Why Android is better than iPhone.

Screen size is strictly a matter of preference, there are many that don't care for the monster Android screens. NFC at this point is pretty much useless, it has potential, but at this point has not taken off at all. Once it gains mass market as a means of wireless payments I will consider it a feature

The thing is that in-phone NFC is a bit of a chicken and egg thing. One has to come first; either the device or the payment system. IMO it's really only Apple that has the clout the kick-start NFC into business, like they did for online music sales. So I figure the more they delay the implementation, the longer it will take for phone-based NFC to become a reality. Thus after today's news we can be sure that NFC will remain on the drawing table for at least another year.

Even more speculation on my part, is that Apple is probably trying to corner the market in NFC by making it somehow exclusive to Apple devices. This fits with the corporate mindset, and if successful would assure the sales of iThings for decades.
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I was kinda hoping for something 'revolutionary' from apple. Instead, a bit of a disappointment. New earbuds ("EarPods", seriously?) are a welcome change. Nokia wins this round IMO (wireless charging, city lens or whatever they're calling their built-in AR app, and camera tricks like the gif-maker thingy).

Iphone 5 certainly wasn't enough of an upgrade to get me back to the whole Apple ecosystem.


They said it outright: "Today, we're taking it to the next level, making a huge leap. We have some very exciting news to tell you about iPhone."

A huge leap! HUGE they said! Couldn't be any clearer. Did you forget to turn on the speakers again HDRod?
The thing is that in-phone NFC is a bit of a chicken and egg thing. One has to come first; either the device or the payment system. IMO it's really only Apple that has the clout the kick-start NFC into business, like they did for online music sales. So I figure the more they delay the implementation, the longer it will take for phone-based NFC to become a reality. Thus after today's news we can be sure that NFC will remain on the drawing table for at least another year.

Even more speculation on my part, is that Apple is probably trying to corner the market in NFC by making it somehow exclusive to Apple devices. This fits with the corporate mindset, and if successful would assure the sales of iThings for decades.
Doubt they can pull that off...
Android is increasing worldwide
There are already NFC systems in place for plastic cards. (Interac Flash, Visa Paywave, and so on)
I agree that Apple will probably try to make their own standard ONCE AGAIN. But we'll see how the merchants will respond to that this time.

They said it outright: "Today, we're taking it to the next level, making a huge leap. We have some very exciting news to tell you about iPhone."

A huge leap! HUGE they said! Couldn't be any clearer. Did you forget to turn on the speakers again HDRod?

You mean.....making the taller display and adding another row of icons ISNT A HUGE LEAP???

iphone5......welcome to 2011. :lmao:
Screen size is strictly a matter of preference, there are many that don't care for the monster Android screens. NFC at this point is pretty much useless, it has potential, but at this point has not taken off at all. Once it gains mass market as a means of wireless payments I will consider it a feature

There's another thing. Sure, you're right that screen size is a matter of personal preference, but isn't phone size also? So why does Apple go and talk about the "perfect size" to navigate with one hand? As if we all have the same size hands, and manipulate the phone the same way!

To my mind, they backed themselves into a corner by proclaiming from the start that the iPhone was just the right size, because now they are bound by their hyperbole. This is why they couldn't make the screen any wider, though I'm sure most people would wish they did. And 4" at 16:9 is still less real estate than 4" at 5:3, never mind compared to 4"+.

It seems like Apple are following the path of Mercedes in the 90's; dictating what's best for their cutomers. That's all Apple has ever done really, but it's a strategy guaranteed to fail. It's like going all-in with every hand in poker. Sure, you'll win a lot of hands but the one time you get it wrong will wipe you out. The real story is just how incredibly brilliant/lucky Apple have been up 'til now to bet big on (almost) all the right technologies for the past decade. This is how shares can climb close to the $1000 mark. But they will bet wrong at some point, as exemplified by this screen size issue, and then just watch the fall.
There's another thing. Sure, you're right that screen size is a matter of personal preference, but isn't phone size also? So why does Apple go and talk about the "perfect size" to navigate with one hand? As if we all have the same size hands, and manipulate the phone the same way!

To my mind, they backed themselves into a corner by proclaiming from the start that the iPhone was just the right size, because now they are bound by their hyperbole. This is why they couldn't make the screen any wider, though I'm sure most people would wish they did. And 4" at 16:9 is still less real estate than 4" at 5:3, never mind compared to 4"+.

