Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

Most people will never hit 240lbs at 5% bf with juice either. I'm comparing elite level without juice to elite level with juice. I'm also basing this off my own height (6'1).

Just about ANYONE can attain an impressive physique without juice regardless of genetics though, yes, some more easily than others due to genetics but with the right diet, routine and work ethic I serously believe there are very very few exceptions (and you probably aren't one of them).
Dont know about that.
I'm 6 ft 1 ,215. Train private one on one 5 days week an hour each. 2 sessions hi intensity sparring no gi ji Jitsu, 2 sessions CrossFit with focus on Olympic lifting, squat,snatch,dead lift,cleans,jerk,bench,,push press,zercher squats ,1 session Muay Thai sparring and pad work. Diet is pretty good not perfect and I'm 43 this year. My fitness level is high my resting heart rate is 47 BPM , i can move decent weight and I don't gas in the octagon or ring. To walk around at 10 percent body fat with no drugs or hormones would be tough to impossible. To focus on it and peak would be possible maybe but something would suffer.
DO NOT WORKOUT ONE SIDE OF YOUR BODY! - less wight, work them both until your back to good strength. Forget about weights maybe, body weight will be sufficient for a couple weeks.

*Did you break your leg or?...

Nah, nerve root compression, so I've been off it since like October. I'm gonna be getting surgery to remove the two disc protrusions and then I gotta figure out a rehab plan for myself. Figured alot of treadmill walking to sort out my body listing to one side, but that's where my plans end. I also have a bowflex SE, so if anyone has some low impact ideas I can use to get back on track it would be most appreciated :)
Same beach body company different results. P90x is for muscle definition, toning, and size. Insanity is more weight loss and cardio.

I disagree there. Ive added parts of the Insanity Asylum workouts to my routine, and notice a difference.
Than again my biggest challenge to get over is my diet. If i changed that completely, id see much better results.
Dont know about that.
I'm 6 ft 1 ,215. Train private one on one 5 days week an hour each. 2 sessions hi intensity sparring no gi ji Jitsu, 2 sessions CrossFit with focus on Olympic lifting, squat,snatch,dead lift,cleans,jerk,bench,,push press,zercher squats ,1 session Muay Thai sparring and pad work. Diet is pretty good not perfect and I'm 43 this year. My fitness level is high my resting heart rate is 47 BPM , i can move decent weight and I don't gas in the octagon or ring. To walk around at 10 percent body fat with no drugs or hormones would be tough to impossible. To focus on it and peak would be possible maybe but something would suffer.

I stopped reading at "crossfit"
I am 5'6" I will hit 200lbs 10% BF before I am 30... That would be beastly.

Roasted @ 200lbs 10% is obviously different than me (a manlet) @ 200lbs 10% BF.

Btw 10% BF is not that hard to achieve, and not that hard to maintain.

5% on the other hand, sure I would say there is like <0.5% of the population that can achieve and maintain that on the regular. I would say more like 30-40% of the population could maintain a 10% BF or less pretty easily. Hell most skinny dudes are there.
I am 5'6" I will hit 200lbs 10% BF before I am 30... That would be beastly.

Roasted @ 200lbs 10% is obviously different than me (a manlet) @ 200lbs 10% BF.

Btw 10% BF is not that hard to achieve, and not that hard to maintain.

5% on the other hand, sure I would say there is like <0.5% of the population that can achieve and maintain that on the regular. I would say more like 30-40% of the population could maintain a 10% BF or less pretty easily. Hell most skinny dudes are there.

Sknny dudes are there because of genetics. You just reaffirmed the point
Sknny dudes are there because of genetics. You just reaffirmed the point

Well seeing as a good portion of the population had skinny dudes for parents if there is skinny dude genetics you are likely somewhere in between. What I am trying to say is 10% isn't so extreme. I would say it's achieveable by ATLEAST 30% of the population with some decent diet. It's not easy for everyone. It certainly isn't easy for me. I need to diet pretty good to get there and I train twice a day. But it's not hard to get there unless your definition of hard is having some discipline. And I definately don't think 10% is low enough for most people to hurt athletic performance.
I am 5'6" I will hit 200lbs 10% BF before I am 30... That would be beastly.

Roasted @ 200lbs 10% is obviously different than me (a manlet) @ 200lbs 10% BF.

Btw 10% BF is not that hard to achieve, and not that hard to maintain.

5% on the other hand, sure I would say there is like <0.5% of the population that can achieve and maintain that on the regular. I would say more like 30-40% of the population could maintain a 10% BF or less pretty easily. Hell most skinny dudes are there.

Jesus christ, that is massive for your height...
and then i said focusing on Olympic lifts,don't be scared of non body building workouts.

Sorry man, but I couldn't resist. lol

Point is, I train purely for size and overall looks, I don't do cardio, I don't box, I don't fight, and if I run for 20 minutes I'm just about ready to have a heart attack. Maybe if you trained and dieted purely for size and leanness you could hit 200 lbs at 10% and maintain it but you DON'T. You dont' know if you could hit and maintain 200lbs @ 10% because you don't train for it. Also, I'm about 10% bf at around 205 lbs. AT 200 lbs I'm around 8%, there are also some guys out there that have size on me without jucing, I'm by no means the biggest, so the numbers I gave were decent but nothing crazy.

