Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Reading your last post, I was thinking "dude probably needs more sleep" and sure enough it sounds like thats a big problem for you. Whenever I feel the most remote symptom of getting sick, I make sure to allocate enough time to sleep for at least 10hrs, even if I dont sleep the whole thing. Usually those symptoms subside when I wake up the next day and I dont ever get sick.

There was a time when I had to work nights many years ago while in my college days and its a killer. Just flat out bad for your health for so many reasons, especially if you are trying to build muscle and improve body composition (recovery, hormone release, dealing with cortisol etc..). I use to work a 10pm-8am shift and I'd come home, crash cuz I was super tired but then would wake up 3 hours later with the sun shining in my window and would function like a zombie all day long.

The funny thing is - I have no problem sleeping after a shift. I can sleep 10 hours EASILY. I can spend 15 hours in bed. No matter how much (or little) sleep I get, I never feel like I have very much energy. It's probably more of a "heavy duty painkiller induced coma" rather than an actual restful, healthy sleep... I am usually in a perpetual fog these days.. never really awake. My memory is awful, I find my motor skills lacking.... night shifts really do suck the life out of you after a few years.
Starting this back up..... Cant wait to ride and hit the Gym..

Fitness... Riding, Patios & outdoorsy stuff.... Anything under the sun is good for me..

Do most of you lock your helmets on your bikes when at the gym?

Question...... Have you or anyone you know had an issue with locking a helmet to your bikes? I do it all the time... But we all hear the odd case of someone coming back to finding it missing/damaged/strap cut... etc... I have not yet had an issue (Knock on wood)...

Just wondering what other riders have experienced statistically speaking ...

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dont think i will ever ride to the gym. something about being exhausted / sweaty and then putting my helmet/ gear on on even for the short ride home.. just doesnt make sense. and im not sure why people do it anyway. i know after a good leg workout i can hardly walk or arms i can sometimes not lift. so operating a bike would suck. let alone after some sweaty rides home makes me feel my gear is going to smell like my hockey stuff. no thanks.

@Taleb do you have a good work out plan yet?
dont think i will ever ride to the gym. something about being exhausted / sweaty and then putting my helmet/ gear on on even for the short ride home.. just doesnt make sense. and im not sure why people do it anyway.

I agree with you to an extent, I mean I have been a lot more sweatier on a hot summer day riding in full gear... But I get what your saying..

I personally enjoy feeling nice and pumped and then jumping on the bike.... Kinda best of both words per say..

Yes, my workout plan has been pretty much the same except for minor changes over the past 11 years. I have changed my leg workouts the past few times in the past 5 years.

And you?
Starting this back up..... Cant wait to ride and hit the Gym..

Fitness... Riding, Patios & outdoorsy stuff.... Anything under the sun is good for me..

Do most of you lock your helmets on your bikes when at the gym?

Question...... Have you or anyone you know had an issue with locking a helmet to your bikes? I do it all the time... But we all hear the odd case of someone coming back to finding it missing/damaged/strap cut... etc... I have not yet had an issue (Knock on wood)...

Just wondering what other riders have experienced statistically speaking ...


A few years ago had my helmet locked to the bike. Someone backed into the bike, knocking it over and destroying the helmet.
( The helmet actually took all of the damage)
A few years ago had my helmet locked to the bike. Someone backed into the bike, knocking it over and destroying the helmet.
( The helmet actually took all of the damage)

Devils advocate .... Ouch that really sucks! Vs Potentially saved you lots of money....

Sounds like you got the best scenario outcome out of a bad situation...

Let me guess.. .No one saw it and no note left?
Devils advocate .... Ouch that really sucks! Vs Potentially saved you lots of money....

Sounds like you got the best scenario outcome out of a bad situation...

Let me guess.. .No one saw it and no note left?

Dude, its Toronto.
No one sees anything anymore. Only 1% of people give a ****.
Not much to add to this thread, but for those that don't get good sleep, try over the counter sleeping pills when you feel like getting sick.
Knocks you into the deep recovery sleep quicker, and therefore make your x-number of hour sleeping time more efficient. Oregano oil/pills also help with respiratory ailments.

Bike and workout... maybe on a light day, but on a heavy day, my arms/legs are so sore I can barely go up stairs and keep my hands on the steering wheel--no thanks.
I've used zma on and off for the past couple of years. Honestly I barely saw any changes to my sleeping... maybee a little after the first week of the cycle. Nothing major though.

A question: Has anyone here rider with a gym bag on. I feel like it wouldnt be that big of a deal strapping it on over one shoulder and making sure its tight (wouldn't be commuting on the highway so no speeds over 60km/h?
I've ridden with a gym bag lots of times. No big deal.

