Want to know why you can find WD live for under MSRP? because WD makes junk. I have a WD My book world II and WD hasn't updated the firmware in over a year and refuses to address ongoing issues. Just read the WD forums and you get the picture. When products don't sell because they are crap they get discounted.
i see, so are we now clear that an apple premium exists on the appletv, before we move on to different topics?
i could say, as some on this thread have suggested, that no one gives a crap about 'anecdotal' evidence since it means "jack shizz". . .but i'm not that eloquent.
as for the relative estimation of the other products on that link, i don't own any of them, but that review seems to put the apple tv at a dead tie with the other products. i'm not sure that your theory that when products aren't selling, they are discounted. that is way too broad a generalization.