Wild Wing Wednesday in G-Town, interested?

Good to see you all again, nice to see couple new faces as well.
As always enjoyed the conversations and the company, see you all soon again.
Hmmm. Interesting. My home town. And I ripped through there near 11ish. Coming off 5 side west to 9/mtnview then delrex back to 7 and into norval. Maybe I drop by next Wed. ;-)
sorry I didn't make it out last week but have planned a ride out there this week and made sure i can make it. Also bringing a couple other people along for the ride.
I'll try to make it out.
I'll be there, weather is looking good.
Man, I really need to fix my bike.

Think I found the problem.

I'll most likely be out tomorrow. Maybe a bit late, depending on how long it takes me to find the screws I need to (hopefully) fix the bike; take it apart, fix it, and then reassemble.
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Thanks to all that are coming out and come hungry !!
Wow, that was a lot of people (for this meet anyways.)
Nice chat and whatnot.
How was the ride after? (For those that went)
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