Dystopia: Are we there yet?
There is a chain of command between the prime minister who chooses the cabinet and the cabinet choosing the CBC twelve directors. In a convoluted way the PM can censor the news.
The RCMP commissionaire is chosen by the PM. That means the PM can possibly choose a commissionaire that looks left or right. The PM can influence the outcome of federal crimes.
I don't know what system is worse, our privileged appointments or the US system of elected officials, judges, prosecutors, sheriffs etc. Having officials elected by barely literate rednecks scares me.
Having them appointed by a narcissistic PM doesn't make me feel any better.
I there any way of fixing the problem without bloodshed?
Step back. Deep breath. Compara Canada to places like China, North Korea, Russia, Afghanistan, Iraq...Syria....
We don't have it anywhere near as bad as some seem to have convinced themselves, or been convinced by all the ranting and such on social media.
We enjoy one of the highest freedom ratings in the world, with only a small number of other countries ahead of us, and not by that much, and take note, some of those countries are far more restictive on certain things that so many here seem to want to equate to "freedom", so again, deep breath everyone...bigger picture. Reality check.