Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

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Plus 100k+ for municipal infrastructure. Not sure where your 200k gta lot is. Lots near barrie are more than that (recent sales of vacant building lots are over 500).
I would have guessed a million for a GTA lot. Small builders snatch up underhoused lots, demolish and build to the maximum. Since those are automatically custom builds it would be a couple million dollar home and not for the financially restrained.
Levittown homes would be $90 to $150k to build today. Very basic, 750 to 1100 sq’, 1-1/2 storey.

Add 100k for a lot outside the gta, 200 for a gta lot.

No subsidies needed. Veterans already had subsidies whether they bought a wartime house or anything else.
Cousins In Rochester New York had a story and a half. Their electrical service was 120 volts, 30 amperes. The disconnect was by the kitchen table and it had two 15 amp fuses. One was for lights and the other was for receptacles.

The furnace was gas with convection distribution, no fan. The clothes drier and stove were gas. No air conditioning.

Being tea drinkers they had an electric kettle in the kitchen. Next to it they had a box of spare fuses in case the refrigerator came on when water was brewing.

Now 200 amp / 240 volts is common. No fast charge EVs for them. Mind you I did like his 56 Chev 2 door hardtop, 55 T-Bird, 58 Corvette and 65 Mustang. There's more to life than a house.
Cousins In Rochester New York had a story and a half. Their electrical service was 120 volts, 30 amperes. The disconnect was by the kitchen table and it had two 15 amp fuses. One was for lights and the other was for receptacles.

The furnace was gas with convection distribution, no fan. The clothes drier and stove were gas. No air conditioning.

Being tea drinkers they had an electric kettle in the kitchen. Next to it they had a box of spare fuses in case the refrigerator came on when water was brewing.

Now 200 amp / 240 volts is common. No fast charge EVs for them. Mind you I did like his 56 Chev 2 door hardtop, 55 T-Bird, 58 Corvette and 65 Mustang. There's more to life than a house.
I've been in a few houses with 2x200 amp services. All were built well before ev's. They had lots of power capacity but not too many open panel spaces.

Some states (iirc California) have special ev charging rates. Add another panel from the meter base that can only legally have ev chargers. Many houses have more power to the meter base than to the panel. This may solve many issues at once (power capacity, panel space, ability for utilities to drop high draw ev chargers on command if required for grid capacity).
I'll leap to the assumption that you're a laisser-faire capitalist (I'm being polite) and don't make use of any of the 'socialist' luxuries in the system like health care, schools, roads, libraries or other amenities.
Social services are not socialism. Socialism does what socialism wants, including taking the means of production. Social services are generally agreed-upon needs that the public sees as worthwhile to fund. I say generally, since much of the time the public isn't consulted. Just because the word social is in "social services" doesn't make it socialism... you could also refer to many of those things as public services.
How's 'trickle down' economics working for you ?
Worked just fine until 2015 when the government decided it hated my industry and wanted to surveil the public which only the big Telco players would get onboard with. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep myself employed, which is why I bought lots of real estate with rental apartments around 2018 when it was clear that the Liberals wanted my 30 year career to die and funded my big-business competitors to make it truly impossible to compete against subsidized competition. Thanks for asking!
You may not have the keys to anything I own and the guv is not taking away your guns - not unless you own a grenade launcher or an AK47.
You don't, do you ?
You're not up on current events, are you? They just pushed a bill through senate to take 1500 different long-barrel rifles out of the public's hands. They've been technically illegal to use most of them for the past few years, despite the bill not being finalised. So yes, the government is taking away my guns. Furthermore, actual military rifles with automatic fire and things like grenade launchers have been illegal for a long, long time - almost my entire life and I'm 55.

EDIT: I'm cranky today. Please do better with knowing the world around you, TK4.
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Social services are not socialism. Socialism does what socialism wants, including taking the means of production. Social services are generally agreed-upon needs that the public sees as worthwhile to fund. I say generally, since much of the time the public isn't consulted. Just because the word social is in "social services" doesn't make it socialism... you could also refer to many of those things as public services.

Worked just fine until 2015 when the government decided it hated my industry and wanted to surveil the public which only the big Telco players would get onboard with. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep myself employed, which is why I bought lots of real estate with rental apartments around 2018 when it was clear that the Liberals wanted my 30 year career to die and funded my big-business competitors to make it truly impossible to compete against subsidized competition. Thanks for asking!

