What's with Donald Trump?


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I must first admit that I've never liked the guy, even before he went bankrupt.
He seemed very good at turning other people's money into his, but not much else.

Anyway, did he have a stroke or something, that altered his thought patterns?
I would like to help you but all I know about The Donald I learned from mainstream media which is notoriously unreliable. Sorry.
He's saying what a definite portion of the US population (at least on the republican side) want to hear. Like all politicians before and after him, he's saying things that will give him the best chance at getting elected, whether he believes what he is saying or not.
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He is allowing for the racism in the underbelly of US to show.
He has become the voice of a huge portion of Americans who are all thinking the same thoughts but couldnt say it.
Maybe so but in the process, he's proceeding to destroy the concept of "political correctness" and that may not be a bad thing.
He is allowing for the racism in the underbelly of US to show.
He has become the voice of a huge portion of Americans who are all thinking the same thoughts but couldnt say it.

Really? I haven't seen that but I only watch CNN. I think he wants to shore up the leaky border and other illegal persons nonsense. That's not racism.
Maybe so but in the process, he's proceeding to destroy the concept of "political correctness" and that may not be a bad thing.
Couldnt agree more.
We live in a society with a socalled "freedom of speech". But only as long as it passes the pre-determined PC test! The hell kina free speech is that?!
Just watch/listen to CBC for a few days in a row and youll see exactly what i mean.
Really? I haven't seen that but I only watch CNN. I think he wants to shore up the leaky border and other illegal persons nonsense. That's not racism.
Saying all Mexicans are rapists is not racism? Then we have very different definitions of what the word 'racism' has.
Really? I haven't seen that but I only watch CNN. I think he wants to shore up the leaky border and other illegal persons nonsense. That's not racism.

I've watched some of his speeches and I agree, he's not being racist he is just trying to keep illegals out of the country.
Saying all Mexicans are rapists is not racism? Then we have very different definitions of what the word 'racism' has.

He never said ALL Mexicans are rapists, he was just getting a point across about criminals coming into the country. He also said some of them are good people.
Saying all Mexicans are rapists is not racism? Then we have very different definitions of what the word 'racism' has.

The Donald, by all mainstream media appearances, appears to say outrageous things to keep the spotlight on himself but even he would not stoop to saying exactly that. At least I haven't heard him not say it. Please discuss and argue in a manner more reflective of your intellect. Thanks kindly.
He never said ALL Mexicans are rapists, he was just getting a point across about criminals coming into the country. He also said some of them are good people.

He literally said "theyre sending rapists and SOME, i assume are good people"
So mostly rapists and drusg dealers and SOME (minority) he assumes are good people.
To me tat sounds like theyre mostly criminals and a few are good people.
He didnt say theyre good people and SOME are criminals. That wouldve made sense but thats the opposite of what he said
He literally said "theyre sending rapists and SOME, i assume are good people"
So mostly rapists and drusg dealers and SOME (minority) he assumes are good people.
To me tat sounds like theyre mostly criminals and a few are good people.
He didnt say theyre good people and SOME are criminals. That wouldve made sense but thats the opposite of what he said

OK, now when push comes to shove, you're changing your story. So you're really doing the same as Donald Trump. Are you going for the spotlight?
OK, now when push comes to shove, you're changing your story. So you're really doing the same as Donald Trump. Are you going for the spotlight?
Changing what story? He called Mexicans rapists and criminals (with 'some' good ones). What part of the story was changed?
Those are absurdly racist comments about Mexican people.
And for the record, im not Mexican, Muslim or of Arabic/Latin descent.
here is him in all his racist glory

Saying all Mexicans are rapists is not racism?

He literally said "theyre sending rapists and SOME, i assume are good people"
So mostly rapists and drusg dealers and SOME (minority) he assumes are good people.
To me tat sounds like theyre mostly criminals and a few are good people.

Changing what story? He called Mexicans rapists and criminals (with 'some' good ones). What part of the story was changed?

There's a huge but subtle difference between all and not all. Tweaking what you know to be true to bolster your point and admitting it when challenged is not the GTAM way. Please try again.
Trump does not believe half the stuff he talks about but he understands how half of Americas think and specially how the republican base.
All these comments are designed to get him the Republican nomination and keep himself on top of the poles. HIs tone will change once he is the republican nominee. Remember he is not an elected official like most of the other candidates, he does not have to answer back to anyone so he is going to do and say whatever he needs and he is playing on the racism and scandal that Americans have and like.

Now, let's make sure everyone understands that I am not defending him whatsoever, just bringing my point of view, I think republicans are the scum of the earth (not all obviously) but most.

I must first admit that I've never liked the guy, even before he went bankrupt.
He seemed very good at turning other people's money into his, but not much else.

Anyway, did he have a stroke or something, that altered his thought patterns?
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here is him in all his racist glory


He never said a racist thing in that video. All he said is the Mexican Government isn't sending their best people, they're sending criminals, rapists and probably some good people. That doesn't mean all Mexicans are mostly Criminals and Rapists. He was just talking about the immigrants, not the entire Mexican population.
There's a huge but subtle difference between all and not all. Tweaking what you know to be true to bolster your point and admitting it when challenged is not the GTAM way. Please try again.

Dude what are you talking about?!

It's simple. he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. Thats racist. Now it doesn't matter if he said all of them or most of them are rapists. Its still racist. Youre so hung up on the details of whether he said 100% or 90% that youre missing the point.

If you wanna dwell in nuances, go ahead. The main point remains. He is racist and the video is right up there.

Cant be more clear than that.
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