Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2019 Edition)

Really guys? Just wait for June and ride without a sweater.

bite your tongue ?
I’ve already logged 3000km of very enjoyable riding with out roasting in all my gear at every stop light. My temp spread is 10 to 25 is enjoyable 2 to 10 is doable as is 25 to 35 just not all that enjoyable. All pending the moisture situation.
I don’t usually head out in rain until over 20
Really guys? Just wait for June and ride without a sweater.
You must not ride much.

Definately a fair weather rider.

bite your tongue ?
I’ve already logged 3000km of very enjoyable riding with out roasting in all my gear at every stop light. My temp spread is 10 to 25 is enjoyable 2 to 10 is doable as is 25 to 35 just not all that enjoyable. All pending the moisture situation.

Coming up on 3000km here as well. I enjoy a sunny 15 degree day far more versus a sloppy humid 35 degree one.

But yes, the last 2-3 days have sucked donkey balls. Wednesday looks like a good prospect between the rainy days either side, and next weekend...if the forecast holds....is looking really nice.
Well the snow around here never stuck around. But today is calling for rain most of the day. It's very blah.

I did about 700 km today basically north of Hwy 7 around headed east to Perth. Only got a bit of drizzle when I went down around Kingston area then headed home.

Definately a fair weather rider.
Coming up on 3000km here as well. I enjoy a sunny 15 degree day far more versus a sloppy humid 35 degree one.

I'm a bit over 14,000 km since Jan 1. My bike will turn over 225,000 km next time I ride.

Peterborough to Whitby last Thursday to drop bike off for tires and a desmo service. 12c and 40% chance of rain when I kitted up. Dropped to 4c and poured rain the entire way as soon as I left the driveway. The wind and the Ice Warning indicator on my dash were equally annoying.
No luck on binning it along the way so I'm stuck paying for the desmo service.
Sun came out, might go for a little scoot.
your bike is more stable if you get it above 10km/h ;)
Nine foot vertical drops backwards hurt no matter how slow you start out.
Josh had the extra hazard of somehow tangling his left boot between the foot peg and the Beta plastics, he was still attached to the bike when it body slammed him backwards, fortunately onto a gravel road. Freak accident that should have just been a dab.
Today was great riding! cold enough the bugs didn't come out until about 4:00.
This weather is ********.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Going to try for something Wednesday because that looks like the only window of non bullshitt weather between a lot of cold and rainy ********.
But the rain....the never...ending....rain. Ugh.

I sure hope summer falls on a Saturday this year.
I didn't see too many riders out yesterday, which was a good day to ride.

This weather is typical for this time of year, allways remember Victoria Day weekend and trying to watch fireworks as a kid at Ashebridges bay, hit and miss with the rain and normally cool.
Went out with a new riding buddy yesterday and logged 420km. It was cool in places to the north, but good gear made the difference - was actually quite nice (comparatively, it SHOULD be much warmer) after 2pm or so.

On that topic, Lower Faraday road is still quite messy for anyone thinking about it. The first 5 km or so from the north end headed south is all beautiful fresh asphalt (I got excited thinking they'd paved it in it's entirety) but then it turned back into it's usual self. Still quite a bit of sand in places and at least one part that looked like it had a recent washout. Fun anyways, but took it at a pretty moderate pace.
Pretty nice out today and the Forks had a number of riders ....the cafe is open at a pick up window and parking allowed in the lot....people seemed to be keeping distance. Thought I was out for a long ride but shoulder injury just killing me :( ....might try again in an hour see if the pills kick in.
I wish I had my action cam on me because I had a close call with a naked bike woman rider lane splitting south bound on dvp near Eglinton. It was dangerous but she waved and she looked sooo good lol ?????
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