Wild Wing Wednesday in G-Town, interested?

I haven't ridden anywhere in a week (not even the store! damn trying to lose weight and walking places...)! This is crazy, I'll def be out tonight.
I'll be there around 730. if no one shows up by 8 I'll probably just go home (or get something to eat then go home.) I don't know the roads very well, so won't be leading a ride. but if someone does come and wants to, I'll follow.
Not sure I can make it before 8:30/9:00. If I miss everyone, ride safe..
Guys, mark it as a go for next week.
No one showed up while I was there.

I just need to go for a ride anyways, after not riding for a week I was itching! lol
Well I'll start posting earlier to keep it fresh in your minds.

See you soon.
Hey guys, new week. Who is coming out this Wednesday?
All is looking good, I might be running a little behind today. Working downtown and haven't been getting out of here until 7 or so for the past couple of days.
But hoping I can finish up everything I need to do and get out of here on a decent time.
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