Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Still too early for me to put my bikes to sleep.

This is my favorite tile of year for riding - cool days make touring comfortable, clean roads and awesome fall colours make it fun, and weekend traffic is light in cottage country.

As long as it gets to 5C by day, I'm still in.

yep, and no bugs!
Ride in to work was a bit cold, but the ride back was fantastic. Hoping for more days like today or warmer.
yep, and no bugs!
No bugs, but you have to be careful to watch for fat porcupines, raccoons and turkeys. They all like the heat and salt they can pickup off the pavement. I'm always particularly cautious around twilight
Looking good for mild winter.



Yeah health hiccups.....infection blew up on Friday without warning and no fun on the weekend ....very sore - hard to get solid sleep Finally got it under control between anti-biotics and pain pills.

Will ride tomorrow and then spend money on Wednesday getting the tooth pulled. :(
Screws up a bridge too...that's gonna cost in the long run. Damn tooth showed no signs of problems ...was all underneath in an old root canal so there was no visible signs and no pain until Friday as ythe nerve was gone ....then ...boom ouch ....


Spent too many hours again at emerg getting a/b script and something for the pain. At least pain is under control now and a/b knocked down the infection but it's too far gone to save.

At least no sign at all of the eye issue and don't think they are related tho it is on the same side.......glad we have effective antibiotics. Took 3 days to really knock it down. That Orojel was a big help too.
Hmm was hoping to go out for ride today, but looking wet most of today. Might wait until tomorrow looking better, no rain.
Towed my heavy bike up to Muskoka last Sunday and Friday to ride with a friend that lives in Dorset. Rode over to Parry sound, Rosseau, Aspdin, Bracebridge, Huntsville. Hope to get a ride in on my slow bike before putting it into storage mode.
Took last Friday off of work and put on 300 miles (~480 km), riding from my home in Buffalo, NY down to Lock Haven, PA and back (PA Rt. 44). Was the much better way to spend a workday.

Bike will remain ready to go until they salt the roads. Two years ago I rode on December 12th to check out a neighborhood's Christmas lights contest. That was a (fun) first!
Rode yesterday. Also this morning... left Port Perry in a heavy downpour this morning but sun is mainly out now.

Be ware this time of year as weather can really change suddenly. On Sunday I picked up my Sister (via car) from the airport and bring her up to our Mom's in Wilberforce. Coming back at around 9:30 pm just west of Lindsay on hwy 35 I had a heavy snow squall for about 10 or 15 minutes. Visibility was near zero for a few minutes and the road was slippery enough that I could spin the snow tires on my GTI from an idle in up to 4th gear. None of this showed up on radar.

Felt some slickness on the road this morning when downshifting hard... rear wheel slipped a bit to one side... i guess i gotta get in granny riding mode
Pulled a late one at work last night, rode home around 2AM. Freeze light was on the whole way home, temp 0C, it was a wee bit chilly!
I've been riding to work pretty much every day, but I took the car because of the rain today. Wednesday and Thursday look great, though.
I'm still out. Friday was excellent. Hoping to hit Algonquin before it snows.

Bit too cold next few days so those will be dirtbike days.
Be wintering up Nov. 3 me thinks. This fall is a lot colder than last year when we did Dover on Nov. 13. I usually only ride until the first week in Nov. anyway. Zero degrees in the AM all week up here in the hills.
Was out for a bit, was nicer in the city then north. thought it would be nicer, maybe tomorrow.

Sent from the moon!
I think I've been riding too much lately :| my legs don't seem to want to go up and down any more today.
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