What's with Donald Trump?

Dude what are you talking about?!

It's simple. he called Mexicans rapists and criminals. Thats racist. Now it doesn't matter if he said all of them or most of them are rapists. Its still racist. Youre so hung up on the details of whether he said 100% or 90% that youre missing the point.

If you wanna dwell in nuances, go ahead. The main point remains. He is racist and the video is right up there.

Cant be more clear than that.

I don't care what Donald Trump said, I care what you said. You're the one bringing the argument. And just so you know, I'm not from Poland or New Zealand.
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He never said a racist thing in that video. All he said is the Mexican Government isn't sending their best people, they're sending criminals, rapists and probably some good people. That doesn't mean all Mexicans are mostly Criminals and Rapists. He was just talking about the immigrants, not the entire Mexican population.

By the way, the Mexican government is NOT actually "Sending" people to the US. You might want to understand the topic a little better before looking even more foolish.

Inreb, stop trolling lol, Hilarious.
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I don't care what Donald Trump said, I care what you said. You're the one bringing the argument.
Im arguing about what he said. How can those be separated? lol

i said what he said is racist and i still say it is racist.

To call an entire ethnicity or most of them rapists and criminals, is rapist. I cant see how anyone would think otherwise but of course we are entitled to our own opinions.

There are still KKK cells in the U.S so cant win them all.
By the way, the Mexican government is NOT actually "Sending" people to the US. You might want to understand the topic a little better before looking foolish.

I'm not saying the Mexican Government is sending people, I'm saying what Trump has said. I'm by no means trying to support Trump.

Unless 90-100% of all Mexicans are immigrating to the United States which would mean no one is living in mexico, your argument is invalid as he was only speaking about the immigrating population.
I'm not saying the Mexican Government is sending people, I'm saying what Trump has said. I'm by no means trying to support Trump.

Unless 90-100% of all Mexicans are immigrating to the United States which would mean no one is living in mexico, your argument is invalid as he was only speaking about the immigrating population.

Ok fair enough.But he IS saying that majority of Mexicans in the US are rapists and criminals. Do you agree with that statement?
Im arguing about what he said. How can those be separated? lol

We've already established Trump didn't say what you said he said. If you want to back pedal I'm willing to reconsider your place at the table but will watch you like a hawk.
Ok fair enough.But he IS saying that majority of Mexicans in the US are rapists and criminals. Do you agree with that statement?

That depends if he was talking about all Mexican Immigrants that have come to the US or just the more recent years. If you have any more information to share on this topic I would be happy to read it. But as of right now I can't say if I agree with that statement or not.
That depends if he was talking about all Mexican Immigrants that have come to the US or just the more recent years. If you have any more information to share on this topic I would be happy to read it. But as of right now I can't say if I agree with that statement or not.

Ok now youre stalling. Watch the vide. he is talking about Mexicans in the US and he clearly says they are rapists and criminals. But he also assumes 'some' are good people.

It's honestly very clear. Just watch it again
Ok now youre stalling. Watch the vide. he is talking about Mexicans in the US and he clearly says they are rapists and criminals. But he also assumes 'some' are good people.

It's honestly very clear. Just watch it again

I don't want to come in on either side as being for or against your point... but I do want to say Trumps comments are about the ILLEGAL immigrants. Racist or not
IMHO, I think he's dug himself a bit of a hole.

I don't think he ever wanted to be president. Its all about self promotion.

Now he keeps coming out with these statements that are more and more ludicrous, but are resonating with a particular demographic. He may get himself elected by accident.

He will eventually pull out
IMHO, I think he's dug himself a bit of a hole.

He will eventually pull out

I'd like to think you're right but I think his head is getting so inflated by all this attention that he might not realize exactly the level of buffoonery he's reached, and actually stick with it.

We we can only hope that this clown goes down in a ball of flames if he ever makes it to the final ballot box. I can't possibly imagine that the majority of the American people would be so foolish as to elect him when push comes to shove.
Now he keeps coming out with these statements that are more and more ludicrous, but are resonating with a particular demographic. He may get himself elected by accident.

Sounds like a Hollywood movie plot. Somebody call Sony Pictures!
IMHO, I think he's dug himself a bit of a hole.

I don't think he ever wanted to be president. Its all about self promotion.

Now he keeps coming out with these statements that are more and more ludicrous, but are resonating with a particular demographic. He may get himself elected by accident.

He will eventually pull out

His father should have pulled out.
OP created a thread to draw out the racists on gtam. Nicely done.
Could you point out who and what they said? I am not sure we are reading the same thread.
Archie Bunker was a character on TV. Oh wait, never mind.
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