When does riding season officially start in Ontario?

may for me, but i end mine around november
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With all the bikes I've seen on the streets this year, I would say it's still going from 2011...
i think most people ride when the weather is above 14C. there is no "official" time

in before "i ride all year circle:jerk:"
I *think* the default is weather in the double digits (or close to), with a consecutive run that extends into the weeks (not days). Pretty sure that's when you see most bikes flock to the roads, potholes/sand/gravel be damned.

This of course doesn't apply to the hardcore element that ride all year round, based on personal beliefs or due to necessity e.g. lack of other vehicle.

P.S. The above is completely subjective, and based on perception alone (i.e. no scientific validity whatsoever).
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Living north of the GTA.. where much more salt and brine gets thrown down on the roads... I wait until the temps have been plus side of zero for several days with lots of rain. As soon as it dries off and is above 0 after these conditions, the bike is out.

Need to wait until all that salt and crap is off the road so your bike doesn't degrade in a heart beat. Look at the bikes that get ridden year round in UK where salt is used. Exhausts, brakes and suspension bits rot right off them.
as soon as the salt is washed completely off the road, and when the temps are comfy enough to ride at speed without losing any feeling.
Although I'm sure there is an official season for it, for me it's whenever. I rode into January this year and will probably go out tomorrow as my official first ride of the season. It's scheduled to rain on Thu so I might even ride to work all weekend although it will depend on road conditions Fri morning. I usually prefer to wait till a good rain or two has washed away all the salt but there isn't that much of the crap left out there (around here anyway). Personally low temps don't really bother me, was out in temps of 21f and 25f a few times at the tail end of last season and was shocked to look down at the digital readout showing it that low when I felt fine. But I do have an aversion to icy roads when on 2 wheels.
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I will ride when ever.. I'm not fussy.. :) as long as the roads have no ice and snow on them..I'm good to go.
2 hours ago.

But I'm young without any back problems. I can understand old folks like The Road Warrior having back problems not riding much till it's nice and sunny (and above +20).
Started today. Saw a rider on a silver Suzuki in Pickering.
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