Why Android is better than iPhone.

First it's complaining Apple releases products too frequently just to cash in on their customer's "gullibility". Now it's complaining Apple hasn't released anything in 9 months, and they're falling behind.

If you’ve ever looked at your monthly cellphone bill and wondered where those extra charges came from, you’re not alone. Maybe it was going over your SMS limit, or call minutes. Increasingly, the culprit is data. As our mobile devices get more data hungry, and mobile providers offer less of that precious cell sustenance, we’ve got to throttle ourselves.
In Canada, there is new wireless code, issued by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, allowing customers to have a $50/month overage limit. That would stem the threat of a massive cell phone bill, but the new code doesn’t stop there. The full breadth of changes afforded to customers are:

  • Terminate their wireless contracts after two years without cancellation fees, even if they have signed on for a longer term
  • Cap extra data charges at $50/month and international data roaming charges at $100/month to prevent bill shock
  • Have their cellphones unlocked after 90 days, or immediately if they paid for the device in full
  • Return their cellphones, within 15 days and specific usage limits, if they are unhappy with their service
  • Accept or decline changes to the key terms of a fixed-term contract (i.e., 2-year), and
  • Receive a contract that is easy to read and understand.
Canadian customers are, unfortunately, still routinely saddled with three-year contracts. The ability to terminate freely after two years, or return a device within 15 days, brings them more in line with our methodology, which we’d be smart to reciprocate. The language about easy to read contracts is nice (though I still suggest prepaid), and the data caps are a stroke of genius. Let’s hope to see these two things adopted by US carriers, but not hold our breath for it.
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WOW...amazing stuff!!

Glad Apple didn't add widgets to iOS 7...don't need 'em!!

iOS in the Car is really looking good.
Activation Lock.
iTunes Radio looks nice.
Control center

It will be supported on iPhone 4 and later, iPad 2 and later, iPad mini and 5th-generation iPods. Developers will get a version for iPhones today, with an iPad iteration coming in the next few weeks. Regular Joes can expect to see an iOS 7 release date sometime this fall.

OSX Mavericks is the real deal...can't wait(Fall).

iWorks will be used more by me(Web too).
iBooks to the Mac.
Multi Display(wow, own menu)...Apple TV too(amazing, own menu too)

Mac Pro...Bestest

And... The Macbook Air
12 hour batt life(stupid crazy, a definite for me), available today.

They didn't say anything about battery life and iOS 7. That's something that should always be improving so I worry that it's worse.

iOS 7 intro vid

iOS 7 intro vid


New iOS7 looks a lot more refined after all these years. Looks good! Apple finally stepped up their game.
hey remember when you used to think RIM was making a comeback :lol: :lol:
You didn't go below the belt, you went Above the RIM!!!
1: slide to unlock, should be the same as old version...what you are seeing is this(slide up for control center)
Been around on jailbroken iDevices for a VERY long time, just look better.
Even available on the Lockscreen.


2: Are you really gonna comment on the iPhone Camera?
The best and most used mobile camera in the World!!!!

3: The Mail App is awesome....i cant speak for the BB mail app, because i don't know it.

4: Should not be discussed, as you can see iOS 7 is way better, C'mon Son.
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