I don't view content from a foot away. Maybe I need glasses but on a 4" or smaller screen viewing movies, webpages, emails and texts at over a foot away is too far. Not to mention as most people do when you zoom into text and images the retina display has a far better picture quality. Maybe on a tablet a foot or more away won't make a difference but on a phone most people I see on the subway hold it closer than that.
Sure the SAMOLED uses less juice but the iphone 4 has a longer lasting battery than the Galaxy S. So if we want to talk about battery life I wouldn't bring it up in Samsung's defence.
i dunno, but in about 95% of applications, i am most definitely not holding it much closer than 12" away. btw, when you zoom in, it doesn't reflect on the display's output resolution--it remains the same--it only shows you the original resolution of the source. i only noticed a real difference between the two at about >4". . .definitely don't hold it that close.
also, the battery life comment is not a reflection of the display's ability--only on the capacity of the battery. i thought we were talking about the display? the fact that the samoled uses significantly less energy tells us that the future of cellphone displays is already here.
Now you are just getting silly. I thought this discussion was on a North American message board about products that are currently available to the public here. Hell according to the link you posted "The panel will be announced on November 9 in Munich, Germany and to be exhibited in February, next year." You are saying that the it beats the Retina display when its not even in a phone yet? The display is being exhibited its not in a full functioning device as far as I can find on the internet. Please give me the phone model, Where you can buy it (whatever country) and what the cost is? They may be using the display in some other non apple products but I don't see a phone model with this product. Every article I read says its coming but not out yet.
The reason I brought up that the Retina came out in Summer of 2010 was that it is about 6 months old and with new competing devices being put out every single month and none of the phones available have a better screen with the closest being Samsung and its debatable. You like it better I however don't and many people agree with both sides. Doesn't sound 'Better' at all if anything its even but that is subjective. Regardless the SAMOLED doesn't have the pixel count of the Retina.
You keep acting like some highbrow debater chastising other peoples arguments and saying they are changing the argument when you yourself are doing just that and have time and time again. Wouldn't bringing up screens that don't yet exist in a cell phone be doing just that? think about it before you get back on your high horse.
So in a month or two when the specs for the iphone 5 display come out can I compare that to current available tech also? at least the iphone 5 will land on these shores. The Casio display probably will not. Hell Apple is commissioning new factories built over seas just to design and build the iphone 5 display and you don't think it will be just as impressive as the Retina display was in the summer of 2010?
I'm far from an apple Fanboi. I can take logic and reason and I can admit faults with apple products but your blind hate here is clouding your judgement and leading to week arguments. As Duster pointed out maybe you should step back from this thread and gain a little perspective?
if you were following the dialogue, it went something like this:
i wrote: apple build and component quality is not going to be better than the products that the companies that make the components build for themselves, and the same company that puts the components together, aka builds iphones/ipods (foxconn), builds a crapload of other products for other companies.
they wrote: no, they don't.
i wrote: here's who is building apple's a4 processor, here's who is building their 'retina displays', and here's what sharp is doing. furthermore, retina display is not a big deal, ergo iphone is not superior, because there are better displays, including arguably the galaxy's.
full of 'blind hate'??? i have repeatedly written that apple products are good. apparently unless i admit they are the best ever and ever, i'm wrong.