Whitby Accident Victim Identified

Yeah, cuz you never hear of someone in the financial services industry rung up for fraud or theft.
There were no guns in Ipperwash. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Just like there is no one here that does wheelies!!!
You know, I used to but with this bike I have now I can't do wheelies for ****..it sucks, just can't get it right...ohh sarcasm..I get it
You mention the solution. Train from outside of the police ranks. Within a decade you would have a completely independent SIU. The entire SIU department should not report to the police at all but an independent civilian organization. Just takes time and money. Oh yeah, one thing to help the SIU regardless of who they are would be mandatory dash cameras on all police cruisers.

Yes, I can see it.

But look at the rest of the country and show me a better system.

And how bout suggestions for a better system???

Training someone for a couple years comes no where close to the experience of someone who worked the job for 30 years.
You mention the solution. Train from outside of the police ranks. Within a decade you would have a completely independent SIU. The entire SIU department should not report to the police at all but an independent civilian organization. Just takes time and money. Oh yeah, one thing to help the SIU regardless of who they are would be mandatory dash cameras on all police cruisers.

Understandable to a degree.

SIU does NOT report to the police at all now though.

Dash cams would be great, I agree.

Would likely cut down on a lot of court time. But then again, some would complain that they are being recorded and watched by "the man".:laughing8:
But then again, some would complain that they are being recorded and watched by "the man".:laughing8:

I'm surprised you haven't been infracted into the corner for a time-out yet, what with all the threats and troll bait. That said, most of the people on this board would welcome on-board dash cams. It would curb the OPP's nasty habit of embellishing the extent/severity of infractions.
That said, most of the people on this board would welcome on-board dash cams. It would curb the OPP's nasty habit of embellishing the extent/severity of infractions.

Or many people's nasty habit of embellishing how nice of a guy they were and the cop gave them attitude for absolutely no reason!!:rolleyes:

Please point out the threats you are talking about....
Please point out the threats you are talking about....


Wanna fight??


apparently...you're ban-proof as long as you're polite, civil and use no profanity while you consciously take a strip off of someone who disagrees

as I indicated....let those who wanna be all polite and condescending yet anonymous do it face-to-face, and they'll never show

This is where you say you were "just kidding" or "misunderstood". :confused1:
Stop questioning authority buddy, or else!!!

[SIZE=-1]Cherry Beach Express is a song about the notorious 52 Division of the Toronto Police force. They have long been believed to routinely take prisoners and suspects to a deserted, industrial waste land called Cherry Beach and beat the crap out of them. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]There was at least one major law suit where a Cherry Beach Express victim was awarded a six figure settlement against the Toronto goons who took him on the Cherry Beach Express. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]The Toronto Police force has also had a steady stream of corruption problems, accusations and officers charged for various criminal offences. The force has serious ethical and criminal problems and needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Following are the lyrics to a song about the practice which got a lot of airplay on Toronto radio in 1984. Needless to say the Police tried to ban the song. One wonders how many members of the Pukka Orchestra ended up riding the Cherry Beach Express.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Police in Saskatchewan have been dumping undesirables in mid winter out side town where they can freeze to death. No doubt other police forces have their own versions of the Cherry Beach Express.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Is this is a factor in the huge number of false convictions occurring in Canada?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][SIZE=+1]Cherry Beach Express
Pukka Orchestra

[SIZE=-1]I've got a bone to pick with you
not so friendly boys in blue
you come out of the station
and into the street
and everybody beats
a hasty retreat

[SIZE=-1] Well it was late one Friday
I'm a little bit wrecked
you're on your way to serve and protect
you buzz out of a cruiser
like bees from a hive
and ask me if I want to
go for a drive

[SIZE=-1] go for a drive?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] That's why I'm riding on
the Cherry Beach Express
my ribs are broken
and my face is in a mess
and I made all my statements
under duress

[SIZE=-1] 52 Division
handcuffed to a chair
I'm joining the lineup
to fall down the stairs
I tell you I'm innocent
I try to explain
we're just making sure
you don't do it again

[SIZE=-1] do what again?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] That's why you're riding on
the Cherry Beach Express
your ribs are broken
and your face is in a mess
and we strongly suggest you confess!

[SIZE=-1] I confess I'm mystified
by the way you're occupied
I confess I'm horrified
why are you so terrified?
does the pain get any less
if I confess



[SIZE=-1]Even the dummies in the NRPD figured out a phone book over the face doesn't leave any marks.
You mention the solution. Train from outside of the police ranks. Within a decade you would have a completely independent SIU. The entire SIU department should not report to the police at all but an independent civilian organization. Just takes time and money. Oh yeah, one thing to help the SIU regardless of who they are would be mandatory dash cameras on all police cruisers.

Please tell me how one would understand the inner-workings of the police while training "outside the police ranks".

The SIU reports to the Attorney General. What kind of "independent civilian organization" do you propose? How are members appointed to this civilian organization?
So, any updates on the rider??

Still have not arrested that guy yet? Its starting to look like he left the country.
This is where you say you were "just kidding" or "misunderstood". :confused1:

Or the third option, just laugh it off, knowing full well that if you're a cop, any charges against you of threatening will probably get swept under the Blue Carpet. Or if by chance one did manage to find a higher up to follow through on one's complaint, that person would get charged with misconduct by his superior officer.


At the centre of the fray are Insp. Alison Jevons and Supt. Ken MacDonald. In 2005, both were involved in an internal probe against Det. Staff Sgt. Mark Zulinski.

Zulinski faced allegations he hadn't properly investigated a domestic dispute involving an OPP sergeant, in which the officer smashed his ex-wife's car with a baseball bat. Jevons and MacDonald were charged with neglect of duty in their treatment of that investigation

Shall we keep going Smoke, or are you going to keep insisting that ALL cops are infallible, and anyone who disagrees with your assumed defacto opinion lacks intelligence?

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The "wanna fight" comment was in fact in jest to the post I quoted with regards to it. But if that's the best ya got, so be it.

Furthermore, saying "you wanna fight" to anyone, anytime, any place is not even remotely close to a threat. Don't know if you know that or not, but please try again.

Please keep going, I find it amusing...

I have never once said all cops are infallible, must less insisted it. But if you say so, please show it.
So, any updates on the rider??

Still have not arrested that guy yet? Its starting to look like he left the country.

He may have but even leaving the country is something they will be able to track and cross reference. And really, how many people could just up and leave the country??? So many things to consider. And you would be pointing the finger at yourself in a huge way.

As I previously mentioned, SIU silences most of what the police can say, while they are investigating. However, when caught the rider will be held in custody and as such, it will be in the media very quickly.

No doubt, it will be a tough case to crack and prove, but I would imagine they have a whole lot more info then they would release even if they were able. It's called "holdback" information.

And it would take a very twisted personality to live with that ordeal on your plate your whole life.
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