You're not up on current events, are you? They just pushed a bill through senate to take 1500 long-barrel rifles out of the public's hands. They've been technically illegal to use most of them for the past few years, despite the bill not being finalised. So yes, the government is taking away my guns. Furthermore, actual military rifles with automatic fire and things like grenade launchers have been illegal for a long, long time - almost my entire life and I'm 55.

EDIT: I'm cranky today. Please do better with knowing the world around you, TK4.
Socialism grows as long as we feed it. Combined with woke movements and self entitlement it results in a society of garbage dump bears.

Gun related homicides average about one a day in Canada

Alcohol related deaths are 10X

Drug related deaths are 20X. Many gun homicides are drug related so take those off the gun homicide rates.

The Liberal gun fetish is all about diverting attention away from their other failures.

Toronto van massacre, about two dozen killed or maimed.

Amqui PQ, death by F-150

Laval PQ, School deaths by bus

London Ontario, Muslims murdered by pickup truck

Nova Scotia massacre, federal police force ignores fake cop with fake cop car until he goes on a spree. The report was so redacted it might as well have been written on tar paper.

Stop the hate instead.

FWIW I don't own a gun, don't want one and haven't fired one in well over 50 years (22LRs in cadets)
Socialism grows as long as we feed it. Combined with woke movements and self entitlement it results in a society of garbage dump bears.
Amen to that. I grew up in a small Ontario town (Picton) and several of my childhood peers lived in families with no visible means of supporting their lives. At the time (for a long time), the scam was to work under the table quietly whenever possible and scam as many welfare IDs as possible. One bragged at a party in my teens of getting 7 welfare cheques a month under different names while he was working full-time under the table (not reported or taxed, for those that miss the reference) at a car wrecker in Milford. At the time I thought it was clever but wrong, today I'd go straight to the authorities.

Meanwhile friends and family who are left-leaning (hey, I used to carry a Liberal card, but those days are over) would tell me that welfare grift wasn't really a thing, and if it was, it was so uncommon that it's stupid to get upset by. Yeah, not so much.

"Garbage dump bears," indeed.
EDIT: I'm cranky today. Please do better with knowing the world around you, TK4.
Democratic socialism is not totalitarian socialism and you know it.
Oh, the 'do your research' remark - I've been waiting for that one.
Has anyone actually showed up at your house and taken your guns away ? I didn't think so.
My grandfather taught me to shoot. Rule #1 was don't point it or pull the trigger unless you're prepared to kill what you're aiming at. Are you a hunter ?
The top 1% is not paying their fair share, so until they do what's left of the middle class will continue to get pounded.
What this country really needs is major tax reform because them that got don't like to share except under extreme duress.
During WW2 the guv taxed the high earners at 70% to fund the war effort. We're in an economic war now.
For the record - I am no fan of the current federal or provincial governments.
Their business is staying in power and helping out their cronies - nothing more and nothing less.
Join a political party - vote - make your opinions known then maybe we can get some positive, constructive change.
At least here in Canada you and I can agree to disagree without being sent to a gulag...
Democratic socialism is not totalitarian socialism and you know it.
Oh, the 'do your research' remark - I've been waiting for that one.
Has anyone actually showed up at your house and taken your guns away ? I didn't think so.
My grandfather taught me to shoot. Rule #1 was don't point it or pull the trigger unless you're prepared to kill what you're aiming at. Are you a hunter ?
The top 1% is not paying their fair share, so until they do what's left of the middle class will continue to get pounded.
What this country really needs is major tax reform because them that got don't like to share except under extreme duress.
During WW2 the guv taxed the high earners at 70% to fund the war effort. We're in an economic war now.
For the record - I am no fan of the current federal or provincial governments.
Their business is staying in power and helping out their cronies - nothing more and nothing less.
Join a political party - vote - make your opinions known then maybe we can get some positive, constructive change.
At least here in Canada you and I can agree to disagree without being sent to a gulag...
As for coming to take the guns, not by force but they have functionally done that with a stroke of the pen. Failing to turn in banned firearms means you risk criminal charges. Most people aren't willing to take that risk.

