Why Android is better than iPhone.

i wonder how many more times, others will say....."that is old stuff...android had that a year ago"

The race is not for the swift, is who can endureth it in the long run(oh, and not get sued).

Think of this....Apple supplies a Software Developer Kit(SDK) to Developers....and Jailbreak Devs make use of it, and create amazing tweaks, most likely whatever can be done on any Android or other OS'es for that matter....Like Widgets, what most Android fans crave. It is available via Jailbreak.

Why Apple doesn't implement it, is not my argue. But it will happen. The main issue with having widgets, is you need screen real-estate(which iPad provides), but doing it on the iPad and leaving out the smaller screens(which was 3.5), would cause a sting.

Although i am jailbroken, and have access to widgets on my homescreen, i don't use it right now....mainly because not too many really cool widgets are available.
But expect to see more with iOS 6, and the Jailbreak community.
An Adapter that is way smaller, and can be plugged in on any side....how annoying was it to always look for that small icon to see if you are plugging it in the right way, just plug it in(plus better for the kids).....and not announced, if it is MagSafe?, sure looks like it to me(don't quote me on it later if i am wrong).

How annoying? I never found it annoying. didn't fit in one side, turn it around (that's what she said).

The problem being that the new lighting plug adapter will hinder the aesthetics of all those pretty apple accessories. kind of a bummer, but certainly not a deal breaker, and certainly not a reason to spend another 500 bucks on that new belkin air blimp speaker thing. The real kick in the nuts: rumoured 30-40$ price tag for those adapters (http://gizmodo.com/5942710/****-that-goddamn-iphone-adapter-costs-30-bucks). ouch.

Even the hardcore apple fans here can't say that doesn't sting a bit. one for the car, one for the speaker doc, etc ... gets spendy, no?
LOL....you never used an Android before?

Android has NEVER been as fast and fluid as iOS. Even neutral parties and some android fanboys will admit this.

iOS and iPhone have the absolute best touch response in the world and the smoothness is unparalleled.

Haters gonna hate
Android has NEVER been as fast and fluid as iOS. Even neutral parties and some android fanboys will admit this.

iOS and iPhone have the absolute best touch response in the world and the smoothness is unparalleled.

Haters gonna hate

used to agree ... jellybean is solid though. Just as good as the 4S.
But people using APPLE products cannot comprehend there is better products out there that have been outs years ago.

Better in what way? Its subjective to how people like to work and what eco system they like. I have apple tv, all my apple products are in sync, I airplay to multiple devices throughout my house, wirelessly send video to my tv for movies, etc etc. If I had an android mixed in with my Apple eco system, it just would not work for me and I would need to adopt a new eco system. I like what I have set up, it works for me, its a nice setup. These things are not black and white, and as its been said countless times, buy what works for you, its really that simple, but not helpful in online debates about who has a better phone.
the new iPod commercial, pretty good

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Hurry Apple.......cant wait!...... it will put the extra row of icons on iphone5 to shame!

Looks like the stock market has confidence in the iPhone 5, Apple stock hit a record high today and closed almost 2% up
I thought I'd seen the "new" ipod design before.



iPod, even closer, rips off of the most recent Nokia design.....

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Profit central right here, boys.

$39 for something that chinese slaves made for 10 cents.

MicroUSB cables for Androids can be found at the dollar store. Gotta love Apple proprietary stuff. They always catch the iSuckers in the end.


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OMFG...I actually LOLed at this one!!!!!

Hurry Apple.......cant wait!...... it will put the extra row of icons on iphone5 to shame!

Better in what way? Its subjective to how people like to work and what eco system they like. I have apple tv, all my apple products are in sync, I airplay to multiple devices throughout my house, wirelessly send video to my tv for movies, etc etc. If I had an android mixed in with my Apple eco system, it just would not work for me and I would need to adopt a new eco system. I like what I have set up, it works for me, its a nice setup. These things are not black and white, and as its been said countless times, buy what works for you, its really that simple, but not helpful in online debates about who has a better phone.

Ya, I hate to say it, but I had to talk my brother out of an S III. Currently he has an iPhone 3. It wasn't hard, simply because he has an iPad as well and has a load of stuff on iTunes and is just not technical enough to want, need, or care about a lot of the extra features he would get. I know he would make me flash new ROM's for him if he got the S III. If he was just starting out with a smart phone I might have said S III for him.
sheeple at their finest
All the hate for Apple is fascinating. I never see hate for Android.

Hey Sunny, keep posting pictures of designs that Apple ripped off. It's funny to be reminded of how much better Apples sales people are than everyone else.
All the hate for Apple is fascinating. I never see hate for Android.

Hey Sunny, keep posting pictures of designs that Apple ripped off. It's funny to be reminded of how much better Apples sales people are than everyone else.

I think the main joke in the first comparison pic was that apple sued samsung for ripping off their products.


If you were miffed at having to pay $29 to adapt your existing iPhone accessories to the iPhone 5's newfangled Lightning connector, fear not: Apple will throw in the first adapter, gratis. Extras will still run the aforementioned sum, which Cupertino has justified by saying the units will include chips to enable features like analog and USB audio along with syncing and charging. There's also a $39 cable version available, but neither format will let you output HDMI or VGA video -- there's more (as yet unpriced) adapters coming for that.
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All the hate for Apple is fascinating. I never see hate for Android.

Hey Sunny, keep posting pictures of designs that Apple ripped off. It's funny to be reminded of how much better Apples sales people are than everyone else.

I must say its strange. why would I care about what someone else is using for a cell phone?
I have more important things to worry about.
Maybe hes just anti north american......domestic cars first, then phones .....wonder whats next?
If it wasn't for the iTunes requirement I might actually get one.

I can add any files I want from any computer with just a USB cable on my phone. I don't even need a computer to flash a new OS if I wanted to. Same with my last phone. iPhone lacks too many basic features I need.

"For the iOS [iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch software] developers, if Apple has it in the iPhone, they know there will be 35m phones with NFC in a year's time. And all the people who might be interested in a new technology like that will have bought new phones. So for the developer, there's a clear value proposition once Apple includes it as a feature."

Advantage: Apple Eco-system
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