Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Ugh, I know a couple Navy guys that swear by Crossfit. I find it cute that guys who've been in the military for 4+ years can't outlift me, don't have the same level of endurance for calisthenics as me and have about the same cardio level as me.

But nooooooo my asthma that I haven't had for 14 years is a no-no.
Not surprising. Go do 60 deadlifts as fast as you humanly can with a ridiculous weight, throw a dart blindfolded 5 times at a list of exercises and do all those immediately after, again as fast as you possibly can, tear off your shirt have a big ol circle jerk in the changeroom and call it a day.

All for 2-3x the price of a regular gym. Lol, sheep.

I don't do crossfit, but my buddy does and he showed me the 60X dead. And I actually like it. When I only have 10-15 minutes to do a work out. Rack up 315 on the DL and go to town. next day, traps, back, and hams have been hit right proper.
mirin all the gains here.

personally, if xfit works for your goals, go for it. As long as you're off the couch!
I read every word. Damn, if even half this stuff is true than crossfit is even more retarded than I thought. Lol
I saw the list of exercises.

And yes, there's no consitency in the moves in the training program for like...half the moves on there which would mean no possible gain from that means of workout.
but that's this gym i guess... (didnt read it all...was a TL;DR)
I don't do crossfit, but my buddy does and he showed me the 60X dead. And I actually like it. When I only have 10-15 minutes to do a work out. Rack up 315 on the DL and go to town. next day, traps, back, and hams have been hit right proper.

hey nothing wrong with volume training, at all.. nothing new there.

The problem is the emphasis on SPEED.
I saw the list of exercises.

And yes, there's no consitency in the moves in the training program for like...half the moves on there which would mean no possible gain from that means of workout.
but that's this gym i guess... (didnt read it all...was a TL;DR)

bingo. No systematic progression, improvement, periodization... just completely random circuit training that sells itself as the best way to get HUGE JACKED RIPPED SHREDDED etc. And caters to those unwilling or unable to train themselves, learn and build proper programs, etc.

Smashing an hour of training into 15 minutes is a great way to absolutely mangle yourself.
Btw, if you like video games and wanna track your exercises.
I started using Fitocracy. Its a social workout community, web and app based, where you can track you exercises (giving you points) and you level up and what not.
Kinda cool and encouraging!
Theres an iOS app available, the android app is in beta so only premium members have access to it right now.

There are groups, challenges, duels (<- for premium only) and what not!

Im Lephillou on there as well if you wanna add me.
I've been cutting for 2 weeks now on ~3400 cals/day. I'm pretty sure I'm in single digit bf% already and have vascularity in chest, delts, and arms and striations in the chest.....god bless my ecto genetics. As much as I don't work out for other people I have to admit that walking around at 3-8% bf in a tanktop or shirtless (at beach) and watching complete stranger's jaws drop as they look at you is an amazing feeling that everyone should experience at least just once. I can't wait! lol

In other news, my girlfriend claims I'm OCD for weighing all my food and counting every calorie.
Thinking about Long Fist, Short Fist & a bit of Silat.


useless ...they might as well be breakdancing. theres no submissions after the flying takedowns and the patterns are ghey
I've been cutting for 2 weeks now on ~3400 cals/day. I'm pretty sure I'm in single digit bf% already and have vascularity in chest, delts, and arms and striations in the chest.....god bless my ecto genetics. As much as I don't work out for other people I have to admit that walking around at 3-8% bf in a tanktop or shirtless (at beach) and watching complete stranger's jaws drop as they look at you is an amazing feeling that everyone should experience at least just once. I can't wait! lol

In other news, my BOYfriend claims I'm OCD for weighing all my food and counting every calorie.

gayest post ever
3400 cals to cut?


I'm 190lbs and I'm down to 1600 calories a day or I don't cut. :( Stupid genetics.
useless ...they might as well be breakdancing. theres no submissions after the flying takedowns and the patterns are ghey

When they make martial art a sport they dont seem to allow u to close in for the kill.

Look it up on youtube, they have alot of lethal strikes. Obviously they would be disqualified in a sport, but highly effective in taking any size person down

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3400 cals to cut?


I'm 190lbs and I'm down to 1600 calories a day or I don't cut. :( Stupid genetics.

Honestly though, some days eating feels like a chore. Would be nice to cut on ~2500 instead of stuffing my face at the end of the day when not hungry cause I'm X calories short for the day. 3400 clean cals is A LOT of food.
When they make martial art a sport they dont seem to allow u to close in for the kill.

Look it up on youtube, they have alot of lethal strikes. Obviously they would be disqualified in a sport, but highly effective in taking any size person down

Sent from my phone using my paws

My buddy wanted me to take some course with him that some guy he met runs but the course basically teaches you like a hundred ways to kill someone with your bare hands and with small weapons. It sounds cool on paper but basically EVERY move he teaches is meant to be lethal. It's like completely useless unless you want to kill someone.

BRB, dude at bar throws a punch at you and you instinctively rip his throat out and go to jail for murder. lol
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My buddy wanted me to take some course with him that some guy he met runs but the course basically teaches you like a hundred ways to kill someone with your bare hands and with small weapons. It sounds cool on paper but basically EVERY more he teaches is meant to be lethal. It's like completely useless unless you want to kill someone.

BRB, dude at bar throws a punch at you and you instinctively rip his throat out and go to jail for murder. lol
we call it "sending a message"
When they make martial art a sport they dont seem to allow u to close in for the kill.

Look it up on youtube, they have alot of lethal strikes. Obviously they would be disqualified in a sport, but highly effective in taking any size person down

Sent from my phone using my paws

in jiu jitsu competitions you submit people so im sure there could be the equivalent in this sport
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