All I heard today was DT wants to ban Muslims from the country and for that he can never be el presidente. Then they played the clip on notoriously unreliable CNN and what he said was not exactly that. And so it goes.
I think this is just a game for The Donald and his buddies to see how much stupid **** he can say and keep moving up in the polls. I don't think he has any intention of finishing his bid for the presidency and he'll end up dropping out.
And if the American people vote him in (which I doubt) then they can have him and bring some entertainment to the rest of us.
And @inreb...keep the Polaks out of this! We want nothing to do with DT.
Look guys, The Donald will investigate Barry Obama, Hilary, Holder, and all the criminal turds and their immoral, unethical, illegal activities - and that's just his first day in office!
So obviously, he has to be stopped. He frightens the shreddies out of EVERYONE in the complacent establishment...
Which is why I like him. No bigger booster than me.
But lately he has been "un-Presidential" and that's putting it mildly.
All he had to do was be more calm. More Presidential.
But no - he's way over the top, out of control...
So I dunno.
I still say, the best thing for the country would be if they elect him - but not sure it's gonna happen anymore.
Shame... >shrugs<
This is great for Hillary and the democrats. The more of a circus Trump causes on the Republican side of things, the easier the victory will be for Hillary and the democrats.
Trump never said he would love to sleep with his daughter and politicians rarely give concrete plans. He's selling a flavour.
Some people are watching the Daily Show with Trevor Noah
He did say that but he added "If I wasn't married or her father" ... creepy
I looked for the quote when I read the post accusing him of saying that. Google brings it up when he was interviewed about the beauty pageants. It came across like he said his daughter is beautiful and if she were not his daughter he would date her. I see where people want to grasp at anything to discredit him, that's understandable. So would I be out of line if I said I'd like to date women that resemble my sisters in personality? If somebody turns that into more than what it is then it is more likely a reflection of their state of mind.
Daily Show I haven't watched in years.
Like his gardener and cook.He never said ALL Mexicans are rapists, he was just getting a point across about criminals coming into the country. He also said some of them are good people.