EDIT: ALso, as for the skinny guys comment. Try getting to 200 lbs as a skinny guy genetically (like me). Being ecto and/or endo has it's advantages and disadvantages. Took me like 7 years to hit 200lbs (and that was at like 15% bf lol)
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Sorry man, but I couldn't resist. lol

Point is, I train purely for size and overall looks, I don't do cardio, I don't box, I don't fight, and if I run for 20 minutes I'm just about ready to have a heart attack. Maybe if you trained and dieted purely for size and leanness you could hit 200 lbs at 10% and maintain it but you DON'T. You dont' know if you could hit and maintain 200lbs @ 10% because you don't train for it. Also, I'm about 10% bf at around 205 lbs. AT 200 lbs I'm around 8%, there are also some guys out there that have size on me without jucing, I'm by no means the biggest, so the numbers I gave were decent but nothing crazy.

EDIT: ALso, as for the skinny guys comment. Try getting to 200 lbs as a skinny guy genetically (like me). Being ecto and/or endo has it's advantages and disadvantages. Took me like 7 years to hit 200lbs (and that was at like 15% bf lol)

Exactly but pure bodybuilding workouts aren't good for overall fitness or functionality. As you said you can't run 20 mins. I'm impressed you admit that as most body builders think they are super athletes, love to see them try any knd of high intensity trainng it's pretty funny to watch beach muscles try and keep up.
if changed my workouts to pure body building you are right. Would have different body composition. But based on my genes I still believe im built for power,speed and endurance not looking pretty!
Exactly but pure bodybuilding workouts aren't good for overall fitness or functionality. As you said you can't run 20 mins. I'm impressed you admit that as most body builders think they are super athletes, love to see them try any knd of high intensity trainng it's pretty funny to watch beach muscles try and keep up.
if changed my workouts to pure body building you are right. Would have different body composition. But based on my genes I still believe im built for power,speed and endurance not looking pretty!
That depends on your definition of "high intensity"....I'm sure some of my workouts would kick your *** also but no, I don't try to be good at everything.

Oh and:
That depends on your definition of "high intensity"....I'm sure some of my workouts would kick your *** also but no, I don't try to be good at everything.

Oh and:

high intensity to me is olympic lifts or zerchers. multiple sets with heavy weight, jiu jitsu non stop for an hour one on one, muay thai one on one pad and ring work non stop for an hour, hill sprints, sledge hammer smashing a tire, anything like that. i doubt your workouts would kick my *** but invite me and i will try, then you can try mine. crossfit kool aid is super ghey, i dont do the crossfit type workouts i only do the olympic lifts.Crossfit are the only gyms left where you are allowed to drop heavyweight from overhead. thats the only way to go for personal best high weight amounts in zercher,snatch, clean, jerk,deadlift etc etc. if you have to lower the weight slowly once you get it up you cant move maximum weight. thats why crossfit gyms are good for me
I don't get how you can't reach 10% with all that cardio that you're doing. Wouldn't it come naturally? ****, I'm just over 9% and I'd like to be high 7s or low 8s. I wonder how long it'll take...
EDIT: ALso, as for the skinny guys comment. Try getting to 200 lbs as a skinny guy genetically (like me). Being ecto and/or endo has it's advantages and disadvantages. Took me like 7 years to hit 200lbs (and that was at like 15% bf lol)
P90X (finished) and Crossfit (just started) and I'm still one meal away from 200lbs (well, more like 5 or 6 lbs). I'm down from the 230lbs I started with, but I'm trying to lose the fat, the gut, and build size and endurance.

Changing my diet worked wonders, but it's not easy considering I take customers out for lunch on a semi-regular basis.
I don't get how you can't reach 10% with all that cardio that you're doing. Wouldn't it come naturally? ****, I'm just over 9% and I'd like to be high 7s or low 8s. I wonder how long it'll take...

doesnt work thast easily. diet and genetics play a big part and at a certaing level of intense long term cardio you burn stored carbs muscle too not just fat
Jesus christ, that is massive for your height...

Yeah it definitely is!

I'm 5'7 on a good day and I hit 205 12ish% bf on my winter bulk. Aesthetically speaking it's a horrible look on us short guys, I hated it. Currently cutting down to 175-180ish 8-9% bf, which IMO is the sweet spot for guys around my height. I couldn't care less for the size loss but I'm trying my hardest to preserve strength. Currently doing a power lifting style routine to help with that.
Yeah it definitely is!

I'm 5'7 on a good day and I hit 205 12ish% bf on my winter bulk. Aesthetically speaking it's a horrible look on us short guys, I hated it. Currently cutting down to 175-180ish 8-9% bf, which IMO is the sweet spot for guys around my height. I couldn't care less for the size loss but I'm trying my hardest to preserve strength. Currently doing a power lifting style routine to help with that.

We're likely similar builds. I'm aiming for the same weight, but I'm not willing to give up my strength for it. I'm a pretty solid dude, and I don't even "lift" all too often, but my regular workouts and sports keep the muscle on pretty good.
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