Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

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WTF? The curbs are "cut" but there's no driveways in this pic. Carport of the middle house looks to be an addition.


They were bare bones. If you wanted a driveway, presumbaly you made your own. The plans were so bad and the houses so small that apparently there was no room for a washer and dryer either. No basements.

I found the neighbourhood in Levitttown NY (There's one in PA as well) and it looks like they all have driveways now of course, and many (but not all) of the houses have apparently been highly modified or added onto, IE many with second levels now, etc, although you can still see quite a few that look still fairly original..

When we moved into our single family home in Richmond Hill there were no sidewalks, storm sewers, garages, or paved roads. The driveways were gravel too. The upgrades all came later. You got a box with a roof and a furnace, the rest was up to you. We can do it again, but there has to be a will on the part of all levels of government. It can be done.
When we moved into our single family home in Richmond Hill there were no sidewalks, storm sewers, garages, or paved roads (gravel). The driveways were gravel too. The upgrades all came later. You got a box with a roof and a furnace, the rest was up to you. We can do it again, but there has to be a will on the part of all levels of government. It can be done.
A big obstacle is servicing. Municipalities argue that the six figure development charge on every house is insufficient to cover the required off-property infrastructure. How did things go so wrong over the last few decades with an order of magnitude increase in DC's? The DC's alone almost prohibit affordable housing. Up front servicing costs amortize to about $500/month. I still don't have a great handle on what is "affordable" for housing but adding 500/month for entirely offsite upgrades really hurts.

There may still be a way the save a fortune here. Given governments inability to deliver a cost-effective project, a large development block could probably be serviced for less money if services were privately constructed as part of the development. There is a complication with a pipe connection that can't be solved privately. Now, if you had a local treatment plant, maybe you could put weeping tiles under parks and boulevards to distribute water locally instead of pumping it into a far away lake. Afaik, many of these alternate solutions are not possible with the current regulatory framework.
Suddenly we have this new edict that says you have the right to use another taxpayer's money to fund your accommodation.
You know they'd make sure that you couldn't build a new house with their money and hold on to the one you already have. No, you're already rich! But then they take your money and build it for someone else.

This may be why they really want to take our guns away. I wish I was even kidding.
You know they'd make sure that you couldn't build a new house with their money and hold on to the one you already have. No, you're already rich! But then they take your money and build it for someone else.

This may be why they really want to take our guns away. I wish I was even kidding.
Whoo boy - yeah, let's bring guns into this. You don't drive a Dodge Ram by any chance, do you ?
Copied from the Wikipedia article on Levitttown:

"The Veterans Administration and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) guaranteed builders that qualified veterans could buy housing for a fraction of rental costs."

So taxpayers footed the bill.

I'd support this for veterans returning home from the war, as was the case here, sure.

For the other 99.9% of society? Are YOU willing to pay for this?

Again, we return to.... "the money has to come from somewhere"....
Levittown homes would be $90 to $150k to build today. Very basic, 750 to 1100 sq’, 1-1/2 storey.

Add 100k for a lot outside the gta, 200 for a gta lot.

No subsidies needed. Veterans already had subsidies whether they bought a wartime house or anything else.
Levittown homes would be $90 to $150k to build today. Very basic, 750 to 1100 sq’, 1-1/2 storey.

Add 100k for a lot outside the gta, 200 for a gta lot.

No subsidies needed. Veterans already had subsidies whether they bought a wartime house or anything else.
Plus 100k+ for municipal infrastructure. Not sure where your 200k gta lot is. Lots near barrie are more than that (recent sales of vacant building lots are over 500).
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Whoo boy - yeah, let's bring guns into this. You don't drive a Dodge Ram by any chance, do you ?
You don't drive a Leaf by any chance, do you?

Hey, while we're just talking politely, can I have the keys to your bike? Or, uh... your home? No? Well now... why not?
Levittown homes would be $90 to $150k to build today. Very basic, 750 to 1100 sq’, 1-1/2 storey.

Add 100k for a lot outside the gta, 200 for a gta lot.

I too ran the dollar figure through the inflation calculator....but that's only a representation of the "small picture". Everything that goes into building that house is not also priced at 1940's prices, the infrastructure is not built at 1940's prices (or standards), nor are we paying 1940's labour prices, nor is transportation the same cost, etc etc etc etc...ad infinitum.

