Rolled jiu jitsu for an hour yesterday then had to stick a syringe in my ear to drain the blood from cauliflower starting...and you homos are worrying about body fat percentage! 

I'm at around 8 or 9 right now so it isn't easy and my metabolism has slowed down a lot from when I was a teen...but I'd say that I'm on the side of ecto leaning towards meso now. I'm really not trying to juice, but I think now I can understand why others would. I've actually found that low, heavy weights has led to a huge decrease in strength.Bro if you're able to "hoover" around 6-7% bf with out much effort you're an ecto. You probably have a stupid fast metabolism so bottom line you need to eat more..... a lot more. Your not going to gain much if any size while trying to keep your BF low unless you wanna juice.... which I do not advocate. Reevaluate your diet and start ramping up your cals. As for your strength loss, keep the rep range low, increase sets and heavy weights. Also carb cycling or refeed days have worked wonders for me when trying to keep my strength when cutting or when I'm sub 10%bf.
A little bit of both, I guess. I somehow managed to do it on Gethin's 12 week program. Now I'm on Stoppani's 6 week and while this one's gotten better reviews, I feel like the gains aren't on par.Knowledge are you still trying to get more cut or put on muscle? I think maybe you should start eating more and pack on some more size. That dude in the pic, I think he's got a youtube channel, his name is Lavato or something like that.
Being natural, it takes a lot of time man. Just patience I guess.
Have any of you guys seen that Bostin Lloyd guy on Youtube and his 1 year Steroid transformation? It is crazy. The guy is pretty open about all the drugs he took but he basically went from a typical high school footballer type meathead to competitive bodybuilder in 1 year.
Rolled jiu jitsu for an hour yesterday then had to stick a syringe in my ear to drain the blood from cauliflower starting...and you homos are worrying about body fat percentage!![]()
Rolled jiu jitsu for an hour yesterday then had to stick a syringe in my ear to drain the blood from cauliflower starting...and you homos are worrying about body fat percentage!![]()
Not exactly sure if rolling around on the ground with sweaty men, sharing skin diseases is less homo than worrying about BF%.
That's gross. That would also be why I always wore a scrum cap in rugby
do you compete? I had a buddy win gold at mundials this year! I'm thinking of starting this winter.
Not yet. But I will. I just hate sitting around all day waiting for a match
I'm at around 8 or 9 right now so it isn't easy and my metabolism has slowed down a lot from when I was a teen...but I'd say that I'm on the side of ecto leaning towards meso now. I'm really not trying to juice, but I think now I can understand why others would. I've actually found that low, heavy weights has led to a huge decrease in strength.
Any chance that the more explosive movements are killing me? I've been lifting slow and controlled all this time and the only way to lift heavy is to have slightly-less-than perfect form. I've tried both carb cycling and refeeding and it seems that refeeding before a workout means a better workout but refeeding after a workout leads to slightly better gains but a less fulfilling workout/can't lift as much.
A little bit of both, I guess. I somehow managed to do it on Gethin's 12 week program. Now I'm on Stoppani's 6 week and while this one's gotten better reviews, I feel like the gains aren't on par.
I basically can't bulk right now because I need to stay cut for I'm stuck with trying to put on lean muscle slowly; I just don't think it was this slow that time.
I just checked Bostin Lloyd and holy crap it's nuts. Good thing that isn't the look that I'm going for! But since you mentioned that video, maybe my expectations are just a little skewed. I've been paying more attention to other people who seemingly lift when I'm out and maybe I'm just being overly-critical of myself and I just need to be more patient. I'm a small dude, so I was happy when I was leg pressing 400lbs but now I'm down to 180 (granted, it's over 15 reps) but it seems too drastic of change to be right.
First world problems lol. Anyway, I hope all of you guys are on track and where you want to be![]()
Don't you warm up?
Just randomly attack a dude, that should keep things interesting
What do you guys do with your Greek yogurt?
I LOVE yogurt mixed with fruit and granola, but don't like the pre-mixed stuff, it's so full of additives. So in my attempt to make my treat healthy, I got some no-fat Greek yogurt, sliced up some strawberries and banana, threw in my granola and was not impressed. It's too "tart" for my liking. Any ideas? Or maybe I need to change up my style of yogurt.
Not much. But I don't want to be over high 8s. I took dizzy's advice more seriously and did more extreme carb refeeds and I think it's done the trick. The funny thing is that I've somehow gotten bigger (yet still leaner) and my lifts are finally up again. You guys are the best! If you're curious for the outcome, I can post pics when I finish my current program in 2 weeks - if I can keep up my this progress 'til then, I'll be happy with where I'm at.When you say you can't bulk, how much of a gain are you wanting? From how you're describing things you sound like you have the same issues as I do when it comes to metabolism etc. so I'm just curious to see your outcome. As for the legs, other than presses what are you doing for leg training? Do you ride a bike at all (out of the gym not in it) I've been slacking lately about the gym but I have some exercises for legs that really help.