Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

what are the side effects of growing up with 5-8% bf for half of your life.

Wouldn't say any, your in good shape :thumbleft:

On a side note, is there any truth to this "cardio exercise will help improve your ability to last longer in bed"?
Wouldn't say any, your in good shape :thumbleft:

On a side note, is there any truth to this "cardio exercise will help improve your ability to last longer in bed"?

Hell yes.
Just think of the importance of good blood flow to certain regions in male and female anatomy... For males it could mean a larger/harder erect penis... For females, it could make the difference for having more blood flow to feed the neurons in the clitoris and could make or break the romp in the sack.

Then, if you're the athletic in bed type, your cardio is very important. You'll be able to keep your body "calmer" since it's used to the stress of physical activity, you can then focus on whatever techniques you use to make yourself last...
Do any of you guys have a nutritionist that you can refer me to? I'd like to have a proper meal plan.

& I have a question for the guys that cut: at what point do you guys find cutting to be impractical? I'm at 8.3% now (lost a whole percent in 3 weeks while cheating), but I don't want to get to a point where it's almost counter-productive, unhealthy, or unsustainable. I like the added definition of having a lower percentage of body fat, but I'm just wondering how low I can or even SHOULD go?

Sorry if it seems like a newbie question...I'm slowly reading threads one by one on but I'm really busy so it's taking a while

Lastly, thanks for the suggestion...I learned a lot from it (spent a whole day reading it weeks back) - the part on cheat days was especially helpful since I can't give up going out/drinking at my age
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Do any of you guys have a nutritionist that you can refer me to? I'd like to have a proper meal plan.

& I have a question for the guys that cut: at what point do you guys find cutting to be impractical? I'm at 8.3% now (lost a whole percent in 3 weeks while cheating), but I don't want to get to a point where it's almost counter-productive, unhealthy, or unsustainable. I like the added definition of having a lower percentage of body fat, but I'm just wondering how low I can or even SHOULD go?

Sorry if it seems like a newbie question...I'm slowly reading threads one by one on but I'm really busy so it's taking a while

Lastly, thanks for the suggestion...I learned a lot from it (spent a whole day reading it weeks back) - the part on cheat days was especially helpful since I can't give up going out/drinking at my age
If you are not a pro athlete, or someone who is diabetic and allergic to every kind of food you dont really need a nutritionist, but its your money.

I'd rather spend the money on good clean food. Just read more and find out what works for you. At 8% body fat i would start trying to build more mass again but i wouldn't let my BF go much above 12% mainly because its a pain to cut from higher up and you don't gain as much lean mass as fast i find. Also dirty bulk just means "i have no self control" don't do that. Me personally my diet consists of a lot of steak and chicken breast with salads of all kinds, i dont eat rice, or bread, potatoes or pasta. I do however incorporate normal foods into my diet, just make your macro nutrients fit. I go out for wings once a week and sushi once every couple weeks. Lots of veggies, lots of protien and a decent amount of fat PB, almonds, sunflower seeds.

Typical go to meals

^ This is how I try to eat. What happens for some reason (and it may be because I need stronger will power) is I do this for about 2-3 months. I allow the once a week cheat meal then after the 2-3 months all hell breaks loose and I crave junk for like 2 weeks - a month...WTF is that all about. So I get to the point were I notice a differnce in how I look, clothing starts to fit looser, higher energy levels and people notice a difference too and so forth then I friggen blow it.

Does this happen to anyone else and if so how did they get out of this stupid cycle. I figure if I can quit smoking I should be able to eat good and stick to it right?

btw at the part where I'm done with the junk and back on track right now but I want that to last:)
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If you are not a pro athlete, or someone who is diabetic and allergic to every kind of food you dont really need a nutritionist, but its your money.

