Woman killed by Wheel

If memory serves me right, the employer should inform you of these laws too

That particular employer was better known for revolving doors than for their ethical or even barely legal treatment of employees..

1) Once, they laid off the entire production staff just before a long weekend, in order to avoid paying them for a day. Yes, it's illegal, but the production staff was full of uneducated fresh immigrants and I only found out about it a couple of years later

2) While I was there, they offered a bonus to the production and distribution staff if they met some pretty stiff quotas. Those poor saps busted their humps and were ahead of the curve when the company laid off about half of them, the work piled up, they couldn't keep up and the bonuses never materialized. Now I feel sorry for not reporting them after seeing a container from China unloaded with product tagged with "Made in Canada".
That particular employer was better known for revolving doors than for their ethical or even barely legal treatment of employees..

1) Once, they laid off the entire production staff just before a long weekend, in order to avoid paying them for a day. Yes, it's illegal, but the production staff was full of uneducated fresh immigrants and I only found out about it a couple of years later

2) While I was there, they offered a bonus to the production and distribution staff if they met some pretty stiff quotas. Those poor saps busted their humps and were ahead of the curve when the company laid off about half of them, the work piled up, they couldn't keep up and the bonuses never materialized. Now I feel sorry for not reporting them after seeing a container from China unloaded with product tagged with "Made in Canada".

That's just wrong on so many levels
That's just wrong on so many levels

It's so common, it's not news any more.. But when a single working union stiff falls asleep on the job, it's front-page news nationally.
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