Wynne down to 11% rating/popularity. Lowest ever. Can she get into single digits?


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Has anyone ever noticed that when she is questioned by reporters she tends to throw her hands up and outward similar to when you are trying to push someone away from you. She gets very defensive, sends off the signal that she is under attack...poor me.

How the hell did she work her way up to being Premier?
Can they trigger a non confidence vote to force an election sooner?
Reduces the time/chances she has to implement more stupid taxes and policies.

Where are all the people that voter for her?
It's not that the Liberals won...it's that the PCs lost last time..... Hope they somebody do better the next time.
I wonder if Trudeau will campaign for her, after all she did it for him....., or does he not want to damage his credibility any more than he already has. It will be interesting to see.
It's not that the Liberals won...it's that the PCs lost last time..... Hope they somebody do better the next time.

That was Hudak's to lose and he won the loss handily. I don't know too much about Patrick Brown, but he seems like he will do much better than Hudak. All he needs to really do is keep quiet and Wynn will get voted out by her own doing. While polls can never really be trusted, there is a very large air of discontent towards Wynne that should see Brown get in.
I've already got a bad taste for Patrick Brown after all the flip flopping...on a few of those topics the flop was back to the sane side of things, but regardless, I don't have much respect for people who's goal in politics is to pander to whatever side of an argument yields the most votes at that particular moment in time. Pick a side so we all know exactly who you are, and stick with it. I don't like two faced people or panderers.
Patrick Brown creeps me out like Harper did for some reason. Family in politics and a lawyer, I gotta agree with him being slippery with his political views too.
I've already got a bad taste for Patrick Brown after all the flip flopping...on a few of those topics the flop was back to the sane side of things, but regardless, I don't have much respect for people who's goal in politics is to pander to whatever side of an argument yields the most votes at that particular moment in time. Pick a side so we all know exactly who you are, and stick with it. I don't like two faced people or panderers.
Flip flopping is what won him the leadership. They all do it, classic Liberal case is the power plant cancellation. The thing about his flip flopping in particular is it demonstrates to me that he understands how much he can get away with, which is promising when it comes to some of the more extreme views he or his party may hold.

My riding will likely be strongly Conservative, so my vote won't actually matter. But if somehow the Liberals are contenders here then I will have to give both platforms some serious scrutiny (including filtering out the pandering) whereas in the past I would have voted Liberal in any close race with Conservatives.
I think the Liberals will win again, and most likely with Wynne at the front of the party. She's already started buying her votes back with incentives and money thrown here and there (i.e. hydro rebates, no tolls, etc.) and people have a short attention span so will vote her in with promises that will once again be broken. Unless the Conservatives bring a STRONG and SOLID candidate it's a tough run for them or the NDP to beat the Libs. Man I wish I had the funds to run as a Conservative....how do I get into this game?! I'm relatively normal and my views aren't extreme in either position.
I'm relatively normal and my views aren't extreme in either position.

Are you sure? For example, If you use the proper anatomical names for sex organs or (gasp!) actually explain what they are for in schools...you'll be considered off the charts extreme by some. ;)
No chance at doing it on the up and up? Step 1 required? I'd prefer to not be a con artist...

No chance. Too many competing interests to please. Must learn and apply art of massaging the messages. To those paying attention it looks, talks and walks like con artist. That's just the nature of the beast. If you owned your own province you could speak truth and people can like it or lump it because you own the province. In democratic politics you need to pander to be successful. Ideally a benevolent dictator would be best. Democracy in it's purest form is a cluster****. A million points of view are not helpful.
I've already got a bad taste for Patrick Brown after all the flip flopping...on a few of those topics the flop was back to the sane side of things, but regardless, I don't have much respect for people who's goal in politics is to pander to whatever side of an argument yields the most votes at that particular moment in time. Pick a side so we all know exactly who you are, and stick with it. I don't like two faced people or panderers.
I'd rather vote a suspected slimeball than a "known" slimeball. I rather take a chance
I didnt vote for the d- bag and i cant believe that the PC's couldnt defeat the ex mc stinty government.

I'd rather vote a suspected slimeball than a "known" slimeball. I rather take a chance

I'd rather not have to vote for a slimeball at all, but yes, I will certainly vote for *someone* not Liberal in the next provincial election simply to send a message to the party as a whole. And as the world turns, in another decade we will probably be doing the exact opposite again.

For once I'd just like to see a politician that can show their true colours and then actually stick with them throughout each term they are elected. Let me know who I'm voting for up front - if you want to have a dramatic shift in your policy or outlooks do so at the next election and let people judge you accordingly again based on such.

Pipe dream, I know.
For once I'd just like to see a politician that can show their true colours and then actually stick with them throughout each term they are elected. Let me know who I'm voting for up front - if you want to have a dramatic shift in your policy or outlooks do so at the next election and let people judge you accordingly again based on such.

Pipe dream, I know.

Exactly that - a pipe dream.
There is ZERO accountability to the people of the province once they've been voted in with a majority.

Personally, I feel that they are defrauding the populace in so many ways.
If Joe Public did half the things our "glorious leaders" did we would be in jail. Maybe they should face the same punishment as the rest of us.
No chance at doing it on the up and up? Step 1 required? I'd prefer to not be a con artist...

I would say zero chance of success without Step 1: Become a master con artist.
You have to be proficient in convincing the masses that you will actually do what you say, when in reality, you're just pandering to them in order to get votes. Once you're in, you'll do as you please.

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