I'd rather spend the money on good clean food. Just read more and find out what works for you. At 8% body fat i would start trying to build more mass again but i wouldn't let my BF go much above 12% mainly because its a pain to cut from higher up and you don't gain as much lean mass as fast i find. Also dirty bulk just means "i have no self control" don't do that. Me personally my diet consists of a lot of steak and chicken breast with salads of all kinds, i dont eat rice, or bread, potatoes or pasta. I do however incorporate normal foods into my diet, just make your macro nutrients fit. I go out for wings once a week and sushi once every couple weeks. Lots of veggies, lots of protien and a decent amount of fat PB, almonds, sunflower seeds.
I fall into the "allergic to everything camp". Thankfully, I've outgrown a lot of food allergies except nuts & peanuts. But that rules out almonds & peanuts which are excellent sources of protein. & it also rules out a lot of the really nutritious nuts : /. I'm on the waiting list for another allergy test and I'm hoping to have outgrown them.

I basically want to figure out how many calories I need for maintenance & all that stuff...I'm just afraid that I won't do it properly. There are all these formulas or online calculators, but they don't really incorporate individual differences like metabolism & stuff.

I'm reading up on but I have very little free time to get through it all.

Rafiki, the key for me was to get to a point where my baseline was really fit. My old baseline used to be healthy, but once I started working out regularly, it become slightly muscular...and now it's fit. Deviating too much from a good diet/missing workouts means I start going under that baseline. I had to work out to a point where deviating would mean that I wasted the hard work that I put in (this took me about 7 months of going consistently) before it finally clicked.
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I basically want to figure out how many calories I need for maintenance & all that stuff...I'm just afraid that I won't do it properly. There are all these formulas or online calculators, but they don't really incorporate individual differences like metabolism & stuff.

Book a BodPod test somewhere or a University, they should be able to do it for you. Will tell you everything, very useful. I have the benefit of being on a University team and we test minimum 2x/yr some do it 3-4.
Basically to stay alive, my number of calories is 1800/day. Since I'm very active and need to gain some weight I eat 3500-4000 a day of good solid food, Im not big on junk - once in a while I'll have wings, nachos and salsa, ice cream now that its summer, my metabolism is insane so I dont really watch what I eat, just good food. I'm 5'11, between 148-150lbs consistently for the last 6 months. 6 months ago I was 145lbs, couple months ago 146lbs - 6.2%BF when I tested.
Book a BodPod test somewhere or a University, they should be able to do it for you. Will tell you everything, very useful. I have the benefit of being on a University team and we test minimum 2x/yr some do it 3-4.
Basically to stay alive, my number of calories is 1800/day. Since I'm very active and need to gain some weight I eat 3500-4000 a day of good solid food, Im not big on junk - once in a while I'll have wings, nachos and salsa, ice cream now that its summer, my metabolism is insane so I dont really watch what I eat, just good food. I'm 5'11, between 148-150lbs consistently for the last 6 months. 6 months ago I was 145lbs, couple months ago 146lbs - 6.2%BF when I tested.
Thanks for the suggestion...I'll definitely try that out.

I was trying to do it manually earlier and I ran out of time -_-. I did, however, find this: It's a calculator for anyone doing the intermittent fasting thing that's suggested in LeanGains

Filling this out, the number of workouts/week only goes up to 7. To low for my use - 15 solid workouts and if you include my stretching session 45min-1hr each then the total is 18-20. Pretty good on the calories with the info I put in "rest day is 3585" and "workout days is 3911" (I eat 4000 everyday regardless) I was surprised that its very close to 4000, I was expecting 3000-3200. So the "goals" calculation is good, follow it and you should see results (gain weight, lose weight etc) At the end, the chart is nicely layed out, simple ,easy to ready and understand. Its a good tool to use.

