Y'all might want to keep an eye out for change of plans. Stealth Covid BA.2

Removing restrictions is primarily a political move. The numbers are being reduced currently, and they’ll most likely shoot up again.

I’m sure Doug has good influence on the health department that he can squeeze them to say what he wants and is feeling political pressure for his future with an election months away.

It will literally come down to people protecting themselves moving forward as once restrictions get dropped one by one, it’ll be hard to put that genie back in the lamp.
THIS is the new normal !!?? ...many of these numbers are equal to or worse that last year
This is a good thing, Omicron is vaccinating everyone faster then any man-made process ever could. The sky is not falling. Almost everyone is agreeing covid is moving into endemic stage.
This is a good thing, Omicron is vaccinating everyone faster then any man-made process ever could. The sky is not falling. Almost everyone is agreeing covid is moving into endemic stage.
Famous last words :P
But on a more serious note

Even though case numbers are irrelevant now... Hospitalizations and ICU cases are.

And these numbers have been shooting down, enough for ICU numbers be lower than the numbers from last year at this same point in time pre-delta, pre-omicron, etc.
Meh…..wastewater COVID detection is trending up. It’s one method of analysis the province can’t play with. I have several close colleagues with kids or entire families off sick with COVID right now. I have some social invites for bars etc and probably won’t take them up. Not scared…just prudent.
Meh…..wastewater COVID detection is trending up. It’s one method of analysis the province can’t play with. I have several close colleagues with kids or entire families off sick with COVID right now. I have some social invites for bars etc and probably won’t take them up. Not scared…just prudent.
Wifes RAT protocol has changed. Still every 48 hours but now they are swabbing more places (throat, nose, etc). Apparently that is more likely to catch Omicron than nasal/brainpoke only.
not for Municipal or Regional employers - our CAO said mandatory masking and vaccination will stay.

on the other hand our community gym removed all restrictions and we are PACKED like it's resolution time :)
Well resolution time never happened. Then they re-opened to vaccinated people end of Jan. But all the people who were saying things like "natural immunity yo, just hit the gym" well they're the ones going back :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Well resolution time never happened. Then they re-opened to vaccinated people end of Jan. But all the people who were saying things like "natural immunity yo, just hit the gym" well they're the ones going back :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
A friend caught covid at work. Before they knew they had it they went to the gym. The gym was fully open while it was supposed to be closed and people didn't wear masks. When they returned to the gym after recovering, other members told them the story where most of the members caught covid but they didn't know how. Whoops.
A friend caught covid at work. Before they knew they had it they went to the gym. The gym was fully open while it was supposed to be closed and people didn't wear masks. When they returned to the gym after recovering, other members told them the story where most of the members caught covid but they didn't know how. Whoops.

small chances smthng like this could happen in a community gym subsidized and run by your local municipal government. we had every single restriction and then some. Security at the door checking vaccination, ID, self-screening form, signup for contract tracing, every 1hr mandatory 15min break for equipment cleaning, mask police (in the form of some old ladies :)) etc. etc. It was fun scheduling 3 x1hr sessions with 2 mandatory 15min breaks in the hallway :)
wishful thinking in the US
That statement comes despite the fact that the rate of death is still elevated, with an average of nearly 1,700 people dying in the U.S. each day. On Wednesday, more than 2,100 deaths were reported across the country, according to a Reuters tally.

White House outlines plan for next phase of pandemic, with U.S. still averaging 1,700 COVID deaths per day


What makes people think since it is endemic that it's somehow "okay"? Getting a case of Covid is no guarantee you won't get another or a serious case of it.
MOST cases are mild yep with BA2, and with BA1. But with BA2 the deaths are rising as well as the cases to a point where it's as bad as it every was. If you have had BA1 - no guarantee you won't get BA2.

Is a mask such a big ask?

A bit of history
small chances smthng like this could happen in a community gym subsidized and run by your local municipal government. we had every single restriction and then some. Security at the door checking vaccination, ID, self-screening form, signup for contract tracing, every 1hr mandatory 15min break for equipment cleaning, mask police (in the form of some old ladies :)) etc. etc. It was fun scheduling 3 x1hr sessions with 2 mandatory 15min breaks in the hallway :)
We got an email from the City of Mississauga saying that all of their facilities will no longer be checking vaccination status as of March 1.

We haven't gone, but will go next week once I get my stitches out to the pool and see how busy it gets.

wishful thinking in the US


What makes people think since it is endemic that it's somehow "okay"? Getting a case of Covid is no guarantee you won't get another or a serious case of it.
MOST cases are mild yep with BA2, and with BA1. But with BA2 the deaths are rising as well as the cases to a point where it's as bad as it every was. If you have had BA1 - no guarantee you won't get BA2.

Is a mask such a big ask?

A bit of history
Politics are getting in the way of science. Until the numbers start climbing and endangering the hospital capacities...I don't expect any tightening of conditions whatsoever. If the capacity of the healthcare system is impacted to it's breaking point...again...then I can see some response from the politicians.

Otherwise as Doug would say:

You know that COVID has run out of runway when you witness the 180 degree change at the Whitehouse as there is no further upside with COVID.

Looked like a “spreader event” at the State of the Nation address with not a mask in site and lots of hugging and handshakes to clearly signal the end of COVID. (Politically)

Funny enough the COVID police on FB showed none of their usual outrage usually reserved for this kind of behaviour.

Obviously everyone has had enough and there is no political opportunity to continue as the polls show most want this behind us.

JT now has the war as his new Boogie Man to take focus away from real issues in our country.

Biden has his version of “Make America Great Again” to try and recover from the failings of his great reset” for mid-terms in November.

Incredible how much policy is guided by opinion polls.
You know that COVID has run out of runway when you witness the 180 degree change at the Whitehouse as there is no further upside with COVID.

Looked like a “spreader event” at the State of the Nation address with not a mask in site and lots of hugging and handshakes to clearly signal the end of COVID. (Politically)

Funny enough the COVID police on FB showed none of their usual outrage usually reserved for this kind of behaviour.

Obviously everyone has had enough and there is no political opportunity to continue as the polls show most want this behind us.

JT now has the war as his new Boogie Man to take focus away from real issues in our country.

Biden has his version of “Make America Great Again” to try and recover from the failings of his great reset” for mid-terms in November.

Incredible how much policy is guided by opinion polls.

some people still wearing masks and seating seemed socially distant….saying it’s over doesn’t mean it is.
some people still wearing masks and seating seemed socially distant….saying it’s over doesn’t mean it is.

Absolutely. my point is that it has run out of political favour and opportunity.

The virus is still there and hopefully the medical system will do well without the political circus.
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