Wild Wing Wednesday in G-Town, interested?

Since I pass by in G town going home to O-ville area from Oakville, wouldn't mind to try out some new crowd. Is this still on? How do I recognize you guys (silly question I guess :p)
I think it's stopped raining. I'll be there if it stays dry, I'm craving some wings.
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Geoff, Sorry to hear about the bike. But you survived...so come eat wings without a bike is not the same without you.

We are on for this Wednesday, weather permitting. Hope to see you guys/gals there.
Thanks Jamie! Ill be there this week for sure!

Cool man, Can't wait to see you and glad your in one piece. Bryan and I are off to Orange County Choppers this weekend.
I'll try and make it out for a bit, but I have some stuff to do Wednesday so not sure if I'll be able to. Hopefully I can.
I'll try and make it out for a bit, but I have some stuff to do Wednesday so not sure if I'll be able to. Hopefully I can.

"Stuff", gonna end up with a hand like Geoff's if you don't stop that. Come out and have some wings, I mean fish and chips.

See you guys there.
"Stuff", gonna end up with a hand like Geoff's if you don't stop that. Come out and have some wings, I mean fish and chips.

See you guys there.
Well, my plans for today got bailed. Which means they're on for tomorrow.
Tomorrow being wednesday: that means I have to go to the gym for a few hours, go watch a movie (date had to cancel today due to weather.) Along with run a few errands/buy food.

If I wake up early enough I'll be able to drop down I 'spose. Wouldn't be eating, just chatting.

Just look for the guy sleeping on his motorcycle in the parking lot; that'll be me.
Was great seeing those that came out again.

Good night, and great conversation as usual.

Also: soon as I got home my bike rolled over to 30,000 on the odo! wooo! only 70,000 more to go.
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Was great seeing those that came out again.

Good night, and great conversation as usual.

Thanks for coming dude.
Always good to see those that come out and again another good night.

Glad to see deer rider came out in the cage and you are well, one lucky dude. Buy me a lottery ticket!
See you all again soon.
Nice seeing you all again. Bought a lottery ticket as soon as I got home. Hopefully that luck carries over then ill be on 2 again real soon!

Likely see you all next week.

Yea as always, I had a great time. It was great to see you guys again. Look forward to next week.
Who's coming out tomorrow?
I am there, unless weather is gross. Drove 250+ miles in the rain this past weekend...that is enough for awhile.

Hope to see you guys there !!
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