Will the real Pierre Poilievre please stand up?

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No corp. Regular mortgage.
That's why. The further you distance yourself from being the owner of your principal residence, the more the banks want. Buying a rental property with a personal mortgage gets you a higher rate. Try to take out a mortgage as a corporation and rate is worse still (and downpayment higher still). Apparently, they also look more closely at corporate cashflow.
How to do the municipalities make up the shortfall? With higher property taxes?
Spend like they did 20 years ago when they managed to build and operate the same infrastructure without a $200K gift on every new build. .

For decades they existed without Dev fees, they did this by being pragmatic and practical with municipal dollars. We need more $10million arenas for kids to play hockey -- not more $100M versions to impress neighbouring municipalities. No more Taj Mahals for city offices, fire and police stations, and school buildings.

Replace things when they are worn out or become too expensive to maintain (drives me crazy to see 5-year-old municipal vehicles with 5,000km in a public auction). Buy stuff that fits the need - like a 20 seater bus, not a 100 seat type for routes that carry an average of 6 passengers per trip. How about a retired a Pickup with a snowplow instead of a shiny new $200K Kubota loader to clear snow in each rink's parking lot.

Ask municipalities to behave like owners.
I would LOVE to build a garage in my back yard. Large style 2 car 1.5 storey garage.

I have the space between the house and the fence for a driveway (approx 6.5-7ft) and definitely have the space in the back for it.

Then I’d convert the current garage into a bedroom, and could happily fit everyone with plenty of space around.

But then there’s reality and that would cost 300-400k.
That's what I did. My garage was in the basement, moved it to the backyard and used the old 24x26 attached garage as a theatre room.

Downside: Shovelling 8 cars worth of driveway isn't fun. A detached garage is a magnet for rodents.
A detached garage is a magnet for rodents.
I think that's only if you have food for them. Built my garage in 1996 and have never had a rodent problem.
I think that's only if you have food for them. Built my garage in 1996 and have never had a rodent problem.
Mice like my attic. There is no food there. No food helps but it isn't magic. You must have done a good job sealing things up.
Location is a big part , had a 2 car detached in the country for 20yrs , never a rodent . Attached in town , mice twice .
Never a coon or squirrel in the country , coons and skunks in town . Location location location says my realtor

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
Rebel Canada Media Payee?
You'd think that the RCMP would hire the best and brightest to guard the deputy Prime Minister.
They arrested what CBC calls a "Rebel News Personality" for assaulting a police officer. Of course the charges were quickly dropped. I admire CBC's unwillingness to acknowledge the depths to which reporting has sunk.
'Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre condemned the arrest, reposting a video of the incident with the message: "This is the state of freedom of the press. In Canada. In 2024. After eight years of Trudeau."'
Might want to watch that video again. The Rebel "News" (ed: they're not actually recognised as a news organisation - there was a court case a while back which concerned this) "reporter" (ed: see above) pushed his way into Freeland - the "reporter" (really just a private citizen) is the one that started the pushing and shoving. I challenge any private citizen to do the same thing and see what happens to them. (I challenge any private citizen to do the same thing to a corresponding US politician and see what happens to them!) The "reporter" also has a wee bit of history, too. All while cameras were conveniently rolling. It reeks of being a manufactured situation.

And ... released without charges.
He respectfully asks some questions, without laying a hand on freeland, the camera pans away so no idea what assault occured. The camera pans back to the police officer vigorously shoving the guy.

Yes, hes a reporter, even if hes not state sanctioned by pravda.
He respectfully asks some questions, without laying a hand on freeland, the camera pans away so no idea what assault occured. The camera pans back to the police officer vigorously shoving the guy.

Yes, hes a reporter, even if hes not state sanctioned by pravda.

Whole thing was a nothingburger. Evidence: no charges.
Whole thing was a nothingburger. Evidence: no charges.
Being arrested and not charged isn't something, but it's not quite nothing either.
Whether we like it or not, freedom of the press is a fundamental anchor of a free democracy.

When the state steps in to disrupt or censor this freedom, we’re heading down a slippery slope.

Watch any episode of CBC Marketplace and you’ll see a collection of interactions more aggressive than this one.
Whole thing was a nothingburger. Evidence: no charges.
How often does one have to have been arrested for assaulting a police officer that it becomes a nothingburger?
Doesn't matter in the end. They'll sue, and our police services will fold, and provide them with "not their own money".
I don't know about you, but I can't really afford that. Can't see how the officer will keep the job, that was stupid.
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