Windows 8 Without A Touch Screen?

"well, cars have had steering wheels infront of the driver for 100 years but you know what, screw it, we know better so were gonna put in a bunch of levers.....its more efficient, takes up less room and its better, and if you dont know how to use it, its because you're a neanderthal who wont except change"

Its cool, you can make it 10x better than Win7, make the change too fast and you're gonna be on your *** asking WTF happened as people drop you and your software like a rock.

Fact is, Win8 was designed primarily for tablet and mobile application usage, its been mentioned by Windows as to transfer it over to a desktop or laptop with no touchscreen its kinda BS.

Now, ZX600 mentioned that all you gotta do is type the name of the program.

Here's the thing, what if you dont remember the name of the program? Or, like me, you sit on the couch with the mouse in your hand as you browse through folders with mouse clicks only. If i have to type something i gotta get up and go to the desk to type it in....

I'll be the one who hates change and embrace Win7 for as long as i can. You can be derisive towards my "lack of change" all you want.
Now, ZX600 mentioned that all you gotta do is type the name of the program.

Here's the thing, what if you dont remember the name of the program? Or, like me, you sit on the couch with the mouse in your hand as you browse through folders with mouse clicks only. If i have to type something i gotta get up and go to the desk to type it in....
Then you click the windows button and use your mouse to scroll through your programs from left to right

I honestly don't care what others use or not, I also don't really care if people don't like change, as a matter of fact as a change management consultant it keeps me in business or it did until a bit ago, but people shouldn't knock down something they haven't even taken the time to learn.
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Windows peaked with 3.11. It's been downhill ever since
Try this download

Followed everything in that link. got all the latest files and updates. No dice. How do I make sure I got the KB file on my system? Apparently its supposed to load automatically on my system through win updates.
I honestly don't care what others use or not, I also don't really care if people don't like change, as a matter of fact as a change management consultant it keeps me in business or it did until a bit ago, but people shouldn't knock down something they haven't even taken the time to learn.

As an incident manager its poorly executed changes that keep me in business. Like XP 8 :p. I did not find the change as bad as people complained about. I didn't like the experience tho infact its what finally pushed me to give a mac a try so far i'm happy with it. But saying that having played with a surface I do like allot when its in touch screen applications. It will be interesting to see what they do the next release.
Here's the thing, what if you dont remember the name of the program? Or, like me, you sit on the couch with the mouse in your hand as you browse through folders with mouse clicks only. If i have to type something i gotta get up and go to the desk to type it in.....

You can do the same in Win 8. Search in Win 8 is the same as search when on click on the start orb in Win 7 right at the bottom. That's where you type what you re lookin for.

Being an advertising platform for Microsoft to generate revenue on. More money from them means more innovation and better software for you :cool:
Windows peaked with 3.11. It's been downhill ever since

That's about where most people's computer skills flatlined
advertising platform

Where are all these ads in Win 8 you are condemning?
I know there's a lot of money in gadgets for the kids. And kids are mostly in their 30's.
Ask the Microsoft sales department.. Looks like they're having a tough time generating interest ;)

What has sales of the operating system have to do with the operating system it self?
If you aren't running Win 8 what do you know about it? Kind of lame material to post to favour your opinion. Don't like it don't use it. The OP wanted assistance with upgrade not opinions on Win 8. Posting your opinion like the other kids is of no help.
"well, cars have had steering wheels infront of the driver for 100 years but you know what, screw it, we know better so were gonna put in a bunch of levers.....its more efficient, takes up less room and its better, and if you dont know how to use it, its because you're a neanderthal who wont except change"

Its cool, you can make it 10x better than Win7, make the change too fast and you're gonna be on your *** asking WTF happened as people drop you and your software like a rock.

Fact is, Win8 was designed primarily for tablet and mobile application usage, its been mentioned by Windows as to transfer it over to a desktop or laptop with no touchscreen its kinda BS.

Now, ZX600 mentioned that all you gotta do is type the name of the program.

Here's the thing, what if you dont remember the name of the program? Or, like me, you sit on the couch with the mouse in your hand as you browse through folders with mouse clicks only. If i have to type something i gotta get up and go to the desk to type it in....