It seems like Apple are following the path of Mercedes in the 90's; dictating what's best for their cutomers. That's all Apple has ever done really, but it's a strategy guaranteed to fail. It's like going all-in with every hand in poker. Sure, you'll win a lot of hands but the one time you get it wrong will wipe you out. The real story is just how incredibly brilliant/lucky Apple have been up 'til now to bet big on (almost) all the right technologies for the past decade. This is how shares can climb close to the $1000 mark. But they will bet wrong at some point, as exemplified by this screen size issue, and then just watch the fall.
aka the new RIM, on a wider scale.

At least they have other businesses they can rely on (ipod, macs, etc)
Trust me, I'm not justifying it. It's simply not an apple centric problem, but a problem with all consumer goods we buy.

Any exposé that tries to paint it as an Apple issue without mentioning the numerous other high profile Foxconn customers isn't doing the public justice

I agree completely, the biggest problem is, it will never change or at least not in the near future.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
I just got an Android today, its my first smartphone. What is a good way to browse these forums on it, rather than using the default browser? Also what are some other cool handy apps?
The thing is that in-phone NFC is a bit of a chicken and egg thing. One has to come first; either the device or the payment system. IMO it's really only Apple that has the clout the kick-start NFC into business, like they did for online music sales. So I figure the more they delay the implementation, the longer it will take for phone-based NFC to become a reality. Thus after today's news we can be sure that NFC will remain on the drawing table for at least another year.

Even more speculation on my part, is that Apple is probably trying to corner the market in NFC by making it somehow exclusive to Apple devices. This fits with the corporate mindset, and if successful would assure the sales of iThings for decades.

NFC is already being used in France and other places, I believe it will become big before Apple gets a chance to incorporate it into the Iphone

NFC in action

Where is NFC currently being used? In May 2010 we pioneered “Cityzi” in Nice, in the south of France. There, locals carrying mobile handsets fitted with NFC chips can use their phones to buy everything from transport tickets to tobacco, by simply touching their phone against a card reader. The phones can also be used to hire bicycles on the city’s cycle hire scheme, or to scan tags to provide up-to- the-minute information on train timetables, or tourist information on historic monuments. Since then, such services have been extended to other French cities, such as Strasbourg & Caen.

In May 2011, Orange and Barclaycard launched “Quick Tap”, the UK’s first contactless mobile payment service. It enables consumers to make purchases in over 50,000 high-street stores.

NFC-enabled phones are currently being deployed nationally in France and UK, where customers are using the growing number of tags throughout their countries. Services will continue to expand as the installed base is being built up.

What do customers think?

The feedback from the pilot in Nice highlights the ease of use and underlines how the simple “gesture” movement makes it a highly accessible technology. This simplicity has made it very popular.

In a survey conducte by MV2 for the FSMSC (Forum for Contactless Mobile Services)in 2011 in France, consumers have confirmed both their enthusiasm for mobile contactless services and their willingness to support them: 77 per cent of customers saying they would change their mobile telephone to access NFC-enabled hhnservices.
I use it to transfer stuff from my S2 to my Nexus S, or to my sons S2, ect. Could be web pages, videos ect.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
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Apple made a way better iPhone, and people are complaining(but will buy it day 1).
Most are saying, no NFC....It sucks!!!!... Bluetooth 4.0 is better(FACT)!!! But also having NFC would be cool(won't be missed, just like FLASH).

But it will sell better than any iPhone launched. I love it, will be grabbing 2.

And what people seem to forget, it's the Software that makes the phone look good, because its what it can do, not look like!!

Oh Boy.....That iTunes revamp is amazingly sweet, i wanna create a new word to explain it, but stuck for ideas.
The mini player is absolutely awesome, WOW!!!....Major Win, people are gonna use iTunes even more(October release).

iPod Touch is awesome....gonna sell better than the rest.

iPod Nano is great too.

iOS 6 will be a great update(next week).

Thank you to the people that make such great products for us to enjoy.
Hey guys nice posts it seems you REALLY care about Apple :lol: nice fanboyism on display :lol:

Haters are so rabid. You must be defined by your smartphones :lol:
Micro USB adapter

Hey guys nice posts it seems you REALLY care about Apple :lol: nice fanboyism on display :lol:

Haters are so rabid. You must be defined by your smartphones :lol:

No, no......its just that it appears that the ousted RIM leaders, Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis have now joined the board of Apple Inc.

Another row of icons! Whoa!

Apple, behind the curve.
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