When does riding season officially start in Ontario?

For me even though it is a s--t (Blue Mountain) ski season still in ski mode.Bike is still in crate.As others here have said when they are ready.
You'll never get a definitive answer. Some people have heated gear and ride later into the 'season' and start up again earlier than the others. Some ride all year around given the chance and decent weather, as long as they have the gear for it and the roads are clear. Me - with the weather this winter, I never even pulled the battery. I was out Christmas Eve (day) and a bunch more times throughout the Winter...but that's not the 'norm' for me either *shrugs*
Is it based on temperature, a consecutive run of temperature, or is it a fixed date? I'm working on an article, and was wondering what the general populace thinks?

July 13th is the official start of riding season in the daylight savings regions. It's one day later in the southern states. It should say this in your motorcycle rules handbook?
Rode for most of the week. Noticed a London Motorcycle Cop had a young fella pulled over in his slammed Civic today. IMO, when the police are out on two wheels, the season has officially begun.
Rode all week...thought I was late gettin it back out.
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