I ate 35 wings and a lot of fries (homemade, if that make a difference) yesterday during the hockey game, weighed in this morning in my 148-150lbs range
, metabolism at work FTW, but I'll keep track for the next day or 2 to see what happens. Off to eat the 15 left over for lunch :)
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Filling this out, the number of workouts/week only goes up to 7. To low for my use - 15 solid workouts and if you include my stretching session 45min-1hr each then the total is 18-20. Pretty good on the calories with the info I put in "rest day is 3585" and "workout days is 3911" (I eat 4000 everyday regardless) I was surprised that its very close to 4000, I was expecting 3000-3200. So the "goals" calculation is good, follow it and you should see results (gain weight, lose weight etc) At the end, the chart is nicely layed out, simple ,easy to ready and understand. Its a good tool to use.

I ate 35 wings and a lot of fries (homemade, if that make a difference) yesterday during the hockey game, weighed in this morning in my 148-150lbs range :scratch:, metabolism at work FTW, but I'll keep track for the next day or 2 to see what happens. Off to eat the 15 left over for lunch :)

I hate guys like you... 12 wings and some sweet potato fries will fill me up for HOURS... I couldn't imagine eating 35 of them!
I work out 5 days a week, and weekends it's motocross time (I get about 2 hours of solid riding saturday, and about an hour on sunday, plus a quick morning run sunday to get the body ready for the first race) and I have a really difficult time shedding weight... But, I put muscle on like a mofo. I have legs most guys would kill to have, and I don't even focus on them, or I would have the issue I had in highschool of not finding jeans that could fit my legs and still be not too loose around my waist.

I just did that fancy calculator there... Says I need about 3400cal/day just to maintain... I take in less than 2500cal/day for sure, but looking at the chart, not enough of it is protein...
Damn my metabolism sucks!
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I hate guys like you... 12 wings and some sweet potato fries will fill me up for HOURS... I couldn't imagine eating 35 of them!

Yea a lot of people mention that :rolleyes: but eating is really tiring too ;) - Hockey game last night 3 periods @ 10 wings each period and then in went into OT so I had some more, if that game kept going, I would have kept eating. That's my problem and I'm pretty sure it'll catch up to me one day. Motocross riding, I'm assuming your going semi-hard + and racing = a lot of stress on the body, so it's like another 5 workouts I'd imagine.
the spartan race is in about 2 weeks and I still havn't done any cardio, fml.

I've been trying IF since the 1st week of May. Have acquired a taste for black coffee to satisfy my hunger pangs in the morning... Lost about 5 lbs. The only thing I don't like about it is that feeling of hunger. I never not used to feel hungry... it's criminal in Canada!

How long do you give yourself for a cut? In the past, I usually quit working out in the summer and become lazy, because summer is so fun!!.
This is my last week of evaluating IF. My experience so far:

- I get starved during the morning. Have cheated with a 35 cal yogourt a few times because I had to.
- coffee intake went way up, just like you, to stop hunger
- lost about 1 pound so far, much less than with 6 small meals a day
- feelings of hunger have flipped to feelings of serious over-eating during the 8 hour food period
- kept my calories at or below 2000 just like with 6 meals per day, however
- found myself eating processed foods or higher-carb foods than I was with multi-meals
- regarding last, couldn't feel at all full with just my usual complex carbs and roast chicken

In short, IF made me eat foods that were less whole, upped my carb vs. protein count and overall didn't lose me more weight. All that said, the calorie counts stayed the same and I should have lost ~3 pounds under regular conditions.

So, it hasn't worked for me, so far but I am going to give it another week before I write it completely off.
Yeah. It has worked for me.. but it's feeling kinda torturous.

I don't really eat all my meals within the 8 hours, because by the 8th hour, I still feel full from my 2nd meal. By 10th hour, I'm ready to feast again, lol.

I also feel I'd actually be making gains if I followed nutrition a bit more strict.

