Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Quick update:

I haven't been able to fit in a gym routine in my schedule yet. Hopefully soon.

I lost 35lbs in 2 months with the following:

No bread, no oil, no sugar drinks (only water and OJ), no rice.

I've been eating only salads at subway.

Thanks for the advice.
I was doing awesome, dropped 15lbs in like a month with perfect diet, a light workout in the morning and then Insanity program at night. And then I went up north for a couple weeks with work and lost motivation because I felt like I had to start over again. And then the weather stayed ******, my MX bike has been delayed for a few weeks, then a big change around at work so I just went back to old habits and gained it right back...
So started back up on it again this week, and hope to be where I want to be by the end of June. Luckily work won't be throwing me in the bush for the next year so I can lay out a good solid program.
Sure sucked doing my first really intense workout after my little break, and seeing how much work I have to do again.
this thread is getting dry with the lack of pictures...cmon let's see dem gains!!!

Anyone doing any obstacle races this year? I'm thinking of signing up for one with my coworkers as a team building/camaraderie exercise. Tough Mudden/Spartan Sprint/Spartan Beast etc. I dislike the egos I see in these type of events but they do seem fun to do. Not to mention theyre overpriced as ****. They have this new run called the Color Run where you pay $50 to get spraybombed with paint while you run 5k...UNTIMED.
No obstacle races for me, but think I'm going to try an endurance cross country mountain bike race when I have a non motocross race weekend.
I just realized I lost another 10lbs. Time to go back on regular diet. I've never loss so much weight in such a space of time
this thread is getting dry with the lack of pictures...cmon let's see dem gains!!!

Anyone doing any obstacle races this year? I'm thinking of signing up for one with my coworkers as a team building/camaraderie exercise. Tough Mudden/Spartan Sprint/Spartan Beast etc. I dislike the egos I see in these type of events but they do seem fun to do. Not to mention theyre overpriced as ****. They have this new run called the Color Run where you pay $50 to get spraybombed with paint while you run 5k...UNTIMED.

as i mentionned there im doing a warrior dash :)
Does anyone have any experience with ultramarathons? I'd like to do one, one day (I'm particularly interested in the Leadville Trail 100). Or even any good trail races in Ontario? Not a fan of pavement pounding.

And on a slightly related note: I snuck into a marathon in Belgium today (with no prior training). I won't be able to move tomorrow hahaha
Summer solstice at Albion Hills. Do it! :cool:

I would need a team, and since I haven't raced yet, and I'm competitive, I wouldn't want to let other guys down, especially since I don't have a regular MTB crew yet.

I might to the 62 km up in Mattawa "Lost in the rocks and trees" just to see how I do.
I would need a team, and since I haven't raced yet, and I'm competitive, I wouldn't want to let other guys down, especially since I don't have a regular MTB crew yet.

I might to the 62 km up in Mattawa "Lost in the rocks and trees" just to see how I do.

Maybe look into a team with a local shop? I know Caledon hills cycling has quite a few people that they enter with and not all of them are "racers". I'd do it with ya if we could find enough people.
Most people don’t understand, but you’re ok with that. For you, training is not a hobby or a social activity; it is a way of life. Those around you say that you are obsessed, taking it too far and possibly insane. They can’t understand why you won’t eat birthday cake, why you bring Tupperware full of chicken to a party or why you go to sleep early on a Friday to rest up for a Saturday training se......ssion. But you don’t care. Their accusatory tones, sarcastic remarks and insults are merely cotton bullets firing at a titanium wall of perseverance known as YOU.

You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that any negativity that surrounds you is fueled purely by jealousy. Jealous that you are capable of unconditionally committing to something that most cannot stick to for more than a few weeks as part of their yearly resolution. Jealous that you gladly embrace a level of pain, discomfort and fatigue that others cringe at the idea of suffering a fraction of. Jealous that you take time to count carbs, protein, fats and calories while they count their chicken nuggets to make damn sure their 10 piece isn’t a 9 piece. In short, they’re Jealous of YOU.