Black guns bad is terrible policy and should never have made it this far. I am looking forward to the fair market value buyback bs. Either government has to set fair market value close to scrap value or they need to add many billions to this dumpster fire. Billions that could be better spent on almost any other project.
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Dystopia: Are we there yet?

There is a chain of command between the prime minister who chooses the cabinet and the cabinet choosing the CBC twelve directors. In a convoluted way the PM can censor the news.

The RCMP commissionaire is chosen by the PM. That means the PM can possibly choose a commissionaire that looks left or right. The PM can influence the outcome of federal crimes.

I don't know what system is worse, our privileged appointments or the US system of elected officials, judges, prosecutors, sheriffs etc. Having officials elected by barely literate rednecks scares me.

Having them appointed by a narcissistic PM doesn't make me feel any better.

I there any way of fixing the problem without bloodshed?
I don't know what system is worse, our privileged appointments or the US system of elected officials, judges, prosecutors, sheriffs etc.

The US Supreme Court is nominated by the President. That's why Roe vs. Wade was repealed. Diaper Don loaded up the seats that had been vacated with right wing evangelical judges.
Democratic socialism is not totalitarian socialism and you know it.
I guess we have to start here. Socialism <> totalitarianism. Though they always go hand in hand, they're different in concept.
Has anyone actually showed up at your house and taken your guns away ? I didn't think so.
Essentially, yes. They've outlawed their use in any setting and they intend to ask for us to turn them in. If they know we have them (gun registry) and you don't, it's left unsaid but it will probably come to that.
My grandfather taught me to shoot. Rule #1 was don't point it or pull the trigger unless you're prepared to kill what you're aiming at. Are you a hunter ?
Thanks for the gun refresher. Has no bearing.
The top 1% is not paying their fair share, so until they do what's left of the middle class will continue to get pounded.
The top 10% pay roughly 50% of all taxes in Canada, but you're whining about it anyway. Force them to pay more than the 54% they make on the majority of their earnings (income tax alone) and they'll leave along with their investments and industry. Like happened to France, over 40,000 millionaires and billionaires left the country and now France makes less tax than ever.
What this country really needs is major tax reform because them that got don't like to share except under extreme duress.
LOL if you take the whole top 10% they pay practically all the taxes in the country. 47% of Canadians pay no net tax, maybe we could talk about that?
During WW2 the guv taxed the high earners at 70% to fund the war effort. We're in an economic war now.
They had almost NO other taxes at the time. It was a wartime decision and wasn't well received. Same in the U.S. In fact, they took even more of it. Industry was poised to flee the country. They relented.
Join a political party - vote - make your opinions known then maybe we can get some positive, constructive change.
I used to be a card-carrying Liberal. Now I'm not sure I'll ever vote Liberal again in my life.
At least here in Canada you and I can agree to disagree without being sent to a gulag...
For now. However, you might want to check out some of the actions taken against people who refuse to use someone's unique pronouns or who attempt to interject in their kids' transsexual transformation at a young age. It's currently illegal to even attempt to talk a youth out of transitioning to another sex. These laws are broad, vague and can be used for many things... then there's bills in progress right now such as Bill C-11, C-18 and the Online Harms act which are all acts with vague wording that will block your access to the Internet if they all pass and you dare to disagree with the government. Witness the eagerness for which the central bank and the politicians are working towards a CBDC that can effectively be used in social engineering, social credit and being blocked from your earnings.

We are in very interesting times, which is a sentence the Chinese consider to be a curse.
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Amen to that. I grew up in a small Ontario town (Picton) and several of my childhood peers lived in families with no visible means of supporting their lives. At the time (for a long time), the scam was to work under the table quietly whenever possible and scam as many welfare IDs as possible. One bragged at a party in my teens of getting 7 welfare cheques a month under different names while he was working full-time under the table (not reported or taxed, for those that miss the reference) at a car wrecker in Milford. At the time I thought it was clever but wrong, today I'd go straight to the authorities.

Meanwhile friends and family who are left-leaning (hey, I used to carry a Liberal card, but those days are over) would tell me that welfare grift wasn't really a thing, and if it was, it was so uncommon that it's stupid to get upset by. Yeah, not so much.

