Why Android is better than iPhone.

hilarious must watch.

Microsoft Surface launch mirrors Jobs iPad launch virtually identically.

You'll get a real chuckle at the 55 second mark.

click here.
I STILL don't get the iPad, 3 years later!

Perhaps this might help.
It's a fashion accessory. It does not matter because you must have the newest unit or you are not cool.
These trinkets are not used to validate peoples importance and send that signal to others.
Apple has borrowed a page from Edward Bernays. Now we get an understanding of the term sheeple.
I've always felt that the ipad, although a great concept, was too ridiculously big from day one.

Frankly, now that I have my a device with 4.2 inch screen, my 7" device feels too big and cumbersome that I find myself using it much less.

IMHO, 4.6 to 5" is the perfect size for phone/tablet style computing. For anything more serious computing wise, a laptop takes the cake.
Perhaps this might help.
It's a fashion accessory. It does not matter because you must have the newest unit or you are not cool.
These trinkets are not used to validate peoples importance and send that signal to others.
Apple has borrowed a page from Edward Bernays. Now we get an understanding of the term sheeple.

I guess it's possible that tens of millions of people are gullible fashionistas. But I think the simpler explanation is that I just don't get it.
I STILL don't get the iPad, 3 years later!

That's cool. I don't get what you don't get.

The iPad was the first real tablet. Whether or not you like apple. I highly recommend people buy tablets, and although I have "I" everything, I don't care what you get. A tablet is awesome n the fact that it's light, portable, easy to use, and the best part of all, it's instant on.
I've always felt that the ipad, although a great concept, was too ridiculously big from day one.

Frankly, now that I have my a device with 4.2 inch screen, my 7" device feels too big and cumbersome that I find myself using it much less.

IMHO, 4.6 to 5" is the perfect size for phone/tablet style computing. For anything more serious computing wise, a laptop takes the cake.

Everyone has their own preferences, for me 10" is perfect and I don't see myself going any smaller. Eric Schmidt likes the 10" as well, http://forums.watchuseek.com/f29/fs-mont-blanc-pvd-flyback-chronograph-841718.html
Everyone has their own preferences, for me 10" is perfect and I don't see myself going any smaller. Eric Schmidt likes the 10" as well,

That's what she said.
I have been using Android since Oct last year....Rooted too, with Task650 custom ROM on the S3..And i have to agree, that widgets does not appeal to me(I DONT USE ANY), as in, i do not have any on my home-screens or think i will anytime soon...but atleast i have the option.
Seems cool at first, but after a few hours, blah!!! Gone!!!

I prefer the notification center instead, does a lot.

Apple was right, widgets just ain’t cool


Without a doubt, one of the biggest differences between iOS and Android is its fundamental handling of information. Google decided to allow widgets onto a phone’s Home screen so that, theoretically, users would have the information they need right at their fingertips. Apple, on the other hand, has doggedly stuck to its guns over the years, with iOS remaining a collection of app icons rather than live widgets.
Over the years there have been plenty of arguments amongst those in the tech community as to which was the best way to go. Android users will repeatedly point to widgets as one of the main reasons they prefer their phones over the iPhone or even one of the Windows Phone handsets. Sitting halfway between iOS and Android, Windows Phone features live tiles that offer up information from the phone’s Home screen a la widgets, but that’s just not enough for some. It’s widgets or nothing, man, and that’s the way it is.But iOS users can have their cake and eat it. They can have widgets on their home screens just like Android users, whilst still having that iPhone they so love. But the real question is: should they? Even if they should, I’d argue that fewer people actually would than we might think…I am, of course, talking about jailbreaking. If you’re willing to hack your iOS device, then you’re able to install Dashboard X and in turn, install various widgets. Using this method, any Notification Center widget can be attached to the Home screen. It may not be exactly the same as Android, but it’s a start.But here’s the rub: why would you bother?


To answer that question, at least for me, we need to take a look at my recent smartphone past. Over the last twelve months I’ve owned five different high-end smartphones. There was the iPhone 4S, the HTC Note, the Samsung Galaxy Note followed by the Galaxy SIII and finally the iPhone 5 that I use today. That’s a lot of phones, and they’ve all been able to handle Home screen widgets of some description, especially those three Android phones. If you’re going to use widgets, the Note is arguably as good as it gets thanks to that tablet-like screen, in fact.
But I didn’t. Sure, you give them a try. Having easy access to Evernote sounds like an awesome idea, being able to create new notes from the home screen should be a real boon. But I found I never did.Having your live Twitter feed should mean you don’t need to keep launching the Twitter app to keep up to speed with what’s going on, but it didn’t.Facebook updates right on the Home screen? Yeah, that should have been cool. But it wasn’t. In fact, soon after each switch to a new phone, I found myself doing the same thing repeatedly; remove all the widgets and create a few folders for my most used apps. Other than that, I’d choose a nice wallpaper and that would be that. Eventually, I realized I was using a large iPhone, but without some of my favorite apps. Bummer.So, I’m back on the iPhone and what do you know, it’s jailbroken. I’ve been trying out Dashboard X and once again I found myself expecting that having some of my widgets on the home screen would be a good idea. Having Wi-Fi/3G connection speeds and the amount of free storage on the Home screen looked awesome, and I felt like a proper geek. Then I realized I barely used the information and that it was getting through more battery power than I wanted, so it’s gone.In fact, Dashboard X has gone, too. If I really need to see the info, I pull the LockInfo shade down. The same goes for if I need quick access to Twitter, Facebook or any of the other things I could use a widget for. The Home screen doesn’t have any fancy graphs on it though. Whether that’s a bad thing though, I’m just not sure.What am I left with? That boring old collection of app icons that Android users like to deride so much and, you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.Do you wish the iPhone had proper widgets, or do you use Dashboard X or something similar to get your widgety fix?

I use an SIII and an iPhone 5. I pushed the SIII to it limits, with widgets, launchers, and other customizations, and what I ended up with was a bogged down, lethargic, über battery sucking (less than 12 hours with a 4500mAh extended battery) Android beast. I hated using it. Then I wiped it clean, only installed 2 3rd party widgets, and will only use everything else stock, and it is a freakin' pleasure to use now, with 14 hours with the stock battery. I totally get why iOS leaves it the way it doesn't, and though I still think iOS is a more stable OS, especially when using multi VoIP apps, I do enjoy using the SIII now. The lesson? Android CAN get very customizeable, but it comes at a deep cost that isn't worth it. And jailbreaking the iPhone, and pushing it to its limits has, in the past for me, yielded the same issues - lethargy and bad battery life.

Widgets are great.
I have one for the 7 day weather forecast.
I have one to turn my wifi on/off.
I also have one that I tap to turn my screen off negating the need to press the button to the side.
There are several useful widgets out there including a cool calendar and to do, but to each their own.
A staggering 230 days since a new product launch, 3 to 4 times as long as their normal new product release schedule. :lol:
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