Just saying "A loaf of bread was 5 cents in 1945, why is it $2.50 today, it should be 86 cents!" works the same way.
A big obstacle is servicing. Municipalities argue that the six figure development charge on every house is insufficient to cover the required off-property infrastructure. How did things go so wrong over the last few decades with an order of magnitude increase in DC's? The DC's alone almost prohibit affordable housing. Up front jservicing costs amortize to about $500/month. I still don't have a great handle on what is "affordable" for housing but adding 500/month for housing o kib bycb entirely offsite upgrades really hurts.

There may still be a way the save a fortune here. Given governments inability to deliver a cost-effective project, a large development block could probably be serviced for less money if services were privately constructed as part of the development. There is a complication with a pipe connection that can't be solved privately. Now, if you had a local treatment plant, maybe you could put weeping tiles under parks and boulevards to distribute water locally instead of pumping it into a far away lake. Afaik, many of these alternate solutions are not possible with the current regulatory framework.
That’s because communities waste taxpayers money if they can on unnecessary infrastructure.

I remember working on the fundraising for the Georgina Ice palace in the early 90s. The community worked to build that twin rink, library , rec centre. It cost about $5m for the facility, it was built on lands provided by developers for community use.

5 years later I moved to Markham, who built Angus Glen on the same basic plan. They spent $150million for ostensibly the same building. Keswick has steel joists and a basic low maintenance block and steel exterior, terrazzo floors. Angus Glen has $145 million more spent on fancy fixtures and architectural niceties.

That’s what happens when you give a city 250k to make a building lot.
You don't drive a Leaf by any chance, do you?

Hey, while we're just talking politely, can I have the keys to your bike? Or, uh... your home? No? Well now... why not?
I'll leap to the assumption that you're a laisser-faire capitalist (I'm being polite) and don't make use of any of the 'socialist' luxuries in the system like health care, schools, roads, libraries or other amenities. How's 'trickle down' economics working for you ?
Please correct me if I'm wrong. No Nissan Leaf in my life - EVs are a joke.
You may not have the keys to anything I own and the guv is not taking away your guns - not unless you own a grenade launcher or an AK47.
You don't, do you ?
Whoo boy - yeah, let's bring guns into this. You don't drive a Dodge Ram by any chance, do you ?

I drive a RAM, I have a few guns, I’m no fan of EVs and I’ve never drank a BudLight.

I think I shall challenge you to a duel!
That’s because communities waste taxpayers money if they can on unnecessary infrastructure.

I remember working on the fundraising for the Georgina Ice palace in the early 90s. The community worked to build that twin rink, library , rec centre. It cost about $5m for the facility, it was built on lands provided by developers for community use.

5 years later I moved to Markham, who built Angus Glen on the same basic plan. They spent $150million for ostensibly the same building. Keswick has steel joists and a basic low maintenance block and steel exterior, terrazzo floors. Angus Glen has $145 million more spent on fancy fixtures and architectural niceties.

That’s what happens when you give a city 250k to make a building lot.
I occasionally did corrective work on churches and came to the realization that they were difficult to get right.

A) Anyone that ever put a nickel into the collection plate was a supervisor.

B) It's a monument to God and must be perfect.

Swinging over to government buildings.

A) Anyone that ever paid a nickel in taxes is a supervisor.

B) The place is run by people that think they're Gods and it must be perfect.
WTF? The curbs are "cut" but there's no driveways in this pic. Carport of the middle house looks to be an addition.

The picture reminds me of my cousin's street in Winnipeg. They have back lanes so you park in your garage in your back yard. Coming from GTA suburbia, it looks weird, no pig snouts.
Who's going to work in 2023 for no profit?

Certainly not homebuilders. Even agencies like habitat for humanity struggle to get a handful of homes built every year with the few volunteers they can manage to find, and as I understand it, often the donor money is used to hire trades for some of the more complicated stuff, so again, for profit in the end.

Again, as I said earlier in this thread....we live in a capatalist society, with both the positivies, and negatives thereof.
By non profit I mean getting rid of the opportunists that lurk around every project getting a percentage of the project. "People are spending money. How do I tap into that?"
By non profit I mean getting rid of the opportunists that lurk around every project getting a percentage of the project. "People are spending money. How do I tap into that?"
Have you seen recent habitat builds? Net zero, solar installed from day one, etc. They are damned expensive builds with many unnecessary elements. Is it better to give 10 people castles or 20 people homes?
The picture reminds me of my cousin's street in Winnipeg. They have back lanes so you park in your garage in your back yard.

I have an ex in Winterpeg. Her garage is accessed from the alleyway in the back. There are no cuts in the curbs out front for driveways.
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