"Garbage dump bears," indeed.
I lived in Picton during the summers as a kid, my dad ran a company that made small appliances there, he rented a small cottage on the bay in (Merlin Park) for the summers

A lot of the kids I knew lived a sad life, not all but more than I recall in Scarborough where we lived.

As a 10 year old I never understood why some dads in Picton never worked, in the city I didn’t know dads that didn’t work.
I guess we have to start here. Socialism <> totalitarianism. Though they always go hand in hand, they're different in concept.

Essentially, yes. They've outlawed their use in any setting and they intend to ask for us to turn them in. If they know we have them (gun registry) and you don't, it's left unsaid but it will probably come to that.

Thanks for the gun refresher. Has no bearing.

The top 1% pay roughly 50% of all taxes in Canada, but you're whining about it anyway. Force them to pay more than the 54% they make on the majority of their earnings (income tax alone) and they'll leave along with their investments and industry. Like happened to France, over 40,000 millionaires and billionaires left the country and now France makes less tax than ever.

LOL if you take the whole top 10% they pay practically all the taxes in the country. 47% of Canadians pay no net tax, maybe we could talk about that?

They had almost NO other taxes at the time. It was a wartime decision and wasn't well received. Same in the U.S. In fact, they took even more of it. Industry was poised to flee the country. They relented.

I used to be a card-carrying Liberal. Now I'm not sure I'll ever vote Liberal again in my life.

For now. However, you might want to check out some of the actions taken against people who refuse to use someone's unique pronouns or who attempt to interject in their kids' transsexual transformation at a young age. It's currently illegal to even attempt to talk a youth out of transitioning to another sex. These laws are broad, vague and can be used for many things... then there's bills in progress right now such as Bill C-11, C-18 and the Online Harms act which are all acts with vague wording that will block your access to the Internet if they all pass and you dare to disagree with the government. Witness the eagerness for which the central bank and the politicians are working towards a CBDC that can effectively be used in social engineering, social credit and being blocked from your earnings.

We are in very interesting times, which is a sentence the Chinese consider to be a curse.
I'm interested in where you came up with your taxation statistics - evidence please. Thank you.
I'm interested in where you came up with your taxation statistics - evidence please. Thank you.

The statcan table I posted above will give you all the stats you want...

In 2021..
Top 0.01%.. share 3%.. average income $7.7M..average tax paid $3M
Top 1%... share 22.4%.. average income $580K.. average tax paid $230K
Top 10%... share 54.4%.. average income $190K..average tax paid $55K
Bottom 90%.. share 45.6%.. average income $41K.. average tax paid $5200
Bottom 50%... share 6.2%.. average income $21K.. average tax paid $1300
The statcan table I posted above will give you all the stats you want...

In 2021..
Top 0.01%.. share 3%.. average income $7.7M..average tax paid $3M
Top 1%... share 22.4%.. average income $580K.. average tax paid $230K
Top 10%... share 54.4%.. average income $190K..average tax paid $55K
Bottom 90%.. share 45.6%.. average income $41K.. average tax paid $5200
Bottom 50%... share 6.2%.. average income $21K.. average tax paid $1300
I wonder what that equates to in actual dollar total per income group ?
I wonder what that equates to in actual dollar total per income group ?

The table has the number of filers for each group... and the average amount paid.. use that to figure out the total dollar amount for each group.
Also target immigrants based on skills needed in canada not based solely on finances or sad pictures from their home country. Habitat for humanity scaled up? Bring in trades to build dwellings for five years as part of the agreement? After the five years is up, they are free to change careers if they want but they will be qualified and have work experience if they want to stay in their trade.
Get a sheet of 8.5 X 11 graph paper with 1/4 inch squares. Fill in 7 of the squares and they represent the population of Canada as a percent of the world total, about a half a percent.

While it would be nice to invite everyone to the party what are the realistic expectations when the incoming arrive penniless, untrained, hungry and some carrying the wrong kind of baggage?

I'm not trying to incite racism, just showing the math. During peak Covid there were discussions of triage and abandoning the elderly. At my age I'd have been dumped in the parking lot. Why is this any different?

To feed the incoming hordes we would need more food. The Liberals want farmers to cut back on the use of fertilizer which will reduce yields = more mouths, less food. Farmers pay dearly for fertilizers and automatically cut back to the most efficient levels. Does the minister of immigration ever talk to the minister of agriculture?
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