I've used ZMA and recently added essential fatty acids in the form of both a flax seed oil and a fish oil. Wow. My strength is literally up 50% after nine weeks of doing this, after plateuing at what I'd call "slightly better than your average natural gym rat" for the last two years. At 182 I am now doing 210lb pulldowns for 7-8 reps, benching 245 for 7-10 reps (but I've done 285 for 5 recently) and overhead presses of 185lbs-190lbs for 7-8 reps using a 3 to 4 set exercise split, usually giving an extra set to the most compound exercises. For me, it feels like I'm suddenly in a different body. Haven't changed my diet at all except that I actually cut a little bit of carbs to lean down a bit for May track events. I put on weight at the same time I shrunk my waist a little (but only a little because squats have added size to my hips etc. over this nine weeks).

Moral of that story: macros are only part of the story. Take your multivitamins and pay attention to the hormone-regulating foods like essential fatty acids when you're dieting because plateauing for that long just blows. I feel like I have thrown away a lot of effort because I didn't pay more attention to micronutrients. :(
I've ridden with a gym bag lots of times. No big deal.

I've used ZMA and recently added essential fatty acids in the form of both a flax seed oil and a fish oil. Wow. My strength is literally up 50% after nine weeks of doing this, after plateuing at what I'd call "slightly better than your average natural gym rat" for the last two years. At 182 I am now doing 210lb pulldowns for 7-8 reps, benching 245 for 7-10 reps (but I've done 285 for 5 recently) and overhead presses of 185lbs-190lbs for 7-8 reps using a 3 to 4 set exercise split, usually giving an extra set to the most compound exercises. For me, it feels like I'm suddenly in a different body. Haven't changed my diet at all except that I actually cut a little bit of carbs to lean down a bit for May track events. I put on weight at the same time I shrunk my waist a little (but only a little because squats have added size to my hips etc. over this nine weeks).

Moral of that story: macros are only part of the story. Take your multivitamins and pay attention to the hormone-regulating foods like essential fatty acids when you're dieting because plateauing for that long just blows. I feel like I have thrown away a lot of effort because I didn't pay more attention to micronutrients. :(

how do you take the flax see oil and fish oil? dosage? etc….
As per the label recommendations. Nothing really more to say on that.

Just recently ordered from Canadian Protein which has a fatty acid supplement which is a mix of fish oil, flaxseed oil and other oils... going to start that some time next month when my current supply is done, as it appears that it can replace and augment that fatty acids I'm taking now. Frankly, this is one very inexpensive supplementation, one purchase of the two oils ran me maybe $50 and looks like it will end up lasting 4+ months. Bought the flaxseed oil at Sam's Club in the states IIRC but Costco has a similar product.


Haven't started on them yet. Wish this arm would sort itself out so I could start doing deadlifts again... hamstring curls are good but just not compound enough for overall results. *sigh*
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cool thanks.

im gonna look into it as well. :)

hope your arm sorts itself out soon and you are back to your reg workouts. cheers.
This article seems quite useful. Maybe just supplementing with an Omega 3 oil is the best way forward.
This article seems quite useful. Maybe just supplementing with an Omega 3 oil is the best way forward.

Just an Omega 3 for me. IMO unless there's issues with your diet a "simple" Omega 3 is sufficient. I buy the bulk packs from CP as well.

Also, I make my own pre-workout now (products sourced from CP) and it is both cheaper and MUCH better than the name-brands. Ability to change the ratios to what works best for your body is a huge plus as well (and you know exactly what you're putting into your body).
The Omega 3-6-9 / Udo's Oil supplements are a waste of money.

Here's why.

The sales pitch that accompanies these blends usually talk about how its important to manage the ratio of omega 6 to 3 consumed. They state the ideal ratio is 2:1 so they sell you a capsule where these are pretty much 2:1. The problem here is that this sort of logic essentially ignores the fact that we are eating other stuff too.

North American's typically consume a LOT of Omega 6 fatty acids already. A lot of evidence points to the overconsumption of Omega6 oils as being really bad for you and inflammatory to the body. This is why many people consume omega 6 to 3 in such a poor ratio in the first place. Its something like 25x that of omega 3's but it varies a lot I suppose based on one's diet. So supplementing with additional omega 6 is not only wasteful but is counterproductive to the effects of supplementing with Omega-3's in the first place given most north american's diets.

As for Omega-9. While the other two are considered essential, Omega9 is not considered an essential oil as the human body can produce it through the conversion of unsaturated fats. You do not need to consume any at all but you probably do anyway as its in Olive Oil and many people eat that.

Ditch 3-6-9, Go for Omega3's only. My opinion which is almost worthless to most is that we are better off just sticking with fish Oil supplements to get Omega 3s. Forget about 3-6-9's or even Flax Seed Oil. Really no point in Flax Seed Oil when you are also supplementing with Fish Oil, just take more fish oil.
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