So some people here think that its ok to just free ride on the US's military? If we are gonna try to claim a vast amount of unpopulated land as "our country", the price has got to be paid.
That's right...because the US NEVER turns against allies right......hmm....there's a few middle eastern gentlemen that would disagree. Plus, in a future scenario where the US needed freshwater reserves I'm really sure that they would say "oh no wait a're those nice northern people that bought a few jets a while back, we'll leave you alone".
Don't be naive.
In terms of NATO alliances Afong is correct, the US is much more enthusiastic about the UKs 200+ fighter + strike aircraft from a stable of 850 aircraft than Canada's piddly contribution now or in the future. I'm sure they are really happy though that our taxpayer dollars are going to support Lockheed Martin in it's hour of need.
btw, nobody has actually written a cheque.... well, outside of Chretien for about $150M 10 years ago...
:lol: clueless individual
So some people here think that its ok to just free ride on the US's military? If we are gonna try to claim a vast amount of unpopulated land as "our country", the price has got to be paid.
further to the latest revelation that canada doesn't have a signed contract.
this is actually a case of bad news and worse news.
if fantino and harper are correct, then the 65 f35 jets commitment gets even WORSE.
you can forget the cons estimate of $75mil per jet. that's a lark.
the usaf and the raf just purchased their latest consignment for about $145mil a plane.
think lockheed martin is going to cut canada a 50% off deal??? guess again.
that $25bil number is looking more and more wrong, optimistically wrong.
Are you dense?
A Typhoon would cost us $160M. A Rafale would cost us $130M.
What's left? The Saab? LOL please, might as well keep our CF-18s in the air!
You're sounding more and more ignorant with each postkeep it up
Its not about a doomsday fight for survivalthe world isn't ending.
It's about upholding our obligations and pulling our weight where it counts. The UK also has twice our population, of course they're in for a bigger order of F-35s... how does this have anything to do with the discussion? Would you rather have the US in control, or the Russians and Chinese?
You guys sound like defeatist little traitors to me. "Everyone is bigger than us, bend over and take it!!"
And which is better; putting up a token resistance, or rolling over and playing dead?
See all my previous comments.
Wiser is realising that there's an alternative that's cheaper. I'd say that was also better.
...and a fraction of the coastline of Canada...and I wasn't the one starting with the "China and Russia are going to invade us" hype....I just weighed in with a scenario to add to the hysteria in the same vein.
Pathetic is not realising that this money could be better put to use somewhere else right now otherwise come this future scenario of yours...there will be nothing worth invading us for. We'll have no educated people as the education system will have gone to pot and our healthcare system will have decayed.
Pathetic is not understanding that we have no real nation enemies as geopolitics has changed from the 1980's.
Pathetic is not realising that technology has advanced to provide cheaper alternatives that do the job.
Pathetic is bending over and saying "spend my tax dollars as you please, no need to be transparent"
How about ...instead of planning for things we don't know...we plan for those we do like fossil fuels running out, an aging population and workforce, the decline of canadian innovation, otherwise along with the Chinese and Russian invasion you're expecting I think we need to actively look for more aluminum for the hats we'll need to protect us from aliens. Where does your paranoia end?
As for cheaper alternatives being useless....drones keep being mentioned. As I already mentioned, the US uses drones for border patrols, uses them for targeted bombings. Why can't we?
It's a total fallacy that to be respected on the world stage you need a mighty military. Nobody respects North Korea with it's massive army and Costa Rica, a tiny country with no military whatsoever, seems to be just fine. This deal stinks of american appeasement and has nothing to do with sensible canadian security, if it was it would have been transparent from start to finish.
Tell me specifically what equipment would do the job for less.
I'll be waiting.
ps. China and Russia are already probing our northern territory defenses. I don't know if you live in a cave or something, but the Russians have flown bombers up there since 1997. NORAD jets have intercepted 12-18 Russian bombers PER YEAR for the last 15 years.
Geologists believe the Arctic shelf holds vast stores of oil, natural gas, diamonds, gold and minerals. A 2007 Russian intelligence report predicted that conflict with other Arctic nations is a distinct possibility, including military action "in a competition for resources." The United States, Norway, and Denmark (through Greenland) also lay claim to portions of the Arctic seabed based on their coastal waters.
when you have the world's largest amount of fresh water and large oil reserves, having capable military is planning for the future.
As for cheaper alternatives being useless....drones keep being mentioned. As I already mentioned, the US uses drones for border patrols, uses them for targeted bombings. Why can't we?