More fluff without substance, keep it up afong! :lol:
The decision Harper is making is the decision we've been on track to make for the last 15 years.
Furthermore, the "real cost" of the deal is, so far, exactly what we've been told. Roughly 15 billion dollars is what the cost of the aircraft plus maintenance will be over 20 years. The other 10 billion is money we're already spending, regardless of the purchase.
Wait, we're already paying pilots and maintenance crews and fuel costs for aircraft? And we're gonna have to KEEP PAYING those things? BUT, WHY WEREN'T WE TOLD?!?! :lol: so sad
so the current sitting government has no capacity to govern unless it is in line with with decisions made 15 years ago?
well then bring back the gun registry folks. your logic is comically bad.
also, the 'real cost' of the deal IS $25 billion. no sane person completely ignores what it costs to pay someone to fly those jets, the maintenance, the fuel costs etc. so in your world, when our pilots switch over to the new jets, there will be no additional costs involved with bringing in trainers for the pilots, re-training the maintenance crews, and the planes will simply use the exact same amount of fuel the f18s did? yeah, okay.
to use the analogy that the gov't used, most sane people when they buy a family car do some research. they compare fuel efficiency, cost of insurance, etc. they use that due diligence to help make an informed decision. they don't simply commit to buying a product without any guarantee of final price, or even that they'll get it delivered when promised.
furthermore, the ag's $25 billion is based on assuming that the f35, which has consistently gone over budget, and missed development deadline after development deadline, will not increase in price, and will remain static in terms of unit cost. not going to happen.
as well, most military analysts realize that maintenance costs function as a percentage of initial purchase costs, so those additional costs are also going to increase proportionally.
anyone willing to sign what essentially is a blank check that comes out of our pockets needs to stop voting in elections. better yet, just give me your tax dollars. . .at least that way it won't be thrown into a money pit.