I'll be the one who hates change and embrace Win7 for as long as i can. You can be derisive towards my "lack of change" all you want.

It was the same when I got internet. People would ask me what is it? What do you do with it? Eventually the sheeple come around. Prior to internet it was BBS. Before your time.
Windows 8, from a design standpoint, is crap.

I'm a developer. I appreciate what M$ was trying to do with Windows 8 for developers. However, I tried using it on multiple occasions and found it more difficult to use than the OSX. At least the OSX has terminal which is much better than command prompt at actually doing things. Also, in the last 20 years we've been using WIMP as a way for human interaction. W8 kinda destroys WIMP and tried to do a "one size fits all" approach.

W8's UI doesn't work well with keyboard and mouse users. It feels extremely clunky. Trying to find things that took me 1 second on 7 is taking me minutes on 8 (with quite a bit of swearing), this usually involves things like msconfig, services.msc, and other debug tools/things that most users don't use. Anyone that says otherwise has no clue wtf they're talking about; Windows 8.1 addresses many issues myself and other users have been swearing about since 8's release.
油井緋色;2117408 said:
Windows 8, from a design standpoint, is crap.

Precisely. 8.1 is just polish on a turd.

What a mess. At least 5 different programming APIs in one operating system, two distinct and largely differing interfaces which the user has to switch between to interact with programs and their computer settings. The GUI they throw in your face by default has built-in advertising capabilities which you pay for, and forces apps into a maximum of two programs per screen in the days of the 4K monitor (with one of those apps only able to use a partial screen). Underneath this platform they radically improve networking capabilities for the enterprise, and then do their best to keep anyone from making use of them by downgrading the capabilities of the WIMP files interface to grade 3 level, with virtually none of the flexibility found in XP, released 10 years previous.

On a desktop computer and most laptops, it's a mess. An ugly, disjointed, idiotic mess. And them tying it to the cloud has actually made it irrelevant, because right now there is no reason you can't use the cloud without using a Windows computer to do pretty much everything that Win 8.x does including the app suites. For everything legacy, Win 8.x does its best to keep you from using Win32/Win64 APIs that you require for things like AutoCAD, although they will usually run, they often don't support some key feature because M$ has gone a different way to dumb down the OS even further.

Use it on your phone or tablet, if you're willing to pay the cost of it over something like the Android equivalent (with over 80% of the market, that's pretty much nobody). It sucks less than it does on the desktop there. Barely. But if this is the way Microsoft is moving, they've made their OS and their server products irrelevant. They know it, too - SBS is gone and Exchange is such a bloated hog that it requires a minimum of 3 servers to set up, making the cloud solutions look even better - and if you're looking at the cloud, why would you force yourself to stick with Microsoft, who abandoned you in the enterprise LAN?

Win 8.x actually makes me happy despite the fact that it's causing me and my businesses grief in some ways. Because it means that we are seeing innovation and competition in the marketplace again, simply because Microsoft in its hubris has eaten its young and crapped out Win8. Ballmer knows it, and is leaving in shame... the lead designer did it just weeks after Win 8 was released. Anyone who thinks otherwise, you can tell they haven't a clue what they're talking about.

P.S. if you must continue supporting Windows in your network, you might want to consider Zentyal Server:

Supports native Exchange capabilities, supports and serves Active Directory with SMB1/2/3 file services, comes with an enterprise-grade MTA, DNS, DHCP, firewalling, instant messaging server, webmail with Exchange-like integration, mobile support, LDAP, printer sharing, NTP, FTP, HTTP, traffic shaping, proxy services, VPNs, tunnels and even a captive portal for wireless networks. Price: free, unless you want technical support.
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I installed it on an old net book because I thought it would run faster than 7. It does. I gave the interface a chance, it sucks. The person I installed it for told me she's already got a machine at home running 8 and she thinks it's silly and convoluted. If it weren't for the slight speed bonuses I'd just put 7 on it. Even the 7 interface I usually change to be more like XP so I can see what I actually have open. Most of the guys at work haven't done that and then they can never find the things they have open without clicking through all kinds of stuff first.
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