trouble. To minimize speculation, it would be far better if TSB released the data. As Captain was on the radios, there is a very good chance FO was flying shortly before landing. Obviously we need to wait for TSB to release data from the tapes to see if she flew it all the way in or if Captain took over. Internet speculation also has the captain with tons of sim hours and few recent hours in real physical planes. Does that matter? Who knows. Hopefully TSB provides useful analysis eventually.
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Just to clear something up - "Pilot In Command" and being the pilot who has the controls and is flying the plane are two different things.
Serious question, not being sarcastic or anything else, but what is the difference?
Some people (including media) are confused. Kendal's ATP certificate restricts her from being pilot in command. Some people think that means she can't be on the controls. She can be on the controls but she needs a PIC in the cockpit that is able to take over if she runs out of talent or experience. PIC is the effective boss not necessarily the person controlling the movement of the plane.
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