On the positive side, I don't get sleepy at work anymore and I do get more done...while thinking of food!!
This is my last week of evaluating IF. My experience so far:

- I get starved during the morning. Have cheated with a 35 cal yogourt a few times because I had to.
- coffee intake went way up, just like you, to stop hunger
- lost about 1 pound so far, much less than with 6 small meals a day
- feelings of hunger have flipped to feelings of serious over-eating during the 8 hour food period
- kept my calories at or below 2000 just like with 6 meals per day, however
- found myself eating processed foods or higher-carb foods than I was with multi-meals
- regarding last, couldn't feel at all full with just my usual complex carbs and roast chicken

In short, IF made me eat foods that were less whole, upped my carb vs. protein count and overall didn't lose me more weight. All that said, the calorie counts stayed the same and I should have lost ~3 pounds under regular conditions.

So, it hasn't worked for me, so far but I am going to give it another week before I write it completely off.

LOL so you did IF, cheated and changed your macros and somehow expected same results?

Either way I am a believer that your net avg calorie count over the week is all that counts.
the spartan race is in about 2 weeks and I still havn't done any cardio, fml.

I've been trying IF since the 1st week of May. Have acquired a taste for black coffee to satisfy my hunger pangs in the morning... Lost about 5 lbs. The only thing I don't like about it is that feeling of hunger. I never not used to feel hungry... it's criminal in Canada!

How long do you give yourself for a cut? In the past, I usually quit working out in the summer and become lazy, because summer is so fun!!.
I usually give 4-6months for a good cut. With the first 4 being serious and last two kind of maintenance/ just under.
LOL so you did IF, cheated and changed your macros and somehow expected same results?

The point really was that because of hunger, I was led to foods which were different than with my usual 5-6 meal diet. Also, it led to less preparation because... well, there's less regimentation in the IF diet, and that was one of the points in the "for" category. But hunger led me to eat other things, which was my main point. And this last week, I have been tired... can't get ENOUGH sleep or rest. Related? I duno, but I don't like it.
The point really was that because of hunger, I was led to foods which were different than with my usual 5-6 meal diet. Also, it led to less preparation because... well, there's less regimentation in the IF diet, and that was one of the points in the "for" category. But hunger led me to eat other things, which was my main point. And this last week, I have been tired... can't get ENOUGH sleep or rest. Related? I duno, but I don't like it.

Well, it doesn't sound like its a good idea for you if you find it hard to stick with. If you gave it an honest shot and didn't see any progress than of course switch out to what gives you the most progress since thats what really matters. My Misses doesn't like it either mostly because she gets irritable when hungry so she has a more conventional eating pattern. I like it though.

I IF and have been doing so for a while and I find that it can be a bit tricky to track progress by weighing yourself on a scale. On a more typical eating patten, you usually end up lightest in the morning right after you take a wizz and dump and before you drink or eat anything - when you are bone dry. Since I eat 2/3 of my daily intake around 8pm, I find that the early morning weigh-ins fluctuate a lot more and I am heavier in the morning because I still got food in my system. I end up my lightest around noon, even after drinking a ton of water and tea throughout the morning. Since my level of hydration can vary depending on what Im doing in the morning, it can be harder to monitor your weight and you really can't weigh in bone dry.
Anyone have any experience with the "insanity" program?
Thinking of doing it, following the diet plan as close as I can. I'll lift Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday my work gym time is some team building stuff so its random, Thursday's I can usually lift again in the morning. Those 4 days I'll do the insanity work outs after work. Friday morning will be my "easy" day workout in the morning, sat and sun I'm racing mx so that's a work out in itself. Sunday after racing will be my cheat time.

Im not looking for more size, I'm just wanting to get my bf% down and improve my cardio/agility.
I realize I don't really have a rest day, but I never do anyways.
My wife is doing the insanity vids now, trust me they work! The food guide meals are a little too complex if youre on the move all the time, just try and be reasonable with what u eat. Also the vids are hilarious cuz the people with Shaun T are constantly bonkin and looking goofy. You will get cut and endurance from these vids. If youre thinking about it, go for it cuz they are awesome! Hopefully once my back gets better I'm gonna do the 60 days myself. Good luck :)
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