Ironically, all the comments, nagging and questioning that is meant to break you down a little, does just the opposite. Every negative word reminds you of how special and uncommon your mechanical allegiance to training really is, in turn, pushing you harder. So bring it on! Let them call you obsessed, crazy or insane and watch you get stronger with every word. The only one who can slow you down is yourself. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you are both an immovable object and an unstoppable force……


Most people don’t understand, but you’re ok with that. For you, training is not a hobby or a social activity; it is a way of life. Those around you say that you are obsessed, taking it too far and possibly insane. They can’t understand why you won’t eat birthday cake, why you bring Tupperware full of chicken to a party or why you go to sleep early on a Friday to rest up for a Saturday training se......ssion. But you don’t care. Their accusatory tones, sarcastic remarks and insults are merely cotton bullets firing at a titanium wall of perseverance known as YOU.

You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that any negativity that surrounds you is fueled purely by jealousy. Jealous that you are capable of unconditionally committing to something that most cannot stick to for more than a few weeks as part of their yearly resolution. Jealous that you gladly embrace a level of pain, discomfort and fatigue that others cringe at the idea of suffering a fraction of. Jealous that you take time to count carbs, protein, fats and calories while they count their chicken nuggets to make damn sure their 10 piece isn’t a 9 piece. In short, they’re Jealous of YOU.

Ironically, all the comments, nagging and questioning that is meant to break you down a little, does just the opposite. Every negative word reminds you of how special and uncommon your mechanical allegiance to training really is, in turn, pushing you harder. So bring it on! Let them call you obsessed, crazy or insane and watch you get stronger with every word. The only one who can slow you down is yourself. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, you are both an immovable object and an unstoppable force……



Not jelly bro. not one bit. When people take it to this level, it just makes them socially awkward (in the eyes of "normal" folks of this world).

I was mc'ing at a friends wedding and my co-mc was dating a bodybuilder (who was NOT prepping for comp at the time). They brought out their tupperware of food, even though the wedding food was already fairly healthy, not to mention really tasty - I don't even think the meal could be considered a cheat meal. Some of my friends found it insulting. I found it...amusing, and a little jeeze.
Anyone try the new product cocoon by progenex for recovery? I have been using it the last 2 weeks and it really works, I'm training jiu jitsu 4 days a week, Olympic lifting 2 days and Muay Thai 1 day all private training and I haven't felt too sore or tired to keep going...before this stuff I would need a day or 2 off here and there..I'm .going away to train jiu jitsu in Cali and Hawaii the next 2 weeks and I took cocoon with me,...don't think I can live without it anymore!
Anyone try the new product cocoon by progenex for recovery? I have been using it the last 2 weeks and it really works, I'm training jiu jitsu 4 days a week, Olympic lifting 2 days and Muay Thai 1 day all private training and I haven't felt too sore or tired to keep going...before this stuff I would need a day or 2 off here and there..I'm .going away to train jiu jitsu in Cali and Hawaii the next 2 weeks and I took cocoon with me,...don't think I can live without it anymore!

Is it helping your sleep? Never tried that product in particular (it looks like its expensive since they are marketing to crossfitters) but I have tried similar compounds - Casein protein and 5HTP (though that product has Ltryptophan which is the precursor) as well as a bunch of other stuff in the attempts of faster recovery.

The simplest solution that worked the most (As it should) was just upping my protein intake. I was doing the usual 1gm to lb of bodyweight and I upped that by another 80grams per day and I was amazed at the difference in speed of recovery. I had mixed success with the sleep aids like Melatonin, GABA and 5HTP, ZMA. I found that they had some initial benefit that seemed to fade after a little while. I sometimes buy casein for consumption at night but its hard to really know how much of a benefit it has versus just eating a meal a little later at night. It probably does but I always like to quantify things as a value for money proposition. And since casein comes at a premium price, its hard to determine if it passes my value test.

Must be nice to have a schedule like yours! I would love to just train and travel and travel to train and all that good stuff. That is awesome but it looks like Im going to be changing baby diapers for a while so thats out of the picture for me.
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