Since I pass by in G town going home to O-ville area from Oakville, wouldn't mind to try out some new crowd. Is this still on? How do I recognize you guys (silly question I guess

edit: nvm just read. that sucks :<Won't be there wwith a bike for a whileuntill I get a new one that is.
Thanks Jamie! Ill be there this week for sure!
I'll try and make it out for a bit, but I have some stuff to do Wednesday so not sure if I'll be able to. Hopefully I can.
Well, my plans for today got bailed. Which means they're on for tomorrow."Stuff", gonna end up with a hand like Geoff's if you don't stop that. Come out and have some wings, I mean fish and chips.
See you guys there.
Was great seeing those that came out again.
Good night, and great conversation as usual.