What's The Craziest Thing You've Ever Done On A Motorcycle?


Try not to bash other's stories, as they're their stories to tell and exciting to them on their own level.

Me: Got a little carried away one day on a secret road, > 230 KPH over a hill and the bike took two feet of air (front and back wheel). I was flying - literally. Scared me a bit, but the adrenaline was pumping. On the way home I passed the Brampton Flying Club and as I was riding McLaughlin, a plane was racing me into his landing. It was ominous. Perhaps I should get my pilots license!

nice try popo...not falling for it...and please don't try to build an interface out of vb to track my ip...

Don't be ridiculous. I ride with cops...they could care less what's written on forums. If you think they have the resources to track your IP, submit a case to the crown based on zero evidence and here-say then you're paranoid. Even with YouTube videos they won't/can't touch you. The only way the popo can prosecute you on a motorcycle is to catch you breaking the law on your motorcycle and even then they have to place you on the bike.
Not much lately but in the late 60s early 70s when bikes like the 305 Hawk could scramble off road and handle highways nicely.

Caught a LOT of air with a passenger on over one of those weird short bridges that are flat on top - I had no intention of it but was just motoring along perhaps 50 mph which is quite sufficient given the ramp the damn bridge presents.....still recall wondering what going to happen as we cleared the entire top and landed on the downslope....bike handled it very well - passenger never even noticed....Really cool floating feeling while in the air....long enough to worry about coming down but the downslope was perfect for a low impact touch down.
No way I'd actually tackle that as a jump on purpose tho they do it all the time on the moto-crossers and much higher.
I'm sure they've torn all those steep bridges down now :(

Similar stupid air stunt unplanned - coming up a dirt trail rather too fast realized there was a road and a car coming - no way to stop and just launched over the road to the other side - car was not all that close but must have startled the hell out him. No idea what was across the road but since I'm still here could not have been too traumatic.

For sheer stupid tho..Yamaha 250 twin street bike no shirt shoes or helmet ( legally then ) just shorts and pair of sunglasses were it - St. Catherines to Fort Erie at 60-70 mph likely slightly drunk......very hot day.
Went 210 with left hand holding my iphone recording the run.

yeah.. very dumb.
a few runs I have done could be considered crazy... Never over the speed limit of course and never ran from cops neither
I was on the BRP this past summer just putting along when I looked in the mirrors to see a couple of old GS's behind me. So I hammered down for a few moments only to find them right on my a*s. Ok I thought, so I really tried to open her up. But all I could do is pull away in the straights, I was scraping on literally every turn and these guys stayed right with me. It was the most exhilarating 30 min I've ever had on the bike, ever. I was thinking who are these young punks, so we all pull over at one of the lookouts. They take off their helmets and their both in their 50's. I just shook my head and laughed, good for you I hope to still be riding like this in my 50's, I said.

The scary thing was when I got home from the trip a few days later, I discovered about a 6" gash in the middle of the rear that had worn to the steel belt. Of course I told my wife that it was the last 1300km or so after the BRP that caused that. But am thankful my day didn't end differently on that road, not exactly a friendly place to have a blow out.

Incidentally I had just parted ways the day before with a couple of friends who kept heading south to FL and then across the rest of the US. That same day my friend had a blow out of his rear tire on the highway doing about 60mph, he was able to come to a complete stop…on his goldwing! Even now I find the whole thing quite strange, I had the gash, he had the blow out, go figure.
Did about 100kph up a hill 2up, just for the purpose of hitting the huge bumps at the top which resulted in the 2upper 1ft off the seat + bike 1ft in the air :D
accelerate from 100-207kph on 4xx hwy tonight. it was my first time going at such speed and the wind drag was really strong. I can imagine if I slip I will die instantly. most craziest thing I have done.
I went down what my brother claimed was a trail on his bike.
Riding my Daytona through what I thought was an inch of standing water. It turned out to be about a couple feet ... I rode it out but holy crap, lol. Taking it at about 50kph turned the bike into a submarine.
There's a big long dirt road sweeper on one of the ways home from work. I can neither confirm, nor deny, that I've drifted the Kat round that corner numerous times.

Craziest thing I've ever done, was paying for insurance this year. The only time I rode was from winter storage in the barn, to the end of the road (100') and back to the garage, where it's sat all summer. The wife's bike hasn't even moved since last fall. didn't pay insurance on that one though.
I chased a snow plow down the street last Winter.. good fun!
Don't be ridiculous. I ride with cops...they could care less what's written on forums. If you think they have the resources to track your IP, submit a case to the crown based on zero evidence and here-say then you're paranoid. Even with YouTube videos they won't/can't touch you. The only way the popo can prosecute you on a motorcycle is to catch you breaking the law on your motorcycle and even then they have to place you on the bike.

oh really...so you say videos posted online of people doing silly things on bikes has NEVER been used in court?...albeit, anything i post on here, no one would care...you'll see the humour eventually...
When I started street riding I did all kinds of stuff where Darwin shoulda got me....but I won't get into that. How about recent "crazy"? Not gonna talk about stuff where I was likely near death, but more "What were you tthinking?" kinda stuff.........

16 miles of hilly muddy and rock strewn single track in the Smoky Mountains...and a bunch of river crossings full of baby-head sized boulders, with a few knee deep muddy bogs to add some fun.....on a GSXR1000...wearing full leathers in 32 degree summer heat.....drinking from creeks by the end of it,LOL

In my defense, GArmin said it was a shortcut.

When I plan routes via software , on roads I have never ridden before, you never know where you'